Customer Data Mgmt
Discussion List
How can I set up a way to limit what products customers can purchase (or even see)?I sell to over 50 customers consistently. I have 6 brands internally that I sell to these customers and each brand has the products segmented into Finished Goods or Serv…
How to Merge Organization Party manually in CDM.Summary: Unable to Merge Organization Party manually in CDM. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, i…
Is it possible to change the displayed Fields in the window "Possible Duplicates"?Hello Oracle Cloud Customer Connect Community Our customer has requested that different fields be displayed when a duplication is identified for Contacts/Accounts. For e…
Is there a scheduled process that autogenerates the D&B hierarchy in Oracle CX?Summary: Is there a scheduled process that generates Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) hierarchy based on Global Duns, Parent Duns and Duns Numbers on accountss? Content (please en…
Customer related document sequencesSummary: Can't find where the cache value of customer related document sequences is using in the system. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): F…
Are there any Table that stores load errors and messagesHi Team, We want to know that, are there any tables in Oracle that stores load errors and messages. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Anu…
How to enable multiple Phone Numbers for the Duplicate CheckHello, We are currently using four different phone numbers in the Sales Cloud for contacts. Our customer has requested that all two of these phone numbers be included in…
Geocoding Clarification on ReferenceHi Team, Wanted to know how geocoding job populates latitude and longitude in the backend. We have seen this during our review that geocoding is populating latitude and …
Sales - CRM Resource is showing value of 'not found' in the Hierarchy Level.Summary I had some changes to use the new role as the resource role and with that there is a change in the Organization field. After that, the Sales - CRM Resource which…Cristelle Rose Sampang 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for Sales
How can I create rules to merge prospects and customers using CDM?Summary: How to combine rules to merge customers type ZCA_CUSTOMER or ZCA_PROSPECT Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have two scenarios fo…
Is it possible to restrict the CDM Custom fields being accessible from Manage Customers page?Summary: After implemented CDM , we were able to view and update the CDM Custom fields from the Manage Customers page and Manage Supplier's page. Is there any possible s…Ravi Prakash Reddy M 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Praveen Desetty - Support-Oracle Sales
You can't create, update, or delete the home address because you don't have permission. (HZ-120789)Hello community, Some users are experiencing this error, they cannot create addresses within contacts. The Geography Validation Level for Country option was reviewed and…SUUM Technologies 24 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Praveen Desetty - Support-Oracle Sales
Way to Bulk Reject Merge RequestHi Team, We have a requirement from business to reject merge request in bulk. Is there any way to achieve this in CDM. Any help relevant to above is appreciated. Thanks,…
Need Duplication identification User Batches Created for Action table details in Oracle CDMNeed Duplication identification User Batches Created for Action table details in Oracle CDM
Understand how Oracle is handling Special Characters and Non-english CharactersHello, We want to know how oracle is handling special characters and non-english characters. Also how these special characters and non-english characters are being store…
How to limit global search results for specific Party usages - Sales CloudSummary: Limit global search results for specific Party usage records Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have a requirement to not lis…
Can you please let us know the Purge process on audit backend tablesSummary: Hello Team, We enabled few attributes for auditing using 'Manage Audit Policies' task. Now in the Audit tables we can see that history is been stored for all th…Harshini Amancha 54 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Carmen, User Assistance Oracle CX-Oracle Sales
How long does the history data gets stored in the CDM Audit tables?Can you please let us know how long does the data will be available in the audit tables. for example in HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES_ how long history is stored ? Does data …Harshini Amancha 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Carmen, User Assistance Oracle CX-Oracle Sales
HZ_LOCATIONS_ Audit table is not storing the cleansed address after loqate jobHello team, After running the loqate job the cleansed address is stored in HZ_LOCATIONS table but the same updates are not reflecting in HZ_LOCATIONS_ table even after e…
Data not inserted in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS & HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLESSummary: Hello I am creating a report using data model to get contacts for accounts in sales fusion application. But when i create an account from sales→Account tab and …
Can we have account merge feature enabled in Redwood account list page?Summary: Can we have account merge feature enabled in Redwood? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are completely live with redwood UI and …
Can we update multiselect field through groovy when we are merging accountsSummary: When merging accounts, we need to update the multi-select custom field for the survivor account using Groovy scripting to store the values from both the merging…
Key Generation job is stuck with canceling statusHi Team, Key generation job has been stuck with Canceling status. Could you please help me how can i move this job to cancelled status so that i can trigger a new genera…
CDM Merge Request got rejected due to open orders against the master account ?Hello, I'm using CDM to deduplicate some accounts, I'm currently merging 2 accounts 1 customer and 1 prospect, I'm selecting the Customer account as master, but my merge…
how to merge custom field values during account merge?Summary: how to merge custom field values during account merge? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Client has few custom multiselect DCL fiel…
AR customer creation in Oracle ERP Cloud via APIsSummary: Creation of AR customers in Oracle ERP cloud involves using the CRM Rest APIs for Contacts & Accounts or Hub Persons & Hub Organizations and the CRM SOAP web se…
How to purge data from HZ_IMP_ERRORS table in Oracle fusion Customer ImportSummary: We are able to purge the customer upload interface table using 'Purge Interface Tables' ESS job by passing the load request id and Import Process as 'Import Tra…
How to upload bulk customer data through soap payload into fusionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to reflect the Account's address in Account level for CRM-REST API?Hello everyone, I currently have an issue with data import for address details in account level. Scenario: The address is exisitng in Address level but are null in Accou…Ivony Ann Paula Salango 42 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Jacqueline Li-Support-Oracle Sales
CDM 25A Patch Upgrade clarificationSummary: As per the CDM Release notes we don't see any updates under CDM section. Release notes:…