Lead Management
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How to change email address, on object workflow Notification?What "From Address" means?Summary: What "From Address"(Go to Navigator > Common Setup: Object Workflow> Object> Sales Lead> select a lead > edit -> select email notification) means? How to change…Liliana Filip-Support-Oracle 183 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Liliana Filip-Support-Oracle Sales
Is there any standard integration between Oracle Sales Cloud and Oracle Project Portfolio managementSummary Can an opportunity with "WON" status Oracle Sales Cloud trigger the creation of a project in Oracle Project Portfolio management?Content Can an opportunity with …User_2025-02-06-00-52-52-908 67 views 7 comments 3 points Most recent by Kirish Kumar Venkatesan Sales
Why Expected Close Date field it is not working if we use the Operators "Since" or "Until"?Summary: The Expected Close Date field it is not working if we use the Operators "Since" or "Until". Content (required): While creating(editing) a Routine Rule for Oppor…Liliana Filip-Support-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Liliana Filip-Support-Oracle Sales
Early Adopter Beta access to AI for Sales features AI Lead scoring and Opportunity Win ProbabilitySummary Instructions to request for Early Adopter Beta access to AI for Sales features AI Predictive Lead Scoring, Opportunity Predicted Win probability and Recommended …
What is the PVO for Manage Customer that I can use from Sales Cloud?Summary I need to get a value of attribute from Customer Account. The default sales person.Content Sales Person details are stored in DFF fields in Customer Account. I n…
Early Adopter access to Sales Insights for CX SalesSummary Instructions to request for Early Adopter access (Promo Code) to Sales Insights features e.g. Activity Effectiveness, Contact Validation for Opportunity and Lead…
How To Add New Custom Field in Lead Assignment ConditionSummary: I have created a new field in the Lead Object that I want to use in a condition of a Lead Assignment rule. I've added that field in the task Manage Sales Lead A…
Default LeadsHi, When I open the leads landing page it opens with the list as My Open Leads but how could I default to Default Leads
How to run the Lead Territory Assignment process automaticallySummary: Currently when a Lead record is created we are running the Lead Territory assignment process manually. The business case scenario is when a record gets created …
Win/Loss Reason fieldHi, Win/Loss reason field is available in layout but not getting displayed in the opportunity page Opportunity page
Qualified lead should not change back to unqualified statusHi All, I have requirement like Once the Lead is changed to Qualified Status again user should not change/revert back to unqualified status. Or the Unqualified status bu…
Complimentary Data Health ScanYou need clear visibility into your prospects and customers for your sales and marketing initiatives to hit the mark. But what if the data driving those programs is inac…
How to unassign inactive users from leads and opportunities automaticallySummary: Once the user become 'Inactive' under User and Roles, we would need to assign user manager to existing open leads and opportunities. Currently, if user become i…
how to export all custom lookups defined in application using export managementSummary how to export all custom lookups defined in applicationContent Hi All, Is there any way to export all custom lookups defined in application through export manage…
How to run territory assignment job with multiple view criteria parametersSummary Multiple view criteria in opportunity territory assignmentContent Hello Experts, While scheduling the territory assignment ESS job, we have requirement to schedu…
Partner territory re assignment is not workingSummary Partner centric, Channel sales manager territory assignment is not workingContent Hi All, When an primary partner field updated in opportunity, the territory re …
Partner territory assignment to opportunitySummary If i create a opportunity 1st and associate partner afte that will the the partner territory assigned to opprtunityContent HI All, 1. if i create a opportunity f…
Sales Lead object function callable by external systems to get number of related activitiesContent We have a requirement to create a Sales Lead object function to get the number of related activities. If the age of the lead is 45 days old or more && the number…
Can we assign Territories to Leads during create and update and for Opportunities while update autoSummary Can we assign Territories to Leads during create and update and for Opportunities while update automatically with any profile optionsContent Hi Team, We want to …
What is the best practice for Sales Cloud and Eloqua Lead Sync?Content Hey All, Just to give you a background. We have Eloqua and Sales cloud tool that we are implementing for a client. Contact is created in Eloqua via landing pages…
Will the accout owner/team member will get default visibilty to account opportunitiesSummary Is it possible to see opportunities on landing page where the user is owner of accountsContent Hi All, There is a owner and few team members associated to an acc…
How To Assign New Owner In Sales Lead Using Groovy ScriptContent Hi, I am trying to develop a way to reassign a lead back to its previous owner when the current assigned owner rejects the assignment. However, on the part of se…
Parent Account in Leads ObjectContent Hi, I need to get the Party Number of the Parent Account from Leads Object in a field trigger to set a value for a custom lead field. Used the API Name "ParentAc…
How To Get Sales Lead Custom Field Show Up As Attribute In Lead Assignment ConditionContent Hi, I just created a new text formula field and I want it to use as a condition in a Sales Lead Assignment Rule. It doesn't show there currently and my question …
How to Roll up Leads of Child Account to its Parent AccountContent We only allow child accounts to be linked/associated with leads, but we also have parent accounts. Can we roll up the Leads of a Child Account to its Parent Acco…
Feature Friday: Smart ListsContent Wouldn't it be so much easier if sales reps could just automatically see a list of their most relevant accounts, opportunities and activities, rather than waste …Michelle Brusyo-Oracle 35 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Kayleigh Halko - Oracle-Oracle Sales
What are the performance issues faced when activating Audit Policies?Content Hi, We are planning to activate audit policies for Sales Lead object since we're facing an issue where they are being retired abruptly for no known reason. I jus…
Opportunity Assessments - AnalisysSummary Opportunity Assessment template - AnalisysContent Hi all, I need to create an analysis in OTBI where it shows by Opportunity the values entered in the assessment…
Best Practice for scheduling lead assignment process (frequency)Content Hi, Is there a best practice (for frequency) in scheduling Lead Assignment process to avoid affecting performance? What is the least/minimum frequency acceptable…
Highlight Lead Expiration DateSummary Highlight Lead Expiration Date on landing pageContent Hi all, On the Lead landing page, is there a way to highlight Leads that are about to expire and by lead st…