HCM Skill
Discussion List
textReceived Action property not workingSummary: Hi I am using textReceivedAction :"intent" , but its still showing the same, Required to call the intent for passed message Content (please ensure you mask any …
ODA unable to find employee with special character in name (E.g : Christophe Verchère)Summary: Hello Team, We are implementing for more than 40 countries and some country employees have some special characters in it. When we try to fetch such employee in …
I am getting no response in the chat widget ODA.Summary: Configuration steps: Enabled the Profile. Created the needed ODA role (with ODA privilege) & added to custom employee role. Pulled latest FADIgitalAssistant in …
Hi, any idea why some system messages don't show in the conversation logs in Analytics?Summary: The 'intent menu' (the menu that shows for a user when their utterance can apply to multiple intents) doesn't seem to get captured in conversation logs at the s…
Oracle Digital Assistant - Transcript for conversationsSummary: Can you please let me know if transcripts are available for the conversations occurred during a session through Oracle Digital Assistant? How this functionality…Claudia Gregorio 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Digital Assistant
What are the uses of "Annotations" and "Auto-Complete Suggestions" in Skill IntentsSummary: What are the uses of "Annotations" and "Auto-Complete Suggestions" in Skill Intents Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (incl…
Example Utterances Not Working on First TrySummary: When using the Expense Skill in ODA, the Example Utterance "Upload a receipt (recommended)" does not work. This is the delivered recommended utterance for the a…
Is there a way to monitor user inactiveness and display a feedback prompt at the end of journey?Summary: Hi All, Is there a way to monitor user inactiveness and display a prompt at the end of the journey asking for feedback from the user. For example: If the user h…Saravanan Gangadharan 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anupama Patil-Oracle Digital Assistant
Skill assistant for talent management is a part of digital assistant license or Dynamic Skills ?Summary: Hi Team, What are the capabilities of talent and performance management skill assistant within DA. Is it covered in DA License ? or its a part of Dynamic skills…
I want the detailed steps to implement Oracle HCM Digital AssistanceI want the detailed steps to implement Oracle HCM Digital AssistanceMohammad Abdelmalik 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohammad Abdelmalik Digital Assistant
How to disable the botSummary: Hi Team, May i know how to disable the enabled bot for an instance. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet…
When i opened a chat bot in Candidate Experience Site facing "Sorry, the assistant is unavailable."Summary: In Candidate Experience Site , When i opened a chat bot i'm facing facing "Sorry, the assistant is unavailable right now. If the issue persists, contact your he…Dharma88 226 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle Digital Assistant
Expose all properties of web-sdk in HCM Experience Design StudioSummary: There are many use cases where customers need to personalize the appearance and functionality of the chat widget in HCM. From simple things like changing the ic…
Deep Link in Oracle digital assistant is showing blank windowSummary: When I ask the chatbot to 'Show my onboarding task,' it displays the deep link, but the window that opens when I click on it is blank.
Digital assistance learning.Summary: Hi Team, I want to learn about digital assistance, do we have any documents and videos where I can learn from scratch. Thank you Content (required): Version (in…
Need All skill level changes document in FAD Digital assistant version 23.10.09Summary: Need All skill level changes document in FAD Digital assistant version 23.10.09 and older for each release Content (required): Version (include the version you …
HCMV2 skill is not available in skill storeHi Team, I am trying to pull the hcmv2 skill in the digital assistant store, but HCMV2 skill itself is not available in the store. Please provide the necessary steps to …
Auto Complete Suggestions for utterances are not appearing correctly in the Digital AssistantSummary: I have configured Auto Complete Suggestions for each of the Intents in Digital Assistant. But Auto Complete Suggestions are only working correctly when the user…Anshuman Chatterjee 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Digital Assistant
Using HCM extract and need to have custom alerts in Fusion applicationSummary: Please note that we are using HCM extract and sending custom alerts(email) related to Probation to employee and line manager for Business requires these custom …
Talent and Compensation SkillsHi Team, Any skills available related to talent profiles and compensation in oracle digital assistant. Regards, G Haritha
How do we get the intents in HCMV2 to return the correct job title?Summary: HCMv2 skill returns incorrect job title when asking questions such as "Who am I" Content (required): HCMv2 skill returns incorrect job title when asking questio…
HcmV2 Switching Job Name to Assignment NameSummary: This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers" Content (required): There is a requirement to consistently display th…Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 23 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Digital Assistant
Digital Assistant User roles zip fileSummary: Hi Team, Can any one please help me where i will get the Zip file to upload the roles of the Digital Assistant/ Can any one provide me the latest zip file. Than…
ODA SaaS vs PaaSSummary: ODA SaaS vs PaaS Content (required): Hello, Could you please let me know what kind of extension are allowed in SaaS version. for e.g. as part of extension Exten…
How to invoke a custom URL from Oracle digital assistantHi , I am trying to open a custom URL within ODA as per user response. Is it possible to handle this on user response. Thanks Dev
Build flow to check if resource bundle key exsistsSummary: Hello Team, We have built a skill which will provide response based on resource bundle key present and it fails into oops error when the key does not exsist. So…
HCM V2 absence balanceSummary: Hi Team, I have posted the HCM V2 skills in Digital Assistant channel. For testing , I have logged in as an employee and try to add absence for two days. After …
Use Chat for HCMSummary This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers" Content Use the HCM Assistant to make inquiries, navigate, and view ta…Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 2.1K views 12 comments 4 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Digital Assistant
How to access ODA through mobile (Android / iOS)Summary: We are looking forward to access ODA through mobile (Android / iOS). Any pointers on associated setups is highly appreciated. Content (required): Version (inclu…
Changing the default date used when view Absence BalancesSummary: We would like to update the default date used by the DA when responding with Absence Balance information to also use the Last Calculation Date instead of today'…