Compensation Other
Discussion List
Is it possible to attach a document or provide hyperlink to a document in worksheet?Summary Is it possible to attach a document or provide hyperlink to a document in worksheet?Content Is it possible to attach a document or provide hyperlink to a documen…
Upload attachment in compensation worksheetSummary How to attach files per employee in compensation worksheetContent Hi, In Workforce compensation worksheet, there is a feature allowing attachment per employee (c…User_2025-01-23-23-54-04-256 77 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
Changing Logo in the Total Comp StatementContent Has anyone managed to change the logo that appears in the upper left hand corner of the pdf version of the Total Compensation Statement? We'd like to change it t…
Is there an option to add more currencies to the summary tableSummary is there an option to add more currencies to the plan summary ot it is just in USDContent in compensation plan worksheet the user can control if the worksheet wi…User_2025-01-25-04-59-41-543 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
Compensation Reporting / DashboardSummary The UK Elements I want for report are not showing in ReportContent I am trying to run a report that will form a part of a Dashboard. I want to see the number of …
Salary basis - adding additional allowanceSummary I have a salary basis that I am adding an additional allowance to. Is it expected functionality that I would have to add a row on the manage salary page to be ab…User_2025-01-25-04-01-51-520 35 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-04-01-51-520 Compensation
Salary Review 2018 cycleContent Hi We are currently planning the Salary Review 2018 cycle which starts in June / July with salary/grade changes effective from 1st July. Letters to staff about s…
Compensation Worksheet Report is not pulling the updated data but in data model getting correct valuSummary Compensation Worksheet Report is not pulling the updated data but in data model getting correct valuesContent Hello Experts, Written a report on fetching Compens…Nagabhushanam Chappidi-77926 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-04-10-57-283 Compensation
Can we use Individual comp plan for employee expenses?Summary Can we use Individual comp plan for employee expenses?Content I have gone through the Individual comp plan and just wondering If we can use the same for one of o…
Alert - Manager's bonus is higher than the worker's bonusSummary Alert - Manager's bonus is higher than the worker's bonusContent Hi We have a requirement to configure an alert that must trigger when the manager's bonus is hig…
Multiple assignments in a comp planSummary Would like to see a compensation statement that pulls data from multiple assignmentsContent Hi, Has anyone out there created a compensation statement that pulls …User713035-Oracle 55 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-03-03-33-360 Compensation
Tower Watson codesContent Hi, My company is currently migrating to HCM Cloud. We are trying to determine the best possible way to handle the grades in HCM Cloud, given that we can have bo…User_2025-01-28-22-06-29-390 78 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Nancy Cunliffe Compensation
Compensation and Salary Change Begin date Option?Summary Be able to optionally set starting date rules for compensation and rate changesContent Hello I recently met with some clients and one idea they had (for a full s…
Base Compensation Features Vs Compensation Cloud ServiceSummary Is there document which mentions about the compensation features that comes as a part of Core HR license ??Content I want to know the Compensation features that …
Dynamic Column formulaContent Hey folks, Was talking to another customer at the CAB last week, and they mentioned that we might have some hidden functionality with Dynamic Columns. Does anyon…User_2025-01-22-18-30-18-571 86 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-22-18-30-18-571 Compensation
Customizing Review Salary Page Under My TeamSummary In the My Team page, after a manager changes the Salary we need to customize the review pageContent In My Team, managers can adjust a salary with approval workfl…
Posting Stock Award History on Ex-EmployeesSummary We would like to migrate stock awards on ex-employees, but aren't sure how to accomplish it.Content All: Prior to being in HCM Cloud full-on, we were in EBS and …User_2025-01-22-19-53-00-173 52 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Compensation
Prorating Merit Budget?Content Our practice is to prorate new hires during the merit process. For example, if our merit budget is 3% and an employee was hired on July 1, that employee would be…
Upload a Performance Rating with Excel into Comp WorksheetsContent We just implemented Oracle Fusion last fall, and so did not use the Oracle performance module for 2017 performance reviews (did an offline process instead). I ha…
Long Term Incentive plans - where do you have those in HCM?Summary Do you store LTI plans in manage individual compensation?Content Does anyone store LTI plans in manage individual compensation? If so, can security be set to onl…User_2025-01-25-04-01-51-520 97 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-19-53-00-173 Compensation
Exit Re-Entry visa request in HCMSummary Exit Re-Entry visa request in HCMContent Currently, we are working for one client from KSA and it's a general process of "Exit Re-Entry visa" which HR person req…
Ability to remove compensation train stop from MSS Change of Working Hours workflowContent Hello, I was just wondering if it is possible to remove the Compensation train stop from the Change Working Hours MSS workflow. As the Compensation train stop do…User_2025-01-25-01-47-09-998 35 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-47-09-998 Compensation
Map bonus target in Core HRContent Hello, we have to map on core hr the information on employee bonus target. I think to map it on an element. What do you experience in other implementation? Where…
How to show more than one input value in the Individual Compensation PlanSummary Only the primary input value is shown and not the other input valuesContent We have one element created (Classification as Standard Earnings) and assigned this t…
Fast Formula based on Manager field on the departmentContent Hello, We need to create an eligibility fast formula for performance management. We need to make eligible all the employees that are mapped in the manager field …
Comp Workbook audit trail Missing columnSummary Audit Trail report is not providing results for New Job Title ColumnContent Has anyone else run into this issue in their compensation module? We're auditing the …User_2025-01-25-00-55-58-693 40 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-05-29-57-003 Compensation
Change/update the budget pool amount?Content I have a question regarding budgets. We are using the Workforce Compensation module for the first time (implemented last fall), and all of the plans/worksheets w…
Summary Columns in Merit PlanContent We are using our Workforce Compensation module for the first time (implemented September 2017). I'm trying to update the Summary Columns on our merit plan. I can…
CUSTOMER POLL - What factors do you use to vary salary ranges or define salary range differentials?Summary What factors do you use to vary your salary ranges?Content Compensation product management is gathering requirements for a solution to support salary range diffe…
How can we display multiple input values for Individual Compensation PlansSummary Only one (primary input value) is displayed and the others are not displayed to the usersContent We have one element created (Classification as Standard Earnings…