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UDP datagrams are blocked when fragmented?Hi! — Oracle Ubuntu 24.04.1 on ARM free tier. The problem is that UDP works only when the datagram sent is small enough to fit without fragmenting. If it needs to fragme…
Mandatory Migration IssuesI received a mandatory migration warning for my CCI, so I promptly prepared for it. About 10 minutes, I tried to proactively start the migration, but the migration statu…
How can I resolve the issue of no capacity for shape VM.Standard.A1.Flex?Hi, I currently have a free tier account. I had an instance that I deleted due to some issues, but now, when I try to create a new 24GB memory 4 OCPU instance (which sho…
Ampere | Out of capacity | eu-frankfurt-1Hello, I've been trying to create "VM.Standard.A1.Flex" shape for a week now without any success. Regardless of the availability domain, all requests have failed with a …
Always Free instance disappeared..Hello, I was using 2 always free VPS. But they both disappeared. 1. Instance : 1 cpu 1 gb ram 2. Instance : 4 cpu 24 gb ram | Arm Compute They both disappeared in an ins…
System (?) has spontaneously terminated two of my VM.Standard.A1.Flex instances, Why?Dear all, Could any one help here? System has spontaneously terminated two of my Always Free VM.Standard.A1.Flex instances ? They were alive and working. I need those ba…
You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment.I had two VM instances in the always free tier and it worked fine. But suddenly I lost access to it and all the "free tier options". I get the message "You don’t have pe…
Terminated VM.Standard.A1.Flex instance due to issues, and now cannot recreate.So I have been using the free tier for a little over a year now and had access to a VM.Standard.A1.Flex. Recently I decided to restart it as it had been running non-stop…
DMCA infringement handling, content retrieval requestHi, I received a "DMCA infringement" and I guess it was because I was testing a program that I should have not used. How can I retrieve my instance back and delete the i…
Oracle VM unresponsive , restarting makes no effectHello, i have Oracle VM wich is unresponsive , restarting makes no effect and its not even connecting to the cloud console to make anykind of recovery. tried everything …
Free of charge instance still wants to charge meHi I have a "Free Tier Account" and I wanted to create today an Ampere instance of 2 cores and 12 gb that is free, and it won't let me. Currently, I have an instance Amp…
Abusive Activity Identified - Cant access Instances anymoreHello, i have revieved an E-Mail with the Message "Abusive Activity Identified". I am using the Free Tier and I am sure, that i didnt perform any of the listed Actions (…
Abusive Activity IdentifiedMy ARM instance has been stopped due to "Abusive Activity being identified" The instance run just hosts web applications. I've reviewed the network security policies and…
Limits, Quotas and Usage Out of capacity for shape VM.Standard.A1.Flex in availability domain AD-1.Opened a new account and was following the instructions for the first quick setup practice. I took the default AMD shape. I went as far as connecting ssh in the console …
Don't have permission to view my arm instance anymoreHello, I had an arm instance up and running and then no longer had permissions. I did not receive an email or anything as to why. I'm looking to get this fixed and permi…
Always free : Cannot create an Ampere compute instanceHi, I would like to create an Ampere instance 4core 24G of Ram, however It can't be possible because of limits. Or I have no products currently running on my account. Th…
Unable to create Ampere A1 instance on any availability domain in US-AshburnI'd like to create an Amepre A1 compute instance on an Always Free plan, but I am being told that availability for Ampere A1 is completely down. I've been stuck behind t…
Boot Volume has been frozen in provisioning statusMy cloud account has a boot volume still in provision status for more than 2 months ago with 150 GB , it looks like the boot volume state has been frozen and I cannot de…
(FIXED) Always free: cannot create Ampere compute instanceHello, I have been trying to create a Ampere instance with Ubuntu 20.04 on Ashburn servers. Every time I create an instance, it terminates immediately and says, "(400, L…
Cannot create 4CPU Ampere nodeHi, I'm on free tier (London) and I can't create a compute node using Ampere CPU. I have not used any of my quota for compute resources, so I can't understand what's wro…
How do I get my public key once the machine is made?Hello, I have been using a oracle cloud server for a while but only today I've had a connection issue where its no longer accepting the public key which I've been using …
Always Free: NO NETWORK after Upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ARM to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ARM.I upgraded yesterday from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I've done this several times and I'm quite knowledgeful on Linux, so should've an easy scenario.... Howev…
Can't SSH into new Ubuntu 22.04 LTS InstanceWith Oracle Cloud Free now offering Ubuntu 22.04 images, I decided to spin up a new Ubuntu 22.04 instance. The instance was created successfully with no errors in the Co…
Kernel PanicHi. I cant connect to my server anymore. In the serial connection it states a Kernel Panic. It ends with a ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops - BUG: Fatal excepti…
Serial console not working for A1.FlexI followed all of the instructions from in regards to enabling the serial connec…
I can't start my instanceHello, I can't start my instance what should I do Unable to start instance: Instance…
Issue with starting my VMHello, I m using an always free VM but I got this issue "Unable to start instance: Instance" and I have very important data within this VM. I want to know will I be able…
How to shutdown Linux compute instance that makes oracle cloud thinks that it shutted down?I am having a ARM based 2 OCPU and 12 GigB of RAM Oracle Linux 8.0 compute instance in my Oracle Cloud account. When I issue "shutdown now" command in this linux machine…
Can't run microk8s on Oracle Linux amperesudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.21/stable error: cannot perform the following tasks: - Run install hook of "microk8s" snap if present (run hook "install…