Autocomplete Tools
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Unable to edit termination in responsive UI after implementing autocomplete rules for final closeSummary: Hi There, We have recently implemented 22D feature- AutoComplete rules for final close on termination+90 days. However, after implementing, we are unable to edi…Priya1 87 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Priya1 HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to restrict Validation of Assignment DFF on Correct ModeSummary: We have a Validation Rule where we are validating the Assignment DFF based on Action/Action Reason but it is triggering when user is correcting a different fiel…Molly-Oracle 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Molly-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule on Quick convert Pending Worker Redwood pageSummary: Validation rule on Quick Convert Pending Worker is not working in redwood page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Object: W…Vijetha.Gurrapu 17 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule on Termination Redwood pageSummary: Validation rule on Termination Redwood page is not working Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Object: Worker Work Relations…Vijetha.Gurrapu 30 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to default the edited Visa Permit's Change Date as current date via auto complete rule ?Summary: The business requirement is whenever an existing record of Visas and Permits is edited, "When does this visa change start ?" field must auto-populate with curre…SagarLaddha 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Is it feasible to create auto complete rule on Eligible Jobs ?Summary: We have a requirement to default Relief Type and Manual Rate/Frequency (when relief type is Manual) on Eligible Jobs using Autocomplete. In Oracle documentation…Bhardwaj Yash 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Payroll is not defaulting in Payroll Frequency although Add button is disabledSummary: Hi, For me, while creating offer, Payroll is not defaulting in Payroll Frequency although Add button is disabled. There is just one Payroll and I have defined t…Sarmeet 51 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Default DFF Using UDT in AutocompleteWe are creating an Autocomplete rule to default Position DFF using values from a UDT. The example logic is as follows - If Department is HOSPITAL BASED PHYSICIAN then de…Joanne Chung 259 views 18 comments 1 point Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Probation Period default based on People GroupSummary: We want Probation Period to be defaulted based on People Group Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): If People Group is 'X' then we wan…Puneet Shukla 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Default min and max grade step values on a job requisition using autocomplete rulesSummary: I am trying to create an autocomplete rule to default values when creating a job requisition using a position. We create our job requisitions using a position s…Claire W 62 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by marufa rab HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Automatic FTE calculation not working with Field Validation AC rule on 23B to restrict FTE to <=1Summary: We have a field validation rule that works fine out 23A pods - the rule simply checks the FTE value and if it is greater than 1.0 it returns an error (we want t…Leia MacDonald 136 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Caroline Michielsen HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Restricting the person phone number to 10 digitsWe have a requirement to restrict person phone number to 10 digits. How can we restrict through auto-complete rules?Somya 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Somya HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Auto complete rule for contact number validation is not working as expectedSummary: We have written a ACR validation to check the format of the phone number. However, its not throwing out the error even after providing incorrect format. It is s…Ganesan M 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - HCM-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Auto complete error message prompting when rule criteria not metSummary: Customer Name: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Approved Use Case: 19 We have created an auto complete rule to display an error message if one…desirae_coleman 51 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Molly-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Family Emergency Contact - AutoComplete rules give an errorSummary:We are trying to add a co-worker as an emergency contact and we get an error message as follows: "Validate_If_Contact_Exists_Based_on_National_ID" and "Validate_…HeatherD 61 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shreya_Banerjee HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Customer wanted to add new page/section in personal details page in fusion HCM CloudSummary: Customer wanted to add one more section/new page like(Birthday authorization - need to add two fields under this section) below Gender disclosure in Personal de…Rama123-Oracle 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
restrict hiring manager from changing requisition statusSummary: restrict hiring manager from changing requisition status. Had built the Auto Completion Rule ,after use case in Approved by Oracle CoE team but when tested as H…
Defaulting Assignment Category field in Offer creation page based on Requisition DFF responseHi All, I wrote an autocomplete rule to default Assignment Category field in Offer creation page based on Requisition DFF response. I am getting an error while clicking …Jay Sahay 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jay Sahay HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete Rule for Email Format ValidationSummary: Autocomplete Rule for Email Format Validation Content (required): Hi Everyone, We have a requirement to build an autocomplete rule to validate email format. Cur…Manpreet Kaur2412 466 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Manasa L HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
autocomplete rule for contractor validation on projected end date is not working as expectedSummary: autocomplete rule for contractor validation on projected end date is not working as expected when there are future actions and there is current action where adm…gowthami samskruthi 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule to validate email domain using a User-Defined Table (UDT)Summary: We have a requirement to validate email domain in Contact Info page using autocomplete. While there is a list of these domains (150+ email domains), our client …Bianca Lei Villareal 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to default system date time stamp in requisition DFF with an autocomplete rule?Summary: Need a help for building autocomplete rule. We have created 2 requisition DFF under details section of requisition. DFF1 - Character datatype DFF2 - Date Time D…Namrata Sonavane - JP Morgan Chase & Co 13 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Use "Why are you making changes in the direct report?" field in autocomplete validationSummary: Hi - we're doing a POC if it's feasible to throw an error if a user selects a specific value in the "Why are you making changes in the direct report?" field. I …Andrea Sangalang 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andrea Sangalang HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Ability to Access the Worker User AccountSummary: Ability to Access the Worker User Account Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello All, Do you have an idea if it is possible to acc…Bernard T 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to bypass autocomplete rules in HDL?Summary: Hello everyone, we were trying to load data in HDL but we are having troubles on bypassing the autocomplete rules created as it continuously returns an error me…Marlon Castillo Maliglig 620 views 44 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Need Multple Address with same address type validation in oracleSummary: We have business requirement for showing a validation error message if employee is adding new address with same address type. So I have created a autocomplete v…Ravan-HCM-2023 41 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajesh Suvala85 HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Show an Error message when trying to add same Address Type by an employeeWe are trying to implement the Autocomplete Rule so that users should not be allowed to 'Add' the same address type. For instance, if a user already has a 'Home' address…Bandana Shaw 191 views 24 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajesh Suvala85 HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Defaulting rule on Request a New Position Redwood pageSummary: Defaulting of "Full Time or Part Time" to blank in Redwood Request a New Position page is not working. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…Vijetha.Gurrapu 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vijetha.Gurrapu Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Default salary range on Job Requistion for Hourly & FormattedSummary: I created a character based Job Req DFF to default the salary range. I found support materials to default the range and I'm able to successfully get the annuali…Lauren B. 45 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Lauren B. HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to determine which rule is firing on a Redwood pageSummary: Trying to test Transfer transaction on Redwood and am receiving an error with no error message. We do have 2 Object Validation Autocomplete Rules against the Wo…Shannon_Johnson 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules