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what is the requirement of Ship to site of revenue lease to be shown?Summary: 1 what is the requirement/prerequisite of Ship to site to be shown? Currently, customer name can be selected on overview. But its corresponding ship to site can…
Unable to setup lease if location is not available at BUSummary: As mentioned in document Manage Lease Accounting Configuration - Business Unit Not Available ( Doc ID 2737225.1 ), we are unable to setup leases if business uni…bgopl12345 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Automatic numbering for assets in the lease accounting module.We are going to use the leasing accounting module, but the numbering is required to be automatic. This option is indicated in the system options: But, where is it setup …
Amend "Discount Rate Index" for a LeaseSummary Amend "Discount Rate Index" for a LeaseContent Hi, We want to edit the Discount Rate Index for an active lease through Lease Amendment Process. How can we achiev…
Lease Impairment Accounting EntriesSummary: Lease Impairment Accounting Entries Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we have details of the entries that will be generated as …Janelle Azimullah-Oracle 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
How to show tax on leases invoices in oracle fusionTax is not showing on the lease invoice when it lands from the lease module to the AP module. Kindly let me know the main thing which I have missed in the process.
Set up guide for Equipment leaseHi, Is there a reference for the set up needed in Equipment Lease. How to proceed to the Inventory Organizations and Master Item List? Thank you!
What is the calculation logic for Index Increase Percentage?Summary: What is the calculation logic for Index Increase Percentage? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are…
DFF from Lease Accounting to PayablesSummary: Would like to check can DFF at Lease Accounting module can be interfaced to payable module dff? Content (required): Would like to check can DFF at Lease Account…
How to inactive discount rate index.Summary: We entered wrong rates of DRI and we need to disable them. Is it possible to disable the entire index name or the rates? I tried to do this by FBDI template but…NisarW 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Cannot find import revenue lease function on lease functional menu.Summary: Cannot find import revenue lease function on lease functional menu. (FBDI) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…
Cannot select "assemble lease liability and tax recording" for "option type" at payment template.Summary: Cannot select "assemble lease liability and tax recording" when selecting "option" for "option type" at payment template. Content (please ensure you mask any co…
how is "Location" data in Asset->Additional detail used in LA module?Summary: How is "Location" data in "Asset" -> "Additional Details" used in LA module and why do we have to set this? What issues might we face when use of dummy data for…
Is there is setup or control for AP invoice numbering which is generated after interfacing to AP.Summary: Is there is setup or control for AP invoice numbering which is generated after interfacing to AP. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Does the secondary accounting standard warrants an SLA customization in the secondary ledger?In Oracle Fusion Lease Accounting, we are currently exploring the implementation of two accounting standards; the secondary accounting standard would then be using a sec…
what are the mandatory setup for accounting classes on expense/revenue template?Summary: what are the mandatory setup for accounting classes on expense/revenue template? like 1. Non-Compliance Expense 2. Accrued Liability 3. Right of Use Adjustment …
Can we upload Manage Lease Accounting and Manage Payment Increase Configuration with FSM/FBDISummary: We have to upload Manage Lease Accounting Configuration and Manage Payment Increase Configuration. Is there any standard import way like FSM/FBDI for these two …
Lease accounting for business units with 3 ledgersSummary: My customer requires 3 ledgers local GAAP, US GAAP and IFRS. Each having its own CoA due to the accounting requirements (i.e. the natural account segment value …
Ship to site and Bill to site LOV are empty while creating revenue leasesSummary: Ship to site and Bill to site LOV are empty while creating revenue leases Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The location used while…
is there any FBDI import for revenue lease?Summary: Is there any FBDI import for revenue lease? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applic…DL003 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Montenegro- Product Management at Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
how to select future period in parameter "period" in task " Process Lease Accounting"About LA (Lease Accounting) module, period after 2023/12 cannot be selected in parameter "period" in the task " Process Lease Accounting". goals, question: Able to selec…
Cannot Find ORA_Lease Accounting Transaction in Transaction SourceSummary: I am not able to find ORA_Lease Accounting Transaction in the Manage Transaction Source. I want to post an invoice from Lease Accounting to Receivables and belo…
No result appeared when searching for created leases in the search section of the lease landing pageAfter I activated and closed the leases I created, no results were displayed in the section.
how to set Job Level based rules for Lease Approvals(FinLeaseApprovals)Summary: how to set Job Level based rules for Lease Approvals(FinLeaseApprovals) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): are we able to set Job Le…Shogo Ito-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Why property type level cannot be selected from default values.Summary: Why property type level cannot be selected from default values. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you …
What is the difference between Payment Purpose and Payment Type fields on Expense Payment Template?Summary: What is the difference between Payment Purpose and Payment Type fields on Expense Payment Template? Is there any financial calculation impact? Content (please e…
Legacy to Oracle Lease Accounting ConversionSummary: Best practice, things to consider, guide on how to convert Lease Transaction from Legacy system to Oracle Lease Accounting for both Revenue and Expense Leases C…
Secondary ledgers for Lease Accounting moduleSummary: is there need to run Create Accounting for each secondary ledger after create accounting is completed in primary ledger? Content (required): currently business …
lease accounting worktile is not visible in the environmentWe are trying to implement this module, however the worktile is not visible in the homepage even after completing the setup steps in this link:…Anne Nicole 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting