Discussion List
Why does back button in journey task page not work as expected?Summary According to the document referenced below - when user has access to the journey, then after navigating to journey task page from a link in the task notification…
For a Pre hire task, Employee getting error while adding bank details.Summary: Employee who are in pre hire stage trying to add in Bank details but getting error : "You must provide a value for the Branch Number attribute." Content (please…
Error when trying to add family and emergency contacts to the journey.I am performing a test on the journey I am creating, and when testing the activity of adding a contact, this error appears on the screen. Important information: the user…
Assigned Journeys Cannot be Found after Enabled Oracle Search SR 4-0000428418Summary: Assigned Journeys Cannot be Found after Enabled Oracle Search Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When we turned on Oracle Search for…
Remove checklist automatically when employee withdraw ResignationSummary: Hi Team, We have a Off-boarding checklist which triggers automatically based on the action resignation, Here we have a requirement where checklist should be rem…
Custom role privileges to access only journey tile from My client groupsSummary: Need to create custom role with only journey tile in My client groups Please provide inputs. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): only…Padma 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can we make done button active for Application task in journeys without clicking link?Summary: Can we make done button active for Application task in journeys without clicking link? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we mak…
Not able to add SSN info through Journey's embedded taskSummary: We are using embedded task to update SSN but it is not showing up on Employee's journey as a task. This is the task we configured: We do not see the task:BHAVANA SINGH 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anca Putanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
onboarding video task how can we embed an url of a file under fusion **** path?Summary onboarding video task how can we embed an url of a file under fusion **** path?Content Hello, In onboarding , we would like to have a task type Video. The video …
Automatic Journey Assignment after 14 days since Hire vs Manual Assignment of a JourneyHello Team, I have a Journey which will assign to the Person after 14 days of Hire. It is working fine. When we try to assign the same Journey to a Person manually, it i…
Add Comment Functionality While Reassigning TasksSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Everyone, Is it possible to add the ability to include comments while reassigning a task to an…
Remove Prefix in Journey task notificationSummary: Hi Team We have request to remove Prefix "FYI" on all Journey task notification . I tried excluding prefix in BPM under AllocatedChecklistTaskFYI . But it didnt…
What application task should be used for redwood benefits self-service enrollment in JourneysSummary: We have a Journey where we would like for employees to click on a link to go enroll in benefits. Not able to find an application task Content (please ensure you…
Journey not getting triggered for Employment Contract ActionsSummary: We have configured a journey, with 'Contract Update' and 'Contract Extension' along with other actions setup under the Actions and Events tab of the checklist t…
Work Anniversary AlertSummary: New notifications are required to be sent to all casuals employees at their individual 6 months anniversary, 12 month anniversary and every 12 months of service…
Is it possible to secure people search when reassigning Journey taskHi, I am curious if it is possible to apply security to the Person search when someone is reassigning a Journey. In my testing, I have confirmed in Person Management tha…
25A redwood style notifications for JourneyHello there's new feature come up in 25A Enhanced BIP Notifications with Redwood Style for Journeys where we will be seeing enhanced redwood style notifications for jour…
Checklist triggered lateHi We have pending workers coming from Third Party Application coming through integration and expectation is Once the pending worker is created, Checklist jounrey needs …Vikas V. Kamat 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by PriyankaAgarwal -Oracle Human Capital Management
Pending Worker unable to 'Edit' personal DetailsSummary: Hello, We have a situation where when accessing the personal details task like: Personal info, Family and Emergency Contacts etc. through a pending worker the t…
get task id as context or input value in Participation and Rate Eligibility Fast Formula in ORC ModuSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to get task id as context or input value in Participation and Rate Eligibility Fast Formula i…
Can we embedded free text in the document in task type electronic signature in journey?Summary: Hi Experts, We have created a task with the type as electronic signature→ Document. When this gets assigned to an employee, the document link appears with the t…
Cannot view/access the document in the Document Records page after a dayHello Experts. I have been facing a unique issue with the Document of Records Page and would like your assistance to understand the same. We have a journey created for p…
Is it feasible to use duplicate quick action as a contextual action in contextual journeysSummary: We have a requirement where we would like to create Change Assignment duplicate quick action and use it as a Contextual Action in Contextual Journeys. However, …
Embedded Application Task - Family and Emergency ContactsSummary: When using the embedded application task type and I select Family and emergency contacts, I lose the ability to configure Completion Criteria. Will this be avai…
Unable to Perform Reassign and Reopen Actions in Triggered ChecklistsDear Team, We are experiencing an issue where the Reassign and Reopen actions are frozen and cannot be performed in Oracle HCM Cloud triggered checklists. This issue is …
Enterprise Onboard Checklist>Worker not notified when there is no task with task performer as WorkerSummary: Enterprise Onboarding Checklist > Worker not notified when there is no task with task performer as Worker Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Checklist Template Allocation Criteria and Offset DaysSummary: As per the requirements, tasks must be assigned to the performer 30 days prior to the termination effective date. So I have set The Journey Checklist Template A…
Automatic Journey Allocation to PersonsHi Team, We have a query on automatic assignment of Journeys through "Actions and Events". Allocation Criteria : When the action record becomes effective Days for Initia…
Update Assigned Journey Attributes Based on Modified Journey Template Scheduled ProcessSummary: Update Assigned Journey Attributes Based on Modified Journey Template Scheduled Process Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What is t…
Alerts: How can I embed addToCalendarLink URL for ILT activities within "Add To Calendar" linkHi All, Our customer had an issue where they wanted to remove the "Add to Calendar" link for all Self-Paced offerings, I had raised a SR for this and they provided the b…