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Onboarding checklist closure upon terminationCurrently we are having an issue with onboarding checklists for rehired workers. The system does not automatically remove the previously allocated checklist so rehired e…Aravind Raj 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Claudiu Postolache-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
onboarding tab shows empty pageSummary: As HR Admin the onboarding tasks need to be tracked on daily basis the on boarding tab shows empty page even one of the onboarding team member has a assigned ch…
Questionnaire - Updated the new version and In Use -> Prior VersionSummary: Questionnaire - Updated with new version and status = Active but In use => prior Version (Refer attached) Is it expected functionality ? When i go to the same Q…
Different Task reminder text for different TasksSummary: Hi Is it possible to set different text for different Tasks reminder templates in Journey . I see one common content is sent when a Journey task is assigned or …
Double native e-signature in JourneysSummary Double native e-signature in JourneysContent Hello - We are investigating how a BI template that is configured on a task using the native e-signature functionali…
Issue in reassigning checklistWe are unable to reassign onboarding checklist to users. We are not getting the options to Delete, Force Complete & Edit the existing checklist once clicked on the three…
Line Manager access to journey application task for terminated employeesSummary: Line Manager has no access to his terminated employees application task in the Offboarding Journeys Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
How to make the 'Add' button visible in Allocated Checklist?Hi, We have a custom HR Analyst role and we want to enable this user to add checklist but the 'Add' button is missing. Attached is the file containing all the roles and …
How to use filtered list for JourneysSummary: In the new redwood Filtered lists page, there is an option to define a list of workers with "Journeys" as a subscriber. How can we use this workers' list in Jou…
How to remove Allocate checklist Q&ASummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Everyone, I need to create a custom role to view only personal data and salary data (withou…
Redwood enabled pages not availableSummary: All redwood enabled pages are not loading (like below) - this includes Journeys, Touchpoints, Helpdesk, Case Management, and Opportunity Marketplace. We've trie…
Send New Account notification to users whose preferred language differs from the system defaultSummary: Oracle does not maintain the candidate preferred language preference from the candidate record to the employee record. SO every time we move someone from recrui…Destiny Mock 28 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Unable to resize Radio Button with Images in Redwood pageSummary: HI All, There is a problem statement where we have created a Survey task with Questionnaire. The question used in this questionnaire are with type Single Choice…
Need a way to hide the Resignation quick action, but still allow employees to resign by selecting thSummary: Need a way to hide the Resignation quick action, but still allow employees to resign by selecting the Resignation action on the Employment Info page. Content (r…
HI Team, We have request for Custom Request Form to be enabled in Fusion HCM any recommendationsRequested By – AOR name (Auto Fill) Requested for ID - Employee ID (Mandatory field should be entered by the requester) Requested For Name – Name of the employee (Auto f…Lava Somepalli-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Lava Somepalli-Oracle Human Capital Management
Journey task expiration: the task should not arrive to the recipientSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, we would like to ask a question about the system behavior regarding the expiratio…
Pending Worker unable to 'Edit' personal DetailsSummary: Hello, We have a situation where when accessing the personal details task like: Personal info, Family and Emergency Contacts etc. through a pending worker the t…
Remind learners 7 days before an upcoming course is starting (Alerts Composer)Hi all, we are trying to create an Alert which reminds Learners 7 days before an UPCOMING course. when i run above image filter expression no data was getting. when i ru…tsrinivasreddy 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravi Krishna Velchuri Human Capital Management
Enterprise Onboarding - Alert based notificationsSummary: On a checklist with category "Enterprise Onboarding", change the notifications to alert based notifications. Content (required): When opening the checklist, the…
How to retrigger the journeys notificationsSummary: We have a scenario that after the new hire is created, user account is created too. However the person data is sent to Active Directory for work email creation …
Page break in BIP E-Signature RTF OutputWe've created a task which captures employee's digital signature which is being referenced to a BIP RTF template. The file has been made in reference to all the availabl…
Automatically Inactivate Journey after terminationSummary: Automatically Inactivate Journey after termination Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is it possible to automatically inactivate or …
Oracle HCM/Journey: How many journeys we can assign to an EmployeeHi team, Can anyone please help me for the following? How many times we can assign a same Journey(one) to one Employee. How many journeys we can assign to one Employee. …
How to configure an eligibility profile for Internal Mobility Checklist?Summary: I’m creating a journey that gets allocated to our Onboarding Team whenever the ‘Move to HR’ action is taken on an internal candidate. The Journey is also alloca…
Embedded Task type Routing Number Error MessageSummary: When an invalid routing number is entered, the below error message appears. It it very wordy and repetitive. Can it just say "Enter a valid Routing Number." ins…Idalis E 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Journey report task path based on assigned userSummary: Report path to generate BI Report to show values for the assigned user Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want to call report in a…
Not able to see any worker in local and global transfer pageSummary: Not able to see any people in local and global transfer page.Any process is need to run? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
Unable to find force complete option for a task in JourneySummary: Unable to find force complete option for a task in Journey. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add an…
How can we schedule Calendar Invites from JourneysWe have a requirement where Line Manager needs to schedule meetings between concerned team and new joiners during onboarding process. Is there a way or workaround to cre…
Guided Journey - Not able to see the Guided Journey icon on 'Transfer' and 'Absence' screenSummary: Hello, I have configured guided journey including the profile and TDS part. The problem is guided journey icon is not visible on the transfer and absence screen…