Discussion List
is there a limit on the number of checklists we can have?Content We would like to have up to 4 enterprise onboarding checklists. Is this possible?
Checklist display propertiesContent We have loaded allocate checklist task for employee through HDL and working fine but Not applicable options is coming for only HDL load not for manual and automa…
Auto Conversion Process Defect when scheduled through impl user,Summary Auto Conversion Process Defect when scheduled through impl user,Content Issue: Auto Conversion Process Defect when scheduled through impl user, Steps: * HR User …
Getting error while allocating checklist to multiple employees using HDLContent We are trying to allocate checklist to multiple employees using HDL. But only the first record is getting allocated successfully. Other records are getting error…
Can we have two different templates for the same Workflow Transaction for different legal entitySummary Can we have two different templates for the same Workflow Transaction for two different legal entities.Content Hi Team, We have a requirement where existing user…
Onboarding Checklist – How to assign checklist to a user that does not meet the eligibility criteriaContent We have created a process where at the enterprise level, the onboarding checklist is assigned for users that have Action -> Add Pending Worker. This process auto…
Preboarding: Pending Worker Personal InfoSummary Pending Worker Preboarding Personal InfoContent Hi, Need some guidance/assistance with - Requirement: Preboarding task, pending worker should verify and confirm …
Need help on Onboarding Checklist ConfigurationContent Hi Experts, Need your help on the below. We have created an enterprise onboarding checklist, which is supposed to trigger certain tasks immediately after offer a…
New Task Feature in 20ASummary New Task Feature in 20AContent How do I input task in the new task function under me>checklist Tasks. Can it be email to my supervisor when completed?
Is there a way to bring the last working date of the employee in off boarding checklist - basic infoContent We need the task performers to have visibility to resigned employee's last working date in the off boarding checklist basic info section. Is it feasible to intro…
List of Report for Onboarding ChecklistContent Hi All, Can anyone share a post of link in which we can get List of Report for Onboarding Checklist. Any kind of reports will help. Thanks & Regards, Kiran Versi…
Trigger off baording checklist before approvalContent Can we trigger off boarding checklist as soon as an employee submits the resignation for approval ? Currently I see the checklist does not gets assigned until th…
PER_PERSON_ALLOCATED_TASKS_DFF SQL TypeContent Hello Guys, We would create a task to allow the employee to confirm their Hire Date. We used "Configurable Form" by configuring the DFF "PER_PERSON_ALLOCATED_TAS…
Onboarding_ Possibility to add the Hire Date in a ChecklistSummary Possibility to add the Hire Date in a Checklist to allow the employee to confirm itContent Hi, i need to understand if it's possible to insert the Hire Date of t…
Confidential ChecklistSummary Confidential ChecklistContent hi is there a way to make a confidential checklist, where the worker (that is not a performer) cannot see that the checklist is ass…
Hide Checklist from WorkerSummary Hide Checklist from WorkerContent Hi, We are planning to create a checklist for Bonus Nomination (with tasks that need to be done by the line manager/HR. They ar…
Enable a field on the checklist task page which can be used to track version number of the form theySummary Enable a field on the checklist task page which can be used to track version number of the form they are signing
Checklist - Area of Responsibility - HRSummary Checklist - Area of Responsibility - HRContent Hi, We have the checklist assigned to a worker (non-hr) and then we have the performer being somebody from HR (we …
How does HCM determine which user to add as the enterprise checklist sponsor when using "ResponsibilSummary We have specified the sponsor to default using "Responsibility type" and an Area of Responsibility we have defined. How does the system determine which user to s…
Line Manager is not able to see the pending worker under My teamsSummary Line Manager is not able to see the pending worker under My teamsContent Line Manager is not able to see the pending worker under My teamsJeeva R 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management
Turn Off the Checklist - Enterprise Onboarding Email - How to control the email notifications?Summary Welcome Notification for an Enterprise Onboarding ChecklistContent Hi Team, Is there any option to disable/turn off the 'Welcome Notification for an Enterprise O…
Alerts composer notifications during Pre-boardingContent Has anyone explored using Alerts Composer to send emails to Pending worker as part of pre-boarding process? If yes, which Resource did you use for creating alert…
Checklist Onboarding (Offboarding) E-Signature Native and I-9 ProcessSummary Checklist Onboarding (Offboarding) E-Signature Native and I-9 ProcessContent Hello, Any insights on where to look for the documentation specific to: 1/ Checklist…
Checklist Reassigning ConfigurationSummary How can we set up the configuration to reassign the Checklist to another user when the original performer is terminated before acting on the ChecklistContent We …
Auto Allocate Journey through Rest APISummary Auto Allocate Journey through Rest APIContent I have a question on how to allocate journely/checklist through Rest API. I have a enterprise onboarding checklist …
I9 Section 2 NotificationsContent Hi all, We have integrated with HireRight for i9 integration. Section 2 is assigned to an AoR and there is a situation when there are around 5 people as AoR for …
Cheklist Tasks - Reassign I-9 Checklist task if the assigned approver is on PTO?Summary Cheklist Tasks - Reassign I-9 Checklist task if the assigned approver is on PTO?Content Cheklist Tasks - Reassign I-9 Checklist task if the assigned approver is …
Eligibility profile to filter based on Candidate Country from Application flow in RecruitingContent We have a requirement to have specific tasks for pending workers (from recruiting ORC) whose base location is not India. India Pending workers will have 10 tasks…
Information about Onboarding in FusionContent Hello, I'm starting from scratch with the topic of "onboarding" in Fusion. But online I have mainly found documents about onboarding in Taleo. Can someone recomm…
Feasibility to add images and Videos to customize Candidate Onboarding (Checkist) page as per companSummary We are required to add images and customize Onboarding page of candidate.Content Ask is to have more engaging page for Candidate whose first interaction is Onboa…