Discussion List
Onboarding Journeys checklist how can a task can be added after the checklist is created ?Hello , In journeys - for the onboarding process - we have a checklist based on an HIRE event. One of the tasks is only for new managers with direct reports - with eligi…
Archive completed onboarding checklistsSummary: Seeking a way to archive completed on-boarding checklists after the conversion from Pending Worker. Content (required): My client recently imple,ment Checklist …
Unable to properly attach ESignature document to Esignature TaskSummary: The report path is being directly pulled from OTBI as well as the name of the document, the .xdo?P_SIGN_DATE={SignDate}&P_SIGNER_NAME={SignerName}&P_SIGNER_EMAI…
Are there Maximum number of Questions that could be added to a Questionnaire Template?Summary: Content (required): Are there Maximum number of Questions that could be added to a Questionnaire Template? As I've a requirement of 50 Questions? Is this doable…
Does anyone know how to make the checklist phases wrap at the top of the screenSummary: Our client would more than 8 phases for the checklists Content (required): We are updating our onboarding checklist and we will have 10+ phases. When tested it,…
Learn how to navigate Oracle with these live webinarsHello! As you are going through the orientation, planning, and implementation of your Oracle products, it’s important to know how to navigate within Oracle. Our team wor…
Tokens for Username and Password Reset URL Tokens in HCM AlertsSummary: Tokens for Username and Password Reset URL Tokens in HCM Alerts Content (required): Hi all, I'm using Username and Password reset URL tokens in Journey assigned…
Onboarding Eligibility Criteria - Bargaining UnitSummary: Hi, My client would like to use Bargaining Unit as an eligibility criteria to assign tasks but reading through the implementation guide, Oracle recommends Perso…
Recruiter Getting "Error 403--Forbidden" Error while downloading the Offer Letter?Summary: Recruiter Getting "Error 403--Forbidden" Error while downloading the Offer Letter? Content (required): Recruiter Getting "Error 403--Forbidden" Error while down…Ashok Gosu 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Checklist application task missing tasks - what is the solution or role to add?Hello , In on boarding checklist - when opening a new task - type “application task”. I can’t find with the admin user and also not with an admin user who is also an emp…
Exit Survey- Using ChecklistHi All, We are creating a process to capture feedback of employees who are leaving the organization. I have created an off-boarding checklist using questionnaire task. W…
A blank page is shown when we try display an Onboarding TaskSummary: A blank page is shown when we try display an Onboarding Task Content (required): Hi, we are experiencing an issue with an onboarding task. We created an onboard…
Onboarding checklist items reportSummary Need a report for onboarding checklist (DoR) which the statusContent Team, We have onboarding checklist items and using BI publisher for some of them to capture …
Manager Approval-Enterprise OnboardingContent Hello, Is there an option in the Enterprise Onboarding Step checklist to handle the following scenario? Scenario: The manager has to approve certain items such a…
Can we modify check list E-Signature validation name format typeSummary Can we modify check list E-Signature validation name format typeContent Hi In check list E-Signature task type , Signature is validating against Display name , c…
Can we change Checklist Notification and Reminders time?Summary: Currently I-9 task notifications are being sent at 6pm CST, Can we change this to 5AM CST? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
Task reopening notificationSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone, We are customizing onboarding for employees. In customizing the various tasks for the employee, we noticed that if we perfor…
Checklist Issue - Tasks are not getting assigned to Performer (Performer is based on AOR)Summary Checklist Issue - Tasks are not getting assigned to Performer (Performer is based on AOR)Content Hello guys, I have created an Onboarding Checklist with specific…
New Account email not received by Pending WorkerSummary: The New Account email not received by Pending Worker/New Hire. Is there anything additional that should be done/completed or can anyone shed some light on this …
Onboarding after Pending Worker ConversionContent Hi all. I would like the Enterprise Onboarding checklist to be triggered right after the HR converts the pending worker and creates an Employee assignment (not w…
Remove Checklist Allocated notification for Owner of the taskSummary: We currently have onboarding checklist set up with the owner listed as our HR email address. We would like to continue using this email address as the owner as …
How to configure onboarding tasks related to different ActionsSummary: How to configure onboarding tasks related to different Actions Content (required): Hi, our client asked us the following request: they would like that the onboa…
Hiding "Click Here" Link in Checklist for Task Type "External URL"Summary: We want to hide "Click Here" URL and want to keep only the "More Details" URL in the Checklist Notification to the user Task Type "External URL" Content (requir…
"Error 500--Internal Server Error" Onboarding Task DocumentSummary: Hello - Our new hires are receiving a message stating "Error 500--Internal Server Error" when they click to download a document as part of their onboarding task…
Send notification on checklist allocation not visibleContent (required): Send notification on checklist allocation is not visible under the Display Properties of checklist in Production. The same option is visible in our T…
Creating new Application Task for ChecklistSummary: Content (required): Is it possible to create new Application Task to use it with Checklist Tasks. For example we want to create a task for the Contracts Admin t…
Deeplink checklistHello, everyone, we would like to create a deeplink that sends directly to the user's checklist, perhaps using the person_id or any other field, in addition to the exist…
Is there a way to reassign checklist tasks still awaiting allocation?Summary: Is there a way to reassign checklist tasks still awaiting allocation? Content (required): There are instances that a requisition line manager changes upon hirin…
Work Info and Contact us section on Journyes Tasks PageSummary Work Info and Contact us section on Journyes Tasks PageContent Hello team, As part of our Preboarding and Newhire Checklist, we have some tasks which needs to be…
Native E-Signature Task - Error MessageSummary Native E-Signature Task - Error MessageContent Our native E-Signature Tasks for Pre-Boarding, have been configured as per the 'Checklists - Native Electronic Sig…