Discussion List
Control options in action button with visual builderSummary: Hello, is there a way we can hide the option to delete a position based on a role a user has? Not everyone is supposed to delete a position. Only few roles shou…
Delegation Role of Procurement Manager: what about data access and procurement agent setup?Summary: I need to delegate the role of the Procurement Manager from user A to the user B. In order to enable the user B to create a Purchase Order, should I set Data Ac…
How can we enable the weekly working hours section in Employment info?Hi all, I have a question. We have assigned to our employee weekly working hours, however we can't see the section in the Employment info. We tried by making visible the…Jole Quirino 5 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Enable Employment ContractSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I am trying to understand how I can enable the Employment Contract task. The Emplo…
Quick convert: action from offer is not transportedSummary: Hello, we noticed that the action linked by default to the quick convert is incorrect. The system always uses a custom action and ignores the action that was us…
Is it possible to create a Deep Link in Oracle HCM with the Payroll Vendor?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, There is a requirement to create a deep link between Oracle HCM and the third payr…
Deep Link to access to the News and AnnouncementsSummary: Deep Link to access to the News and Announcements Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we would like to know if there is the possi…Barile Alberto 39 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Moses Kasujja-278610 Human Capital Management
Release planning calendar for 2025Summary: Hello, Can we have this type of calendar again for 2025? This is very helpful, especially if we have to present something to the Business. We had this in a docu…Insa 187 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Eligibility Profile- "People Manager"Summary: When setting up an Eligibility Profile, under the "Employment" criteria tab, there's an option to define criteria by "People Manager" and the value options are …
"NULL" appearing in list of quick actionsSummary: Hello, we sorted our quickactions by marking them as favorites in order for the most commonly used ones to appear first. However, since publishing the sandbox w…
HDL sample file to load Document of RecordsSummary: Hello experts, please, could you share a sample HDL file to massively load Document of Records? Thanks a lot in advance for your time! Kind Regards, Valerio Con…
Is there a way HR can see when transactions were performed, if they don't have Transaction Console?Summary: Is there a way HR can see when transactions were performed, if they don't have Transaction Console? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…Alona Aronov-Oracle 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alona Aronov-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to send an in-app password reset notification, not by email?Summary: My client want to get password reset notifications in the bell icon. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When new user is created, th…TatsukiSaito-Oracle 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by TatsukiSaito-Oracle Applications Security
24 D - Business Rules for Redwood PagesSummary: Hi Experts, I would want to know more about the new feature in " ". Under Tips and Considerations, it mentioned that Use the ISO date format to set default valu…
Should we schedule Load Geographies for US process or run it manually after Vertex patch upgrade?Summary: Vertex Patch Update Recommendation Content (required): Hi, As we know that Oracle releases patch updates every month for Vertex for HR and Payroll customers(19t…Manpreet Kaur2412 228 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Meera K Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to enable Visual Builder (VB / VBCS) Tool in HCMSummary: When you are enabling the VB Studio tool for first time in your instance and facing some challenge doing this, please follow below steps. Content (please ensure…
Ability for User Account (Not Employee) to Approve/Reject Approval NotificationsSummary: Ability for User Account (Not Employee in HCM) to Approve/Reject Approval Notifications Content (required): Hello All, Our client wants a user account (Not Empl…
Salary Info and Individual Compensation changes in a single actionHello, Do you know if there is any unique action/page within HCM where HRs can update, at the same time, both salary information and Individual Compensation? We'd need s…
MSS LOV To Get Manager Employee Direct Reports which still on probation periodSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, I have one of the MSS documents of records which has 2 segments: Segment 1 to display…
Values of Value Set Flexfields does appear in related audit tableSummary: Values of Value Set Flexfields does appear in related audit table Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We have defined descript…
What is the best way to associate a division with a legal entity?Summary: Hello, we are currently struggling to find a way to associate a division with a legal employer. Our hierachy is as follow: enterprise, division, legal entity, b…Vincent Meyer 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dineshkumar Ramarao Human Capital Management
GDPR Requirement - Removing Emergency Contact Person RecordSummary How do you delete an Person record for a spouse / partner / next of kin?Content Afternoon all, As part of our GDPR compliance, we are looking at deleting the per…User_2025-01-28-05-39-23-766 146 views 9 comments 4 points Most recent by Wouter Schaap Human Capital Management
Aprroval flows and additional person infoHello everyone, we are trying to set up an approval flow that triggers only when a specific section of the page is modified with new data. Any of you has experience on h…
Change employee Relationship Number by HDLSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, is there a way to Change employee Relationship Number by HDL? If so, please, could…
How to change Primary Contact name to display Preferred First Name and Last NameSummary: Hello, I am wondering how to change the primary contact first name in the HR Help Desk Request Ticket Detail section to the users Preferred Name. Currently it i…
Notifications purged from notifications list, Things to Finish section, and Notifications pageSummary: As per the documentation, the Synchronize Notifications in Global Header removes notifications that are older than 30 days from the notifications list, Things t…Soumya Suravita 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Monica Boita-Oracle Human Capital Management
Celebrate on employee birthday using Oracle Cloud HCMSummary: We need to add a new feature to celebrate an employee's birthday; this date is stored in the HCM person's management. Content (required): animated video with a …Feras.Ahmed-Oracle 223 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Shweta kakar_777 Human Capital Management
Cannot successfully create Legal Entity for BrazilSummary: Hello, I cannot create Legal entity for Brazil due to the CNPJ incorrect format. I have found this document: Fusion Payroll and HR: When Saving Brazil Legal Ent…Valerio Curzi 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Chinnam Siddartha Human Capital Management
How PO user hierarchy will work if customer wants to discontinue the HCM licenceSummary: How PO user hierarchy will work if customer wants to discontinue the HCM licence Content (required): 1. Can we import employee data (manager, new starters) into…Deepika_Mathur 141 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by HariPrasad Simhadri Human Capital Management
how to send alert notifications to line managerSummary: how to send alert notifications to line manager Content (required): We have configured the Alerts for Onboarding process to send email notifications to line man…