Absence Management
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Absence validation fast formula not working as expected in redwoodSummary: We have a validation fast formula, that a person can take just 1 day of a particular leave type in a year. This validation fast formula is working fine in class…
How to get hours of future absence entries in Global Absence Discretionary Disbursement Rule?We have a scenario where when an employee is applying for Disbursement for a vacation type, the hours from any future absences should be deducted. For e.g. Max for absen…
get absence day wiseSummary: sql query to get absence details day wise, like if i pass specific date and assignment_id then i should be getting 1 , if there is a 0.5 applied on that specifi…
Absence approval cycle is failed with this errorSummary: We have encountered an issue with the approval cycle for absence transactions. It appears that all absence types are affected, as every transaction routed throu…
Work Schedule Assignment HDLSummary Receiving error when entering a new Work Schedule AssignmentContent Hi, I'm trying to enter new Work Schedule Assignment through HDL. However, I'm receiving the …
Over Accrued hours expiration requirementSummary: Hi, we have a requirement to forfeit any over accrued hours employee has by the end of each calendar year. Here are the details/scenario: Accrual is incremental…
Effective date not increment in calulate accruals and balances scheduled processHello , I create scheduled process "calculate accruals and balances" to be calculated daily and i set increment effective date checkbox , But when the process run it kee…
Unable to hide "Balance As of Date" on the Absence Balance Plan Details Redwood PageSummary: On the Employee Self Service (Me > Time and Absences > Absence Balance > Plan Balances > Click on the accrual plan > 'Balance as of Date' field), Customer would…Nanthakumar.Murugesan 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nanthakumar.Murugesan Workforce Management
Is it possible to send alert when absence reason is selected?Summary: Hi! Wondering if it's possible to have an alert sent to a specific HR person/user when a specific absence reason is selected? Example, employee logs in under ab…
Can you have vacation and sick requests automatically approved and have an FYI notification sent?Is it possible to set an auto approval rule for vacation and sick requests with an FYI notification to the line manager. The requirement is to have a vacation request or…Adrian Clarke 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veena S. Parvathi-Oracle Workforce Management
Disbursement on Termination for Global TransfersSummary: We have enabled Disbursement on Termination; however, if employee is just a global transfer, the absence plan balance is being disbursed while the employee is s…
Balance Transfer into another plan during global transferSummary: We have a special scenario for employees who move from one LE to another for which I am looking for any ideas/suggestions. See details below. While employee is …
Disbursement via HSDLSummary: Is there a way to process a manual disbursement, like how you would do in UI, but in HSDL? We want to see/present a HSDL way of doing disbursement to our client…
Absence carryover fastformulaSummary: We integrate oracle HCM with Ramco payroll using GPI . If any employee have negative balance at year end , it should be sent to payroll for deduction and should…
Can we get the carryover balance from periodic accrual plan to front loaded plan as carryoverSummary: Hello experts, We have a requirement: We have two PTO plans which are associated to same absence type. Plan A - Front loaded plan. Plan B - Periodic Accrual pla…
Compensatory Time not updating after running "Calculate Accrual and Balances" processSummary: We have one employee whose compensatory time balance is not updating after running "Calculate Accrual and Balances" process. The thread max error number has bee…
How to create a time type that pulls hours from a different bank?Summary: We are trying to create a new time type (Sick) for our NBU employees, where the hours will be deducted from PTO balance. How does this have to be configured to …
We have calendar events defined across countries with diff type by businessSummary: We have calendar events defined across countries with diff types, we need to have an option to restrict and provide access to business stakeholders instead of t…
Add absence page has an ErrorSummary: Hi All, While submitting the Absences, received the below error. Kindly respond if anyone encountered and resolved the issue. Content (please ensure you mask an…
View absence plan balances in Redwood time card is producing an error.Summary: The release notes show that there is nothing to configure for this change for 24B however we get an error when selecting View Absence Plan Balances from the thr…Michelle Dragojlov 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Badescu - Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Restrict edit absence for specific absence typeSummary: We have unpaid leaves in our organization. How to restrict employees to edit absence entries once they apply for those specific leave type. Content (please ensu…Arun Kumar Malavalli 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
HCM Payroll LOA entitlement entries are deleted on calculation card - Terminated EmployeesSummary: Question HCM Payroll LOA entitlement entries are deleted on calculation card - Terminated Employees Actual Behavior LOA entitlement entries are deleted on calcu…
Public Holiday on Non scheduled working daySummary: Hi Everyone, Use case: Part time employee has to be paid for the Public Holiday calendar event even if the Holiday fall on their non scheduled day of the week. …
Getting errors if we use Absence ElementsSummary: if we use Absence Elements, we are getting errors in submitting absence and while running accruals Content (required): Created a Absence Element and attached to…Rakesh2407 33 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Divyalakshmi Krishnamoorthy Workforce Management
DFF Attribute in Absence ApprovalHi, I read in the below post that we can use Absence DFF Attribute while enabling Approvals. If anybody already implemented approvals based on DFF can you, please share …
Absence certification for FMLA - qualification plan of Generic absence patternSummary: Hi Experts, I want to ensure we set up the FMLA certification and works fine. 1- We set up FMLA as a qualification plan for the Generic absence pattern for our …Divyalakshmi Krishnamoorthy 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Divyalakshmi Krishnamoorthy Workforce Management
Employment days in calendar year in a Fast FormulaSummary: I need to create a Fast formula in which Employment days in a calendar year need to be calculated . Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
How to modify the absence entry calendar invites?Summary: When we add absence entries, we get calendar invites. However, we would like to modify the calendar invite meeting name. How can we do that? We would also like …
How to hide "Details, Legislative Information and additional information" on self service page?Summary: On the self service page to add absence are the sections Details, Legislative Information and additional information shown, even though there is no information …
Auto Transfer Accrual Plan Balance when doing global transferSummary: Auto Transfer Accrual Plan Balance when doing global transfer Content (required): When doing global transfer for an employee, his Annual Leave Plan(Accrual Plan…