Absence Management
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Termination of plan after 3 months of serviceContent We have an accrual plan that is just for the first 3 months of employment, and trying to set an Enrollment End Rule to make sure this plan is terminated after 3 …
Can you bulk load Absence Types and Absence Reasons into Oracle Cloud ?Summary Can you bulk load Absence Types and Absence Reasons into Oracle Cloud ?Content with any tool ? As we have approx 15 absence types in 50 countries each to create,…
Absence Management - Plan TermSummary Adjusted service date (List of Values) in Anniversary Event Rule field if we select Plan Term type as Anniversary year?Content Hi Team, Can anyone please tell me…
Can we exclude Absence Type from Work ScheduleContent Hi Team, We have below requirement. We have our 5 day work schedule which has all absence type associated to that work schedule. We want to create new absence ty…
Time Card Approval NotificationSummary Time Card Approval Notification - Approval /Reject Button link not workingContent In the email notification (Time card approval)for Manager - the approve and rej…
Requirement on AbsenceSummary Accrual and way of handling absenceContent Hi Team, Kindly let me know a requirement for Annual Leave. Requirement: The calendar year is Jan - Dec, during which …
Absence Type Validation : Bypass for HR SpecialistsSummary Bypassing Absence Type Validation for HR SpecialistsContent Hello Gurus, We have a business need where when a absence is recorded by an employee or by an Line Ma…
Absence start date validationSummary Absence start date validationContent There is a requirement to enter absence only for current month and future, only for employees. Admins are not having any res…VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 116 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by VijayaBaskar Ranganathan Workforce Management
Issue with Time layout setsSummary Time entry edits in layouts are not getting copied to other layouts like time review, time view etc.Content I have created a layout set and in Time entry layout,…
Absence entitlement balances and absence requests involving overlapping accrual calculation periodsSummary Absence entitlement balances and absence requests involving overlapping accrual calculation periodsContent Hi, Is it possible to use the same absence plan to dis…Gimil Joseph Maliyackal 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Gimil Joseph Maliyackal Workforce Management
Cannot book annual leave after Global TransferContent Afternoon all, We've just this month started to use the Global Transfer function within HCM. We have transferred approx. 20 employees between Legal Entities, but…
Add an absence clicking a day in the calendarContent I need to know whether we can configure when clicking the day in the calendar ( page in the absence scheduling) add an absence to it without going to the schedul…Ayesha Thilakarathna-51043 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ayesha Thilakarathna-51043 Workforce Management
Absence Time Types not flowing on Time Card Entry ScreenSummary Absence Time Types not flowing on Time Card Entry ScreenContent We have created absence types - one with UOM as Hours(Enable Time Card Entry Checkbox) and one wi…
AM - Fast Formula - Help NeededSummary AM - Fast Formula - Help NeededContent My requirement: 1. Need to force employee to apply for leaves on Saturday and Sunday if he has already taken a leave on th…
Absence Management UsageSummary Need to create a report to help determine Absence Management AdoptionContent Has anyone created a report that provides the percentage of people who have submitte…Jean Christenson-81830 59 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Jean Christenson-81830 Workforce Management
Absence fast formula for grade and length of serviceContent I am trying to create one single absence plan which can reference an accrual rate based on grade name and length of service. For example if grade = 'General' acc…
Absence Requirement urgent help neededSummary Need help with absence requirement for moving to calendar year planContent We have a requirement to re-implement absence management for US region with following …
Fast formula for get Next Anniversary date of an employees - Absence plan enrollment start dateSummary how to get next anniversary date of existing employee as enrollment start date for absence planContent Hi I am trying to do this:, if anyone can help with logic …
Employee > Approval history in absence notificationSummary Approval history in absence notifications is not available for employeesContent Hello, An employee cannot see the approval history for his absence in the notific…
Absence pages not enabled for 18B RUI profile setSummary Absence Profile for RUI doesnt not enable absence PagesContent Hello All, We did enabled the profile options for Absence as per Oracle note but don't see the Abs…pradeep badiganti 39 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by pradeep badiganti Workforce Management
Line Manager entering absenceSummary Line Manager entering absenceContent How a line manager can enter absence for a Direct reports. 1. When Clicking on the My Team, getting the Direct Reports. On t…VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Meenal M-Oracle Workforce Management
Accrual Balance is not reflecting properlySummary Accrual Balance is not reflecting properlyContent Hi All, We have modified the Accrual Matrix as of 01/01/2018. We have modified some the entailment and we have …
Making Absence Reasons Mandatory for a particular absence typeSummary Making Absence Reasons Mandatory for a particular absence typeContent There is a requirement to make absence reason mandatory for a particular absence type. Is i…VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 42 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Varun Kota-112528 Workforce Management
Incorrect Start and End Date in the absence approval notification R13Summary Incorrect Start and End Date in the absence approval notification.Content The notification is actually reading one day less than the actual dates being entered. …
How to configure Global Absence TypeSummary How to configure Global Absence TypeContent While creating absence type, LDG is mandatory. If there is a requirement to configure same absence type across multip…VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 18 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Tere Cacique-Oracle Workforce Management
How to change Absence FYI notification header (Subject Line)Summary How to change Absence FYI notification header (Subject Line)Content Hello, I have requirement to change the Absence FYI Notification for an Employee. Means when …Chinna Reddeppa-110484 107 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Workforce Management
Suspend accrual calculations for an annual leave absence type for time periods that span an anotherSummary Suspend accrual calculations for an annual leave absence type for time periods that span an another long-term absence.Content Dear experts, There is a need to su…
France legal requirement to track absences for employees on non scheduled work days - how are otherContent We use work schedules to track hours for each employee. In France, there is a legal requirement to track absences for part time workers where the absence covers/…Jennifer Deegan 25 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Tere Cacique-Oracle Workforce Management
Qualification PlanSummary A qualification absence plan has been configured. When I go to schedule this absence plan as a manager for a reporting employee, it does not pull through and the…
How can we Load Absence Entries of Previous Legal Entity post Global Transfer thru HDLSummary How can we Load Absence Entries of Previous Legal Entity post Global Transfer thru HDL, we are doing data migrationContent How can we Load Absence Entries of Pre…