Absence Management
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Accrual Balance is not reflecting properlySummary Accrual Balance is not reflecting properlyContent Hi All, We have modified the Accrual Matrix as of 01/01/2018. We have modified some the entailment and we have …
Making Absence Reasons Mandatory for a particular absence typeSummary Making Absence Reasons Mandatory for a particular absence typeContent There is a requirement to make absence reason mandatory for a particular absence type. Is i…VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 42 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Varun Kota-112528 Workforce Management
Incorrect Start and End Date in the absence approval notification R13Summary Incorrect Start and End Date in the absence approval notification.Content The notification is actually reading one day less than the actual dates being entered. …
How to configure Global Absence TypeSummary How to configure Global Absence TypeContent While creating absence type, LDG is mandatory. If there is a requirement to configure same absence type across multip…VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 18 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Tere Cacique-Oracle Workforce Management
How to change Absence FYI notification header (Subject Line)Summary How to change Absence FYI notification header (Subject Line)Content Hello, I have requirement to change the Absence FYI Notification for an Employee. Means when …Chinna Reddeppa-110484 107 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Workforce Management
Suspend accrual calculations for an annual leave absence type for time periods that span an anotherSummary Suspend accrual calculations for an annual leave absence type for time periods that span an another long-term absence.Content Dear experts, There is a need to su…
France legal requirement to track absences for employees on non scheduled work days - how are otherContent We use work schedules to track hours for each employee. In France, there is a legal requirement to track absences for part time workers where the absence covers/…Jennifer Deegan 25 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Tere Cacique-Oracle Workforce Management
Qualification PlanSummary A qualification absence plan has been configured. When I go to schedule this absence plan as a manager for a reporting employee, it does not pull through and the…
How can we Load Absence Entries of Previous Legal Entity post Global Transfer thru HDLSummary How can we Load Absence Entries of Previous Legal Entity post Global Transfer thru HDL, we are doing data migrationContent How can we Load Absence Entries of Pre…
Need help in Absence entry validation formulaSummary Need help in Absence entry validation formulaContent Hello All, We are using below absence entry validation formula to restrict absence to certain days in a year…
Setup Validation rule for Multiple Absence Reason under same Absence TypeSummary We would like to setup an Absene Type with Multiple Absence Reasons. Each Absence Reason have different ValidationContent Hi We would like to setup an Absene Typ…Jesper Majgaard Jakobsen-112729 55 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Chinna Reddeppa-110484 Workforce Management
Reprocess scheduled absence records to re-calculate the duration / balancesContent Hello Can anyone advise if there is a process (processes) which can be run to re-evaluate the duration of absence requests already submitted and approved which i…Linda Stelling-61686 37 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Chinna Reddeppa-110484 Workforce Management
How to prorate upfront absence planSummary We have an annual leave absence plan, where employees are paid the entitlement upfront. The challenge we have here is we need to prorate the entitlement if there…
How to retrieve/refer free form content type within absence fast formulaContent Hi, We have a requirement to call/retrieve value of a custom free form content type within an absence accrual matrix fast formula. Is there any database item of …
R13 Update 18B - Manage Absence Records missing from My Team area for managersSummary Managers can no longer access employee absence recordsContent In R13 18A under My Team, managers were able to manager absence records for employees. With update …
Changing UOM of the absence plan into hoursSummary UOM- hoursContent As per the initial configuration we used UOM as days of the all absence plan but now we have requirement to change it into hours. I just need t…Ayesha Thilakarathna-51043 74 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Chinna Reddeppa-110484 Workforce Management
How to create approvals for absence record update and delete?Summary How to create approvals for absence record update and delete?Content How to create approvals for absence record update and delete?
Company Code Transfer and Absence PlansSummary After doing a 'New Company Code' transfer, the Employee sees two Vacation Plans in his accrual balancesContent As an employee, go to About Me>Time>Maintain Absen…
Public holiday AFTER employees have booked absenceSummary How do you refresh absence balance if a public holiday is announced on a short noticeContent Hi all Just to understand how other people manage the situation wher…
Eligibility to exclude HR specialist from validation ruleSummary Eligibility to exclude HR specialist from validation ruleContent We have defined validation formula to restrict employee from applying absence in their Notice pe…
Using Loop in Fast Formula to add up DBI values for accrual formulaContent We're using a fast formula to pull the hours an employee worked from an element. The element stores the hours in an array, I built this loop to add the hours in …Adam Cantwell-70248 126 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Adam Cantwell-70248 Workforce Management
Global Absence Carryover TypeSummary Global Absence Carryover TypeContent Hi All, Can you please share sample Carryover fast formula (Global Absence Carryover Type) ? our requirement is to move the …
Work Schedule Implementation without fixed shift and number of daysSummary We dont have fixed number of shift, days patternContent Hi, Work schedule implementation for health care is not easy. As we do not have fixed shift of employees.…
R13 - Evaluate Absences Process is Rounding Up Durations which include Half DaysSummary R13 - Evaluate Absences Process is Rounding Up Durations which include Half DaysContent Hi, Have you tried running the Evaluate Absences process in Release 13 (e…
Practical use of 'Accrual Plan Limit'Summary Practical use of 'Accrual Plan Limit'Content Hi, In Release 13 17D, there is new feature called 'Accrual Limit' to control the annual accrual balance by setting …
Absence Management Readiness Training for Update 18BSummary Watch the latest Absence Management readiness training for Update 18BContent Want to watch the latest Absence Management readiness training for Update 18B? You c…Alison McClure-Oracle 61 views 2 comments 5 points Most recent by Karthik K-Oracle Workforce Management
End date absence typesContent I have end dated an absence plan on 24th of July and now I can not end date the relevant absence type on or after date. Error : The effective end date cannot be …Ayesha Thilakarathna-51043 72 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by AshishERPCloud Workforce Management
Lack of functionality in the team calendar is causing a lot of frustration for our managersSummary Team Calendar functionality is not meeting business requirements - looking for ideas on how other companies have managed...Content We have a very big issue with …
HCM – Partner Webinar: Leveraging Oracle’s Partner WorkForce Software for Advanced SchedulingContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Partner Webinar: Leveraging Oracle’s Partner WorkForce Software for Advanced Scheduling session to have them answered during …Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 38 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle Workforce Management
Missing Manage Absence Records from Action MenuSummary Missing Manage Absence Records from Action MenuContent Under Person Management I don't see the Manage Absence Records link from the Actions Menu. However I do se…Van Dang-22874 62 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Workforce Management