Discussion List
What is the reason for below errorSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, We’re facing below error while loading Absence Entries. “The accrual process failed because the accrual period that you specifie…
How to load overlapping absences from EBS to Fusion?Summary: Content (required): Hi Experts, We are extracting absence entries from EBS to Fusion and we are having some overlapping absence entries in EBS. To facilitate th…
UOM Conversion FormulaSummary: Conversion formula for Global Absence Plan Duration Content (required): We have Absence plan in Calendar days (UOM) and absence type associate to it in hours (U…
Show el expression explanations one after the otherHello, I added an absence description with EL expression to the Add Absence screen. However, I want to show the items I wrote here one after the other. Is there a way to…
Assignment Descriptive Flex-Field Configuration Feasibility CheckSummary: The ask here is that we need to Configure two Context Segments (namely Contract Assignment and Permanent Assignment) such that if they have a value of "Yes" the…
How do we disable the employee role for certain employees?Summary: We are new to Oracle so still learning how things work. We created a custom role called 'Web Clock Employee - IP Controlled' and it mirrors the employee role ex…
Absence plan duration six monthsI'm trying to change the term of the plan to 6 months, it currently has the anniversary date, it only expires after 12 months, I need to reduce it to 6 months, how can I…Fernando Scheffer 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
While applying the leave employee is getting time automatically along with date though UOM is days.Summary: Hi Team, We have one issue, there is one employee form India whenever he goes and apply casual leave, he is getting time automatically along with the date thoug…
Rollover to target absence plan is not working, can someone help me?Summary: At the end of the yearly period, the absence balance needs to rollover to another absence plan in order to store and track the remaining absence balance for thi…Martijn van den Berg 120 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pooja S-Oracle Workforce Management
Restrict Value set values of Absence DFF based on person dataSummary: We have a requirement to display the value set values attached to DFF on Add Absence page based on person bargaining unit code. Can you please suggest on how th…
Discrepancies when transfer salary components from Workforce Compensation to Core HRSummary: Content (required): We did the following setups for salary element mapping which includes three components in Workforce Compensation Plan: When I use Test condi…
The delivered Auto complete rule for Work relationship Rehire is not workingSummary: Get first row(Worker Work Relationship.Get When and Why) is notworking for Cancel Work relationship its giving error. Please suggest any other function to get c…puja suryanarayana 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Tiwari, CPP -Oracle Workforce Management
How to set alerts to HRBP when employee submits maternity leave.Summary: Hi Team, I have to create one alert like when employee go and submits maternity leave then it should trigger to HRBP. Content (required): I have to create one a…M-HCM 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
What is Oracle recommendation on assignment of employees to the departments?Summary: As i understand, the employees need to be tagged to the lowest level in the hierarchy of departments. Please correct me if i am wrong and what is Oracle's recom…Toruk 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Is there a way to enforce upper case for person names while adding a new person?Summary: I have a requirement to enforce upper case for person names while hiring. If name is entered in lower case, we want the system to convert names to Upper case au…Aditi Sehgal 28 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
What is the meaning of TerminationDate <=SYSDATE+7.Summary: Hi Team, I want to know the meaning of TerminationDate
Collective Agreement not showingSummary: I created a new union, bargaining union and collective agreement but the collective agreement is not on the list of values to be selected. Content (required): I…Ana M 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to cancel scheduled recurring absence processSummary: Dear Team, I need to schedule "Calculate accruals and Balances" process to run daily with only one parameter i.e. legal entity. I have scheduled it for daily 12…Sri Vidya-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
How to see Comp off element under manage personal contribution.Summary: Hi Team, I have created one comp off element after that if I go under manage personal contribution page, I'm unable to see the element so anyone can help on the…
Donation Restriction - restrict so employees can only donate to a single (pre-defined) employee.Summary: Some companies use a fake employee to act as a "Donation Bank" to which employee can donate to this single fake employee then Admin can disburse donated hours a…
Absence Date ValidationSummary: We have a vacation plan that begins on the 91st day of employee and front-loaded with 40 hours. On the 181st day of employee any hours from the 91-180 day plan …
Which value we have to enter in the HDL track to load the department ManagerSummary: Which value we have to enter in the HDL track to load the department Manager Content (required): Hi, we are trying to load the departments via HDL (using Organi…
where can I add social experience?Summary: I have to add social experience to the specific employees so where can I add social experience to the employees. Content (required): I have to add social experi…
Who to create comp off plan from scratch.Summary: Hi Team, I have to create comp off plan for one of the plan so would anyone share the complete procedure like how to create it from the scratch like element cre…
Can we take effective date as past date to schedule update or calculate schedule process ?Summary: Hi Experts, I have to schedule one absence plan here I asked them to take current date as effective date but they asked me to take past date as effective date. …M-HCM 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Absences duration calculation with Saturdays (according to French legislation)Summary: Content (required): As per clientrequirements we need to count in absence duration saturdays (not all saturdays but only 5 per year). For example, if you take v…Evgeniya Repnina 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
How the balance will be calculated in terms of carryover.Summary: We have a new carryover limits based on location wise from October 1st onwards. here now one employee is having 60days of leaves and as per the new requirement …M-HCM 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Delegate ApprovalsSummary: Delegate Approvals Content (required): If the last category is selected, shouldn't all the notification coming to the user be delegated to the new user for inst…CraigX 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Does error will come or not in terms of UDT defined calendar events.Summary: Hi Experts, We are using UDT to add calendar events against one plan. here my concern is it is not throwing an error message on that particular date through we …M-HCM 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Absence duration not correctSummary: When an absence is entered in Advanced Mode, we are not able to enter start or end time but only select a date. It seems the system automatically takes 12:00 AM…Wouter.Schaap 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management