Discussion List
OTL: Employees with missing Time CardsSummary Need to fetch employees who have not submitted time entires but are already assigned to projectsContent Hi All, We are trying to fetch the employees who have not…Peeyush Chandel-Oracle 162 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Sudakar Babu Sunkesula Workforce Management
19D - Time Card Approval notification Custom Template IssueSummary 19D - Time Card Approval notification Custom Template IssueContent TimecardApprovalNotificationTemplate has been customized and placed under /Custom/Human Capita…
Is Oracle getting rid of Load Timecard Batches under Payroll Checklist, along with PBL?Summary We need help to find out all processes supported by Payroll Batch Loader and if we need to convert them to HSDLContent I am new to Oracle Fusion. Currently, as O…
New Time Card Summary No Longer Shows Breakdown of Hours at Rate 20ASummary Summary Page When Submitting New Time Card No Longer Shows Breakdown of Hours at Rate 20AContent Following application of 20a and responsive UI in a non producti…Shabana Manir-189900 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
In 19D release Note - "Add Person Number Field on All Redesigned Pages" for Absence Management noteSummary There is one note mentioned in the 19D release for Absence Management that "Add Person Number Field on All Redesigned Pages", we are little bit confused with the…
Oracle Fusion HCM for Canada: Payroll Legislative Updates for End-of-Year 2016 and Year Begin 2017Summary This announcement highlights the payroll legislative updates for end-of-year processing for 2016, including the features/updates delivered in the STAT2 statutory…Rene Holtam-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Upgrading Profile Management 19ASummary Upgrading Oracle Fusion Profile Management to Release 19A – Controlled Availability
Purpose of Manage Time AllocationSummary Purpose of Manage Time AllocationContent Dear Experts, Could you please explain the purpose of Manage Time Allocation/ Manage Allocation Assignment. Any update w…Vasanthakumar Ravi 25 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Workforce Management
Release 13 Absence Self-Service Pages RedesignedSummary Release 13 Absence Self-Service Pages RedesignedContent Hi, In the HCM Cloud Common Release 13 What's New (Updates 18A-18B) the redesigned 'Add Absence' page is …
Absence Notifications - the subject line appears to be off by one daySummary Absence Notifications - the subject line appears to be off by one dayContent Hi Experts Need your inputs with Absence Notifications dates being different in Subj…
Automatically reassign a role (and back) to an employee's back up in case of leave/holidayContent Dear Oracle Community, In case an employee A is on planned leave (from a concrete date X to a concrete date Y), we would like to be able to reassign certain of h…
Absence Type Validation : Bypass for HR SpecialistsSummary Bypassing Absence Type Validation for HR SpecialistsContent Hello Gurus, We have a business need where when a absence is recorded by an employee or by an Line Ma…
Absence Management Readiness Training for Update 18BSummary Watch the latest Absence Management readiness training for Update 18BContent Want to watch the latest Absence Management readiness training for Update 18B? You c…Alison McClure-Oracle 61 views 2 comments 5 points Most recent by Karthik K-Oracle Workforce Management
Approval / Workflow rules based on Manager Type for Payroll Time Card submission.Summary Approval / Workflow rules based on Manager Type for Payroll Time Card submission.Content Hello Experts, Request your inputs. It it possible to have time card app…
Oracle Cloud HCM for Canada: Payroll Legislative Updates for End-of-Year 2018 and Year-Begin 2019Summary This announcement highlights the additional Canada Payroll patching dates for end-of-year updates for end-of-year 2018 and year-begin 2019. Additionally, it high…Rene Holtam-Oracle 28 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Rene Holtam-Oracle Workforce Management
Absence in About me: R13Summary Absence menu entry in about me is not showing dataContent Hello, Somebody has idea about absence menu entry in about me, is not showing data. Thanks.User_2025-01-25-01-17-59-580 39 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sashwati Arcot-Oracle Workforce Management
assign a computer to an employeeSummary company assetsContent Hi, Where can I assign a computer or a car to an employee? Thanks for you answerUser_2025-01-31-01-54-43-958 44 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Mansur Khalil Workforce Management
Can we set alphanumeric value for worker number through spreadsheet loader when generation method seSummary Can we set alphanumeric value for worker number through spreadsheet loader when generation method set to automaticContent We wanted to set/upload alphanumeric va…
ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE not returning the last date of leaveSummary Using ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE to retrieve last date of leave-but it is not doing soContent Need to validate ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE in a Fast formula... But,this d…
ASummary LContent lPrashant Thakker-39466 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prashant Thakker-39466 Workforce Management
Roster based attendanceSummary Configuration of Roster based attendanceContent Hi All, Is there a possibility to define rosters on fusion application and assign them to workers? I have come ac…Achala Munasinghe 111 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-23-28-110 Workforce Management
Approval Notification For Terminated EmployeeSummary Approval Notification For Employee Timecards With Line Manager MissingContent Hello Experts, Request your help. When an employee is terminated, the terminated ro…
Oracle HCM Cloud for Canada: Payroll Legislative Updates for End-of-Year 2017 and Year Begin 2018Summary This announcement highlights the payroll legislative updates for end-of-year processing for 2017.Content Please refer to the My Oracle Support Document ID 210258…Rene Holtam-Oracle 7 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Rene Holtam-Oracle Workforce Management
Any Idea of Oracle Compatible Time Devices?Content Hi Guys, Any idea of Oracle compatible time devices available in the market? Because having supported device reduces hassles when integrating the device. Expect …
Oracle Fusion HCM for Canada: Payroll Legislative UpdatesSummary Basic Personal Amount Increase for Prince Edward Island and Decrease of Personal Tax Rates for Saskatchewan, Both Effective July 1, 2017Content This announcement…Rene Holtam-Oracle 23 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Rene Holtam-Oracle Workforce Management
Oracle Fusion HCM for Canada: Payroll Legislative Updates for End-of-Year 2017 and Year-Begin 2018Summary This announcement highlights the additional Canada Payroll patching dates for end-of-year updates for end-of-year 2017 and year-begin 2018. It also highlights th…Rene Holtam-Oracle 9 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Rene Holtam-Oracle Workforce Management
Oracle Fusion HCM for Canada: Payroll Legislative Updates for End-of-Year 2016 and Year Begin 2017Summary This announcement highlights the payroll legislative updates for end-of-year processing for 2016, including the updates delivered in the STAT4 statutory mini bun…Rene Holtam-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Rene Holtam-Oracle Workforce Management
Can we Generate Employee Promotion Letter,Confirmation Letter,Work Anniversary Letter from HCM ExtraSummary Can we Generate Employee Promotion Letter,Confirmation Letter,Work Anniversary Letter from HCM ExtractsContent Hi Friends, Any idea if we can Employee Promotion …AshishERPCloud 157 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-25-05-12-21-232 Workforce Management
TL Business ProcessSummary TL Business ProcessContent Hi, We are planning to implement Time and Labor module in Fusion R11, we have review the below document ID, it didn't help much, would…