Time and Labor
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Is there any way to control multiple checkin in web clock entries?Summary Is there any way to control multiple checkin in web clock entries?Content Hi All, Is there any way to control multiple check-ins or check-out in web clock entry?…Vamsi Krishna Pendela 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
How to remove Action Tasks/Items on the Time Management Module?Summary: I need to remove action task/items from the Time Mangement Form. Content (required I have to create a "read only" role and only give the user view access only t…
EL expression to hide edit button on the basis of certain value in the timecard?Summary: Content (required): We need to hide the highlighted edit button only against a specific entry after a certain value is selected on the timecard. For e.g.: If th…Bhawna Goel-Oracle 44 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Payroll Costing on a Time CardSummary Is it possible to add the Costing Information to a Time Card for processingContent Hi, Is it possible to have the Costing Information directly on a Time Card so …
OTL - Assigned project is not showing Timecard LOV for a personSummary: Content (required): We are using Project based Timecards. (Project, Task, Exp Type) All project tasks are Inclusive Transaction control and only persons added t…DPM 467 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Generate Time Cards does not display Person NameSummary: I am trying to generate Time Card for an employee. But when I click on the Generate button, the next page that is getting displayed does not show the Person Nam…Jini_G 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Can we submit timesheet in hours and minutesSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to submit timesheet in hours and minutes rather than decimal numbers or start time and end time. I don't see such option in Time …
Can we set warning message for Clock In and Clock Out in Web clock pageSummary Can we set warning message for Clock In and Clock Out in Web clock pageContent Is there option to set warning messages to display in the web clock page while doi…Sreedharan-Oracle 63 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sivasekar Narayanan-Oracle Workforce Management
Enable Team Schedule as an Icon under My TeamSummary Enable Team Schedule as an Icon under My TeamContent When we login as a manager, Team Schedule is available as a Quick Action but is there a way we can enable it…
How can we fetch the logged in user role in the time entry rule?Summary: We have a requirement that I need to restrict the time card editing on the basis of the roles of the employees and some custom attributes. Content (required): I…Bhawna Goel-Oracle 51 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhawna Goel-Oracle Workforce Management
How to download file from Content ServerSummary How to download file from Content ServerContent Hi, Is there any way to download files from Content Server?
How to create or edit the scheduled hours that are defaulted on timecard?Summary:When Timecard is created as shown(highlighted in yellow) in the below image scheduled hours are populated, how can we edit or these hours at one time for all the…
Can we enable Clock In button only initiallySummary: We want to just enable Clock in when the web clock is displayed for the first time so that user can’t click on any other button before he clicks on Clock in. Co…
Extract or Report for timecardSummary Extract or Report for timecardsContent Please let me know if you have an extract or report created to import time cards with HDL format. METADATA|TimeRecordGroup…
Which subject area to choose for Oracle Time and Labor (OTL) OTBI reports ?Summary: Which subject area to choose for Oracle Time and Labor (OTL) OTBI reports ? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code…
Public Holiday Exclusion in Absence duration in Elapsed Work ScheduleSummary: Public Holiday Exclusion in Absence duration in Elapsed Work Schedule using standard setup Content (required): Public Holiday Exclusion in Absence duration in E…
How can we make absence balance is carryover to new assignment with Global Transfer action?Summary: For an employee, in the record of old assignment, there was positive absence balance amount (80 days) and we expect that after Global Transfer, this absence bal…
Time Total in Time Card Time CategoryContent Hi All, Any ideas with this one? I am trying to set up some time categories to give the employee and manager some totals that are meaningful to the business. I c…
Skipping timecard approval for APPROVED Timecards when resubmittedSummary Skipping timecard approval for APPROVED Timecards when resubmittedContent Hi All, We have Timecard approval setup enabled and it's working fine for 'Entered' sta…
Need to load the Web clock check in and check out.Summary: Need to load the Web clock check in and check out(regularisation). Content (required): Hi Experts, We use Web clock check in and check out to monitor the employ…
Link between OTL and Calculation cardsContent Hi All, We got a link between Element entries and Calculation cards though BIP but we are looking to link between time cards and OTL or Element entries and OTL. …
Required sample HDL file for loading work schedule data for employeesSummary: I want Business object name for loading work schedule data for employees.I want sample HDL file for loading work schedule data for employees. Kindly share me if…Lakshmi Prasanna Avula 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Lakshmi Prasanna Avula Workforce Management
Oracle Fusion Cloud - Partition large tablesSummary: Looking to partition large tables e.g: HWM_TM_REC Content (required): We have quite a few reports that are based on the table HWM_TM_REC to get the reported tim…
Approval for Compensatory TimeContent When we submit Comp Time in OTL, the Comp time value moves to Absences without any Approval. Is this expected behaviour? If Yes, anyway we can make this movement…
How to add only working days for the particular day?Summary: Since we have a requirement to capture the leave end date for Maternity leave we need to add only the working days to the leave start date. We have used a funct…
Weekly Shift change for EmployeesSummary: I am new to OTL and need help.We have few employees in shifts.Week1 they are in shift 1 and Week2 in another shift.They don't want to manually update the schedu…
Semimontly Time cardSummary: Time card Content (required): How to get semi monthly time card period, Client wants to enter time for Semimontly, but the repeating periods is not having that …
Is it required to enable responsive UI for time entry? User wants to keep the classic UI for timeSummary: Is it required to enable responsive UI for time entry? User wants to keep the classic UI for time as this is tabular and easy for employees to understand. What …
Requirement to create Work Schedule with Multiple - Irregular Work PatternsSummary: Hi Experts, We have a requirement to create a work schedule with multiple patterns which are irregular. For ex: WS 1 = WP 1, WP 2, WP 3, ---- WP 1 = DDDNNEOO WP…Abhishek Bhaskar-Oracle 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhishek Bhaskar-Oracle Workforce Management
How to add custom attribute in oracle cloud OTL time cardSummary: Hi All I have a requirement to visible below format in Responsive UI Layout Assignment Name| Position name | Business Units Name for this created two value set …