Custom Formulas
Discussion List
Report diversity and disability at submission level vs (general) profile levelSummary 15A release notes outlines new recruiting reporting fields 'Candidate Disability Form Tracking'Content Has anyone been able to report out disability at the submi…
Convert Dates to Fiscal Month and Fiscal YearSummary Convert Dates to Fiscal Month and Fiscal YearContent Does anyone have a formula for Fiscal Month and Year? I need to take the Latest Filled Date and convert that…
How to display latest historical requisition statusSummary I wrote two MAX statements, one for historical status and one for historical start date yet i get different results for requisitions with similar historyContent …
Schedule an entire dashboardSummary Schedule an entire dashboardContent Hi there, I am trying to schedule an entire dashboard containing 3 pages (1 graph & 2 tables) but I get an error message that…
Formula to indicate if field starts with alpha characterSummary Formula to indicate if field starts with alpha characterContent HI I have a field that I need to indicate if it starts with an alpha character (Ie...BAC85963) wh…
Aggregate Counts for Step Status and Historical Step Status Detail Not WorkingContent I am trying to produce 2 different filters to count 2 different scenerios. Formula 1 count (distinct case when "Submission CSW Status - Historical"."Historical S…
Case statement with Date timestamp field looking for NULL valueContent I have written a formula to check for the2nd interview date field and if it’s empty then assign ‘not filled out’ else enter that date. The formula syntax doesn’t…Shree Pawar 127 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Mahesh Kucharlapati-94856 Taleo Enterprise
Using a filter column for posting date to prevent duplicates MAX("Requisition Posting"."Posting DateSummary Using a filter column for posting date to prevent duplicates MAX("Requisition Posting"."Posting Date") and reqs only posted once are showing blankContent Right n…
Count of submissions from the past 24 hoursContent I am trying to measure the number of candidates that apply within the past 24 hours. I have tried both variables but I am not getting the complete list. I am not…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 102 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP Taleo Enterprise
Pivot table sort by Grand totalSummary Can you sort the order of the pivot table by grand totalContent Is it possible to sort the values of a pivot table by grand total? See screen shot for reference.…
GraphSummary Display only top 10 valuesContent Hi all, Is it possible to display only the top 10 values in graph form instead of all of the values? Thanks in advance for your…
Passport ResultsSummary Previsor AssessmentContent Hello, In the past, I have had to build assessment results in the Legacy Recruiting Universe. Does anyone know if they are available i…
Re-order Horizontal Axis MeasurementsSummary Is it possible to re-order the Months without inserting an 01, 02, etc.?Content Hello all, I am building a graph with the months on the horizontal axis. The orde…
Report Help - Historical Status Dates by CSW StatusSummary Report pulls event date by CSW Status Name, but creates multiple rows per candidateContent Hey all, Hoping for some help from anyone who's built a similar report…Matthew Cowley-97000 47 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies Taleo Enterprise
Deriving Dates for Requisition/Candidate in TCCSummary How to derive the dates in TCC that are not available as a direct projectionContent Hi, I need help in deriving the following columns in TCC. I am assuming this …
Source historySummary Is source history for an applicant reportable OBI?Content Is it possible to report on an applicant's source history? For example, if the source on an applicant o…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 52 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Stephane Cote-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Taleo OTBI Performance Tile Filter : How to get difference between 2 datesSummary Taleo OTBI Performance Tile Filter : How to get difference between 2 datesContent Hi, Currently, when I try to put a OTBI filter to get difference between 2 date…
Time to Fill - Calculate Last Fully Approved Date to Last Position Accepted DateSummary OBI - Time to Fill - Calculate Last Fully Approved Date to Last Position Accepted DateContent We consider a requisition filled when the last offer has been accep…
SQL similar to OR StatementSummary How to filter more than one column in an analysisContent Hi Experts, Could you please advise how to filter more than one column based on multiple attributes? I a…
Add Candidate Name to Req Report for Reqs that have Candidates in Offer ExtendedContent Hello, Does anyone know a way to add Candidate Name to an open req report that would only return the name of candidates who are in Offer Extended status? Everyth…
Difficulty accurately identifying internal versus external hires and countsSummary Several data elements are combined to indicate if a hire is internal versus external to ensure accuracy in the data. Our formula works but doesn't seem efficient…
Need OBI solution to identify invalid characters in address fieldsSummary Looking to identify all invalid characters in candidate profiles due to resume parsingContent I have noticed, as others here have already posted, that resume par…
Reporting on corrected reject/decline motives in OBISummary Is it possible to grab the most recent reject/decline motive value for a submission when multiple exist?Content In OBI, I'm having problems grabbing ONLY the max…
Submission Performance Tile FunnelSummary Submission Performance Tile FunnelContent Hello All, Last year Oracle Product Manager Rachel Martorelli created a Performance Tile Funnel as an example in respon…Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies 166 views 2 comments 8 points Most recent by Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies Taleo Enterprise
Prescreening QuestionsSummary Can you report on prescreening questions?Content I was trying to build an analysis that included the candidate's answers to prescreening questions. I checked the…
How to use Action Link to navigate directly to Requisition No/Candidate Id on Staffing Webtop?Content Hi All, Kindly suggest on how to implement below: Suppose we have a table view as Requisition NO Candidate ID 00123145 123456 00154387 124567 How to configure th…
Time Difference From Offer to be Made to Offer ExtendedSummary Calculating Time difference in multiple offer statusesContent Hi, I am stuck on a formula and would love some help. My manager is wanting to calculate the time d…
Report on Candidate's previous CSW StatusSummary How can I display a candidates penultimate CSW status?Content Hello! I am trying to put together a report that includes a candidate's status prior to being rejec…
Time Difference between Correspondence Sent DateContent Hi, I am unable calculate time difference using dates from candidate tracking. I am trying to show the days between two correspondences. I can pull in the dates …
Days of Difference Between Requisition Created and Requisition Approval RequestedSummary Formula QuestionContent I am trying to figure out a way to calculate the difference in Days between Requisition Created and Requisition Approval Requested BY Req…