Custom Formulas
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Requisition Primary Location Zip CodeSummary Looking to only show Primary location zip codeContent Hello, I am looking to show the primary location zip code in an OBI report. I noticed under Requisition Pri…
Application Historical Tracking Date and corresponding Application Historical CSW StepSummary Application Historical Tracking Date and corresponding Application Historical CSW StepContent This is an easy one but my brain is fried with the upcoming holiday…
Need to display which candidate filled the last open position of filled requisitionsSummary We are not able to display which candidate has filled the last open position of filled requisitionsContent Hi, We have created below custom formula to display th…
Subtract 3 hours from a dateSummary Subtract 3 hours from a dateContent Hi All, I'm trying to subtract 3 hours from a date and cannot get the formula to work. Formula in BO =RelativeDate([Job Offer…
Create a variable to count offer accepts where start date is > current dateContent Hello, I am creating a table that counts by location the various stages of the candidate life cycle. One of those counts is on offer accepts where the start date…
Report to show all candidates at least at offer - draft PLUS requisition details of candidate countsSummary Report to show all candidates at least at offer - draft PLUS requisition details of candidate counts at selected step/statusContent I am trying to recreate a rep…Lucy Eggleston-44674 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jennifer Tanous-44292 Taleo Enterprise
Compliance reportSummary Trying to filter report to show personnel areaContent Creating a compliance report from BO to OBI that is using a subquery. Need to use the Req Identifier to wri…
First Req. History Transaction date (when posted externallly)Content MIN(CASE WHEN "Requisition Posting"."Posting Source" = 'Career Section - EXTERNAL' THEN EVALUATE('TO_CHAR(%1,%2)' AS CHARACTER,"Requisition Tracking History"."Re…
Filter or dashboard prompt issueContent Hi, I wonder if anyone can provide answer to this. I created a req report which includes names of recruiter. I applied a prompted filter on Recruiter as I planne…
Current Date/Time Stamp in OBI AgentSummary Looking to put a date/time stamp in the subject line of my OBI agentContent Hello, I would like the subject line of my OBI agent to contain the date/time of the …
Display values in separate columnsSummary Display values in separate columnsContent Is there a way to display the Evaluation Evaluator Name field is separate columns if there are more than one? I have tr…
How to get the nationality of a candidate or the language spoken by the candidate?Summary How to get the nationality of a candidate or the language spoken by the candidate?Content Hi All, One of my team members wanted to access all Dutch speaking cand…
Need help calculating the percent different between two columnsSummary Need help calculating the percent different between two columnsContent We are creating a recruiter scorecard in OBI. I've used a CASE WHEN formula to enter in ea…Jordan DeLellis 65 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Report to identify duplicated reqsContent I've been asked to run a report to see how many reqs have been duplicated since September 1, 2016. I know this shows in history, but what field can I pull that w…Michelle Graham-29105 42 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
BO formular to OBISummary Me trying to breakdown a BO code...Content Round( (Truncate(DaysBetween([Min Post Date - All Reqs];CurrentDate()) / 7 ; 0) * 5) + ToNumber(Substr("12345551234445…
How to Knowledge DocumentsSummary Documents provided in MOS by Support to guide you through common tasksContent Published OBI KM Docs KM Doc ID KM Doc Title KM Document Type Reference Documents 2…Rachel Martorelli-Oracle 570 views 0 comments 5 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
HTML TagsSummary Include HTML Tags in OBI ReportContent I am trying to build an OBI report that would include the HTML tags with the description and qualifications for our posted…
Pull Analysis with Current Status as of a certain time/dateContent Hello, I have a graph set up in OBI where I need to re-pull it as of last Friday 10/28 as of noon. I already have a filter on it for Req Creation date less than …
Display dates on same row?Summary How to display custom dates on the same data row?Content I am using a formula to show dates using a specific step and status. The formula works but since I am us…
MAX "Profile Passport"."Profile Service Status Log Date"Summary MAX "Profile Passport"."Profile Service Status Log Date"Content I am trying to get max date (latest activity date) and the results status ("Profile Passport"."Pr…
Changing Date Format to use in PivotSummary Changing Date Format to be able to use Date as a Measure in a Pivot TableContent I have searched high and low. I am trying to pull a usage report and wanted to u…
OBI Filter Week To DateContent Hello OBI Users, I was asked recently how to create a filter that would give results based on the week to date and I want to share my solution with you. Assuming…Rachel Martorelli-Oracle 77 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Magdalena Gorska Taleo Enterprise
Reporting on requisition posting statusSummary provide detail on whether or not a requisition is posted to a specific career siteContent In Business Objects I was able to include information on whether or not…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 43 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP Taleo Enterprise
Report on Reqs/Candidates by Career SIteContent We need to create a new careers site to "hire" all of the employees we are acquiring in an acquisition. I am going to create a careers site for them to gather th…Michelle Graham-29105 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Previous Employer Value from OBI ReportingSummary Need to know which field to include in a report to get the previous employer value of an applicantContent Hi, I am currently working on creating a report in OBI …
Other (specify) Reject Motive CommentsSummary how to pull comments entered when recruiter rejects with motive of Other (specify)Content I was able to accomplish this by using a separate query in BO but I am …
Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsSummary Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsContent Hi there, I have created a report (attached) and I added Historical Step/Status Comments. However, I got the repo…
Calculating Percent Difference between two columnsSummary Calculating Percent Difference between two columnsContent Hello - Does anyone know the best way to calculate the percent difference between two columns? We are t…Valerie Reyna Villarreal 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santosh Tekumalla-14206 Taleo Enterprise
Latest - offer accepted dateSummary Required formula for populating latest - offer accepted dateContent Hi there, I have created a report that contains all hired candidates details. I have populate…
Custom formula used more than onceSummary Custom formula used more than onceContent Hello is there a way to save a custom formula in OBI that is used more than once on multiple analyses - like we can do …