Offer Management
Discussion List
Create Job Offer using Soap Api For Taleo TEESummary: Hi, I am trying to create a job offer using APIs and have found the following WSDL: https://{Zone} Howev…
Offer Letter PDF FormattingContent Hi, I'm curious if anyone else has ran into these issues. For quite some time now (almost 2 years), we've noticed that when we go to print an offer letter PDF, s…
job offer reportSummary: We need a Taleo report/query that pulls the job offer information for a group of employees that has decommissioned from our platform. Has anyone successfully bu…
Standard E-offer Comment box in Offer responseSummary: Hi Team, We want to disable the "comments" box that appears while responding to a Standard Eoffer. This is currently configured as mandatory (Attached is the sc…
extra blank page in pdf is created for an accepted Offer Letter. We are referring E-Offer OnboardinContent Did anyone experience seeing extra blank page in pdf version of the eOffer that was accepted? once the offer letter was accepted, it can be downloaded by the can…
Re-extended offer subject missingSummary: For some reason, when we rescind an offer letter, and then go to resend to someone, the "Subject" line is missing. Can we have it mirror what is there for the s…
Sending bulk offer letters and converting them to Employees.Content Hi All, We have a requirement to send out bulk offer letters and convert them to employees in Taleo system for 500+ candidates as part of acquisition. Any sugges…
Offer Letter Attachment via TCCSummary How to export offer letter attachment in Taleo connect clientContent Hi Team, I would like to know,if we can export offer letter attachment thru TCC. Once the of…
How to get recruiter and hiring manager notification of verbal offer acceptanceSummary: Currently, when we have an e-offer that is accepted, the manager & recruiter get an automated response saying that this has been accepted. When we do the "Verba…
Supress notification to Hiring manager for - Offer Approval Decision NotificationSummary: We have a request to supress the notifcation on approval decision being send to Hiring Manager The notifications are send to 3 parties - Recruiter / Onboarding …Binoy Ravindran-145680 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Binoy Ravindran-145680 Taleo Enterprise
Is it possible to send a signed contract copy to the candidate email once accepted the offer?Summary: Is it possible to send a signed contract copy to the candidate after they they have accepted the Eoffer in taleo onboarding? Content (please ensure you mask any…
Can a formal/electronic approval be established for another step/status in Taleo (conditional offer)Summary: Can a formal / electronic approval be established for another step / status in Taleo (conditional offer).Requisition approval and Offer approval have these Tale…
Is there a way to see the offer approvals of past offers within the Offer tab?Summary: Is there a way to see the offer approvals of past offers within the offer tab instead of searching on the history tab. Suppose we created an offer (offer 1) and…
amount should be present in word formatHi Team, We have certain amounts in offer form which are present in numeric form in fields. I want the same amount to be written in word format below same field. Please …
Issue with integrationSummary: Hello, Please help with the integration issue, due to our needs we need to update the field in the Offer object and if we try to update via TCC ,everything work…Mykhailo Galovskyi 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kev Carly-Support-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
SQL for Terminated OfferCould someone assist with a formula to calculate from Offer submitted for approval to offer terminated date, on the most recent offer? I tried the following formula but …
On the candidates job Offer Notification, customize the error message linked to the Accept buttonSummary: During job offer process , we seek additional info from the candidate through a generated mail, where they have to enter the some additional details asked for. …
How to unable or hide button download in offering letter?Summary: can i hide or enable download button in job offer? Content (required): Hide Button Download In offering letter Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
OBI - Offer time in approver queueAlthough we use a DAR for the offer approval path, users are allowed to add additional approvers into the approval path. Because of this, the Recruiter is not always in …
Time to Approve when Offer Approvals TerminatedCould someone please assist me with the formula that will generate time to approval from: Time between offer last approver and offer approval process terminated Time bet…
create offer not appearing after reverting a rescinded/dispositioned candidateSummary: We had an offer rescinded, and the candidate dispositioned, and then the decision was made to reextend the offer and move forward with the hire. We can revert b…
How can I add a new language for the career site?Summary: Hi, I need to add UK English on the career site and other places also in ORC. But currently in the system UK English is not there. Only American English is avai…NarendraNayak 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by NarendraNayak Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
e offer functionality IssuesHi Team, We have certain requirements while enabling e offer functionality in Taleo. Candidates’ Password: Password to be sent along with username(in first email) in som…
Offer Letter Creation with warning based on Offer UDFSummary: Offer Letter Creation with warning messages based on Offer UDF Content (required): Is there a way to create warning message or a hard stop for the user to valid…
Update Candidate Offer SignOnBonusSummary: Update Candidate Offer SignOnBonus Content (required): Is there any possibility to update the candidate offer SignOnBonus using TCC Script? Here is an example o…
'Enter' key doesn't add a blank row in offer letter- Edit/View shows it but not really there.Summary: After our upgrade to 23B we found if you use the 'Enter' key to put a blank line between a paragraph in an offer letter the View/Edit mode shows a blank line. H…
Offer Acceptance RateDoes anyone have any recommendations on how to calculate offer acceptance rate in OBI? I know the formula for calculating it but looking for pointers on the equations an…
Rounding in OBII need some assistance with rounding in OBI. I have formulas that calculate the number of days between two dates however the formula is rounding and putting only zeros a…
OBI Equation HelpHello, I've created the below formula in OBI to calculate Fiscal Year from Offer Actual Start Date. I am trying to create a report that uses the Most Recent Offer = YES …
e offer functionalityHi Team, We have enabled e-offer functionality in Taleo in instance of Taleo but when offer is opened in career section after login tis offer letter is showing as single…