Talent Profile
Discussion List
Job Model profile- not able to update degree sectionSummary: I am trying to create a new Job model profile. The Degrees and Language section are non editable. Please see the screen shot. Content (required): Version (inclu…
Is it possible to edit start date and end date for talent ratings?Summary: Is it possible to edit start date and end date for talent ratings? Content (required): Hello, Client wants the ability to edit the start and end dates for talen…
Person Profile Type - Education DFF in job applicationSummary: Person Profile Type - Education - DFF in job application Content (required): We have created a DFF for Education Context under HRT_PROFILE_ITEMS. How can we get…Junade Shujaat 184 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dineshkumar Ramarao Career and Succession
Hide Competencies section within Talent ProfileSummary Hi, we are looking to hide from View (temporarily) the competencies section from Manager, employee view and also also not have it show up when a profile is print…User_2025-01-25-03-52-12-579 61 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Sathish M Career and Succession
Employee move from one talent pool to another talent pool.Summary: Hi All We have received a requirement. If HR change the employee grade employee should move to one talent pool to another talent pool. we don't want move any em…
Valueset for Person Profile , Content SectionSummary: Hi All, We wanted to create a new content section under Person Profile->Person. Its certification type.Could you please let me know where can we find the value …
How to remove talent rating edition by the managerSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone! We would like the Manager to not be able to edit or create the Talent Rating from the profile, only from the Talent Review. …
List of Values for Program NameSummary: List of values for Major Content (required): We have business requirement to capture the list of values (dropdown) for Major field. Is it possible to change the…
Public access to skills and qualifications contentContent (required):PriyaPenugonda-SC 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by PriyaPenugonda-SC Career and Succession
Profile Management - Content Section Custom FieldsHi All, In Work history content section, we are capturing the information some fields like Current Job, End date, Reason for Leaving. And End date and Reason for leaving…
Talent Review DocumentSummary We need the performance rating to flow from the performance document to the talent review documentContent We need the performance rating to flow from the perform…User_2025-02-05-08-03-40-915 37 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Ravi Kumar Hemanna-Oracle Career and Succession
Task Completion Date of the Development Goal is not displayedSummary: Dates on which the Tasks added in Development Goals are Completed, is not displayed Content (required): We are implementing Career Development Fusion Cloud for …
Using HDL for loading Position Descriptions/Model ProfilesSummary: Looking for an example and/or tips for loading position model profiles. Appreciated the assistance! Content (required): Version (include the version you are usi…
No values listed in Profile Content ItemSummary: No values listed in Profile Content Item Content (required): We couldn't view any value in Content Type 'Degree'. Are we missing any setup? Please advise. Versi…
Explore RolesHello dear community, I am using positions profiles types, I would like to know why should I do because I am not able to see them here: Thanks, Octa
NUX Skills and Qualifications: How-to enable Multi Competency Gap spider chartsSummary This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers"Content This quick admin user guide shows you How-to enable Competency …Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 940 views 64 comments 16 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Career and Succession
How does the Source field from a Learning Outcome populate on the Skills & Qualification page?Summary: An Employee completed a Learning Course with a Learning Outcome (Certificate). The Certificate was reflected on the Skills and Qualifications page of the Employ…
How to upload Person Profile and Model Profile?Summary: Content (required): How to upload Person Profile and Model Profile? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snipp…
Talent Review Meetings LimitSummary: Maximum number of Talent Review Meetings Content (required): Dear Oracle Family, Is there any cap on the maximum number of Talent Review Meetings creation? As f…
Profile Management: Content sections alertsOur client have an requirement to enable FYI notification, When worker updates or add the content sections like Accomplishments, Membership or License or Certifications …
Development Goal List in Empty on Talent Pool Screen?Summary: Content (required): There are development goals added to the development goals and development goals library? Why the development goals list is empty? Version (…
Is it possible to modify the Talent Profile Print PDF?Summary: Looking to modify the Talent Profile Print PDF. Content (required): Experts, We are looking to modify the Talent Profile Print PDF. For example, “Job Title” and…
How to change 'Skills and Qualifications' labels to 'Talent Profile'Summary: We would like to change the button and page title labels of Skills and Qualifications to read Talent Profile instead Content (required): We would like to change…
LINKEDIN PROFILE IMPORTContent Hi all, I'm trying to configure this functionality, however, it seems ORC is required. Not sure has anyone tried with ORC. https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/techn…
Giving only Item Catalog access for a custom roleContent We have custom role created for learning activities and we need to give the profile management item catalogs access for that role only to create certifications a…Ayesha Thilakarathna 32 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Thomas Billion Career and Succession
Person Talent Profile Search Managed Processes questionSummary: Hi there, I understood that in order to make Person talent search work (Manage Talent Profile > Search) we need to run the ess jobs mentioned in this doc Doc ID…
Talent profile report and Employee Assignment history data.Summary: Hi All, We are using talent profile report in talent profile we capturing employee position detail's. when we was running talent profile report in report positi…
How to extract in an analysis short description of a content item?Summary: Content (required): Hi team, How is it possible to extract Short descriptions for content items in an analysis? Thanks, GF Version (include the version you are …Gabriele Falso-Oracle 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Challa Vidyasagar Career and Succession
Content Type: Competencies & Competency TypeSummary Question: is there a way of displaying the HRT_COMPETENCY_CATEGORY values on the Competency Skills & QualificationsContent Business Scenario: Display in the Skil…User_2025-02-06-05-48-04-804 84 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Johnna Balane Career and Succession
Do we have Available Data related to education (List of All Colleges in US)Summary: Hi All, Is there a way to get a list of all colleges in the US for loading into education establisment? Our Client is using first-time Talent Profile and they w…