Learning Plans
Discussion List
Removing a user from a Learning PlanContent Hi All, I need to remove a user from a learning plan but the box is greyed out. Is there a way to un-grey the box so that the user can be removed for the learnin…
Is it possible to do Dynamic Mapping of Learning Plans to User Roles or Job Codes?Summary: Is it possible to do User Role Based Mapping of Learning Plans? For example users in a User Role or users with a specific Job Code get mapped to certain learnin…
Duplicate 'User Added' messagesSummary: Hi, We have users receiving duplicate emails for LP enrollment. Even after I've disabled the message within the LP, users are still receiving emails. Some of ou…
Can Learning Plan Description be added as a Required Field for new Learning Plans?Summary: Can learning plan description be added as a required field for new learning plans? It is currently optional but looking at making an a required field for new le…
Need help to create a large custom report of course completionsNeed to create a report of all users who completed Learning Plans including mapped items which are LC courses and imported SCORM courses for past 6 years. Output data re…
Is there a Bi Reporting field that returns who last updated an enrollment or learning plan?Summary: Is there a Bi Reporting field that returns who last updated an enrollment or learning plan? I tried using Last Updated By field in a BI Enrollment report but it…
Any tips on copying learning materials and user histories from Sub LearnCenter to root LearnCenter?Summary: My organization is looking to import or copy all learning materials and user learning histories from a Sub LearnCenter into our root (source) LearnCenter so tha…
How To Remove User from Learning Plan (Retain Mapping was Enabled but LP No Longer Mapped to Group)Summary: Has anyone ever had to remove a user from a learning plan that was assigned via a group with retain mapping enabled AFTER the learning plan was unmapped from th…
How can I change due date for multiple people mapped to a Learning Plan?Summary: How can I change due date for multiple people mapped to a Learning Plan? Is using Bulk Loader uploading a User Learning Plan Data File the only way? Otherwise, …
How can I change due date for multiple people mapped to a Learning Plan?Summary: How can I change due date for multiple people mapped to a Learning Plan? Is using Bulk Loader uploading a User Learning Plan Data File the only way? Otherwise, …
Unable to unmap some users from certain learning plans. Any ideas on how to unmap them?Summary: How do I unmap users from learning plans when there is no checkbox next to change status? Please see attached screenshot. Content (required):These are active us…
Learning Plans vs Assignment?Summary: I'm noticing a lot of ppl talking about Learning Plans; however, we don't have access to Learning Plans as LMS Admins, only HR? Is this something we can get acc…
Can't register for ILT via learning plan search/catalog widgetSummary: If you access a learning plan via the learning plan widget, you can easily register for upcoming ILT's as expected. If you search for and add yourself to a lear…
How can I remove the due date on a Training Offering in a Learning Plan?Summary: Need to remove training offering due date Content (required): I'm attempting my first foray into Training Offerings in order to add a new version of a course to…
Is it possible to export a Learning Plan from Root LC and import it into a Sub LC?Summary:Is it possible to export a Learning Plan from Root LC and import it into a Sub LC? Content (required): I see the copy option on the LP in the root LC, but no exp…
Learning Plan will not "Complete" after all Courses in "Completed" StatusSummary: Learning Plan will not show "Complete" after all Courses in "Completed" Status Content (required): So far it has happened to the first two people mapped to it. …
How can I remove a Training Offering Due Date in a Learning Plan?Summary: Content (required): I'm attempting my first foray into Training Offerings in order to add a new version of a course to a Learning Plan (hate there isn't a bette…
How do I find Learning Plan Name associated to Learning Plan IDSummary:I ran a BI report (Audit Trail Report) to determine who has mapped a specific learning plan to users. The report is great except for it only tells you the Learni…
How do I move education history from old to new account?Summary:I need to move education history from a user's old to his new user account in Taleo Learn. He was a contractor and is now a regular employee. Both accounts are i…
Learning Evaluation QuestionnaireSummary Manage questionnaire templateContent Hi, Does anyone know how can you find out to which questionnaire is attached a questionnaire template ? I'm asking because a…
Is anyone else having an issue with Learning Plan MESSAGES?Summary: While messages mapped to Enrollments are going out normally, messages mapped to Learning Plans do not seem to be firing from Taleo Learn. Content: Does anyone e…
Is anyone has having an issue with Learning Plans not completing?Summary: Learning Plans not completing when users complete all items. Content (required): Is anyone else having an issue with Learning Plans not completing when users co…
Recurring Learning Plan - honor previous completionsContent I swear I have done this before without issue, but it's been a while, so maybe I forget something. We have a 1-course learning plan that was previously required …
need to know the max field length of Learning Item ID/Learning Plan IDContent Hello, I am building a database to store learning plan progress information from OBI report. I realize a learning plan can map to multiple learning item types an…
Need advice on Exempting someone from one of many Learning Plans mapped dynamicallyContent I have dynamic groups set up by role, those groups are then mapped to Learning Plans that each particular role needs to complete (for safety training). I was ask…
To retain mappings or not to retain mappings.....Content I have been advised to always retain mappings on my Learning Plans, but I'm questioning whether that is the right decision. I have read through the help informat…
Latency with Google Chrome this morning - WidgetsSummary LearnCenter Chrome latency especially with WidgetsContent All widgets are demonstrating EXTREME latency when using google Chrome. Is anyone else having this issu…
Communications-Messages-Post LP Completion Automated MessageSummary Customize a message to be sent 60 days after an LP completion to take a survey (External link)Content Hi all - We would like to create a 'message' that would hav…User_2025-01-23-22-23-00-159 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sheila Burckhart Taleo Learn
How to remove a person from Learning Plan when Retain Mapping enabledSummary Remove person from Learning Plan when Retain Mapping enabledContent I wanted to share some assistance I received from Oracle support. We had people who were erro…
Recurring Learning Plan (RLP) not going to Completed status if User completed the RLP before it expiSummary Recurring LP's not acknowledging Users completionContent We discovered and issue where a User's Recurring Learning Plan (RLP) stays in the Not Attempted status i…User_2025-01-28-04-19-56-873 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-04-19-56-873 Taleo Learn