OBI Answers
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Taleo Production Incident #17-0825Summary Sub-optimal performance or downtime with Analytics and ReportingContent Hello, We have been receiving PIN notifications since yesterday (Thursday, 5/11/2017; 5:4…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 59 views 21 comments 6 points Most recent by Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP Taleo Enterprise
Scheduling Customization - Series - #2 - Same Day in Next MonthSummary Scheduling Customization - Series - #2 - Same Day in Next MonthContent Dashboard Prompt - OBIEE Syntax: TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH , 1, CURRENT_DATE) Regards, R…
Scheduling Customization - Series - #1 - Same Day in Previous MonthSummary Scheduling Customization - Series - #1 - Same Day in Previous MonthContent Dashboard Prompt - OBIEE Syntax: TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH , -1, CURRENT_DATE)
Need to preserve text formatting of job description column in excel reportSummary Report is pulling job description as plain text. Line breaks and formatting are lost. Admin report of message templates preserves formatting. Why not job descrip…
Interview Evaluation ReportingSummary Looking for different reports that we can create for Interview EvaluationsContent While I have a very specific need to pull out time and data for Interview Evalu…
Folder Permissions settingSummary OBI folder - permission settingContent Hi there, I have changed the permission setting to a folder and selected No access to Taleo BI Admin role by mistake. Now …
Scheduling a dashboard in OBI with a promptSummary Scheduling a dashboard in OBI with a promptContent I'm converting a 3 tabbed report (with 3 different queries) into OBI (from BO). (summary and 2 detail sheets).…
Tracking Submissions (Did Not Receive Rejection Letter)Summary Tracking Submissions (Did Not Receive Rejection Letter)Content Hello, I'm in the process of creating a formula that will tracking how many submissions did not re…
Activities Counted in the Wrong WeekSummary Counts showing in previous week rangeContent We have a report where we are counting by week (Sat-Fri). In validating the report, it looks like activities that ar…
TEE requisiton template report query - additional fieldsSummary TEE requisiton template report query - additional fields requriedContent TEE requisiton template report query - additional fields requried Within OBI there is a …
Merged CandidatesSummary Need to build a report of merged candidatesContent I am looking to build a report for all merge candidate activity. I need to be able to find both records though…
Fast Formula HelpSummary Formula Help- Time Stamp FormulaContent Hi All, This formula works but provides all "0" results. I think I am probably missing or need a different combination of…
Overall no of reqs if the most advanced step is 'New'Content How can I calculate no of reqs that have their highest submission status as 'new' Help or advise needed please
Calculate average number of days 6th external candidate moved to specific step/statusSummary Calculate average number of days 6th external candidate moved to specific step/statusContent We are in need of a formula to calculate the average number of days …
How do I add Total Submissions field to Hired Candidates by Requistion report?Summary I have a request to add Total submissions for each requisition that has a hired candidate listed.Content The OBI Analysis currently has a row for each candidate …
Recruiter name prompt showing all user namesSummary Recruiter name prompt showing all user namesContent Dear Experts, For a report I was creating, I added a recruiter name listener followed by a prompt for the rec…
Reporting Counts: # of Times a Req has been Posted/UnpostedSummary Need to determine a formula to count the distinct times a req has been posted and unposted during the duration of the req life cycle.Content I have developed a f…Jennifer Tanous-44292 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jennifer Tanous-44292 Taleo Enterprise
OBI Req. Prescreening QuestionsSummary We are looking for Req Prescreening Questions folder in OBIContent In current state, we use the Req Prescreening Questions folder in business objects to get a li…
Time Between CorrespondenceSummary Measuring the time between correspondencesContent Has anyone created any sort of report that involves the time between correspondence? Or measuring the duration …
General Report but Restricted data view for UsersSummary A report to be designed but the data viewed by the users should be restricted to their coverage areasContent Hi All, I am designing a new report on requisition b…Thousif Syed-47883 41 views 9 comments 3 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Taleo Enterprise
OBI - Latest Req Transaction DateSummary OBI - Latest Req Transaction Date formulaContent I have a report in OBI. The Requisition history transaction dates can pull MANY rows. What I'm looking to do is …
Email Address link in a report columnSummary Is there formatting for Clickable email address from a report column in OBI?Content Hi, We used BO variable formula; ="" +[Req. Recruiter Name] + "" to display r…
Percent Formula as Compared to Seven Days AgoSummary Need Column to Compare Last Week to This WeekContent Hello, I need to add in a % Change Calculation for each of my measures into a pivot table.. See the attached…
Setup an Agent based on step/status conditionSummary Is it possible to setup a scheduled report based on candidates in the report being on specific step/statusContent Dear Experts, Is it possible to setup a schedul…
Need BI report designed for powerpointSummary Need report designed for powerpointContent Hi I used to be able to create cool reports with the old reporting tool but now it seems to be all tables and graphs. …Michele Bizjak-Yenulonis 54 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Kristine Kukich-Oracle University-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Concat DatesSummary trying to concat week and yearContent I would like to show the week and the year of a certain date in one column (9-2017) CONCAT (WEEK_OF_YEAR("Submission Dates"…
YTD Evaluate Code for Dashboard PromptSummary Dashboard Prompt YTD defaultsContent Hi, I am working on a Dashboard prompt to default to YTD to filter all results on the dashboard. I have used a previously cr…
Requisition Approval Cycle Time - Removing the "Saved as Open" event from calculationSummary Requisition Approval Cycle Time - Removing the "Saved as Open" event from calculationContent Hello - We're attempting to calculate our requisition approval cycle…
Report of Shortest time to the next stepSummary Need to design a report that shows the shortest time between stepsContent We are hoping to design a report that would allow us to see how quickly we had a candid…
Filtering out duplicate requisitions in a Talent Tracking ReportSummary Looking to filter out duplicates when multiple locations are tied to one requisition #, also when including collaborators, it lists duplicates to include every c…Fernando Cahue 37 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise