Percent Formula as Compared to Seven Days Ago
Need Column to Compare Last Week to This WeekContent
I need to add in a % Change Calculation for each of my measures into a pivot table.. See the attached screenshot with where I would like to add the % Change in. What I've done so far:
- Added SQL onto my analysis to show the last 13 days Only + today.
- Wrote a Case when formula to group the last 7 days into one column, and days 7-13 into the second column and added this to the "Columns" section of my pivot. Here is my formula: CASE WHEN TRUNCATE(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY,"Submission Dates"."Submission Completed Date",CURRENT_DATE),0) <= 6 THEN 'Current Week' WHEN TRUNCATE(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY, "Submission Dates"."Submission Completed Date",CURRENT_DATE),0) < 14 THEN 'Previous Week' END