Taleo Enterprise
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User Activities in Taleo Recruiting ReportsSummary How to track User Activity in Taleo Recruiting ApplicationContent Need to track on report how many user logged in to Taleo eg: Agency, Hiring Manager and Recruit…
How to get the Currently Pending offer Approvel Full NameSummary I have added the field "Requisition Approval History"."Currently Pending Approver Full Name" for getting currently offer pending with name but its giving blank v…
Anyone else having OBI troubles with 19A.0.1?Content We've had issues with the following: "Requisition Counts"."# Openings (Distinct)" - inconsistent results (opened an SR and this field was moved to a new table) "…
Taleo Advert specificationContent Hi can anyone steer me in the right direction to find out what the specification limitations are when creating a job description on Taleo? Would need to know if …
Adding OTBI report to Recruiting CenterSummary Is there any possibility to add scheduled report or generated report to add in Taleo recruiting centerContent Configuration setting to add scheduled and generate…
Date formula to show N/A when blankSummary How to show a date formula with N/A when BlankContent I am using the following formula and would like to use N/A in the column when no date associated. Also the …
Original Submission DateSummary Tracking Original Submission Date After Candidate Has Been MatchedContent Hi We have scenarios where a candidate applies to Requisition A and at a point in the h…
Taleo Embedded Reporting - Default Date value parameterSummary How can I default the date parameter on the report to be 30 days prior?Content Hi, One of my queries uses start date as a parameter, the user has to choose a dat…
Taleo Reporting Prompts based on User SecuritySummary Limit Prompts based on user securityContent Hello, I'm trying to find a way to limit prompts based on a users row level security. Currently we will provide users…
OBI Scheduling Options for End usersSummary OBI Scheduling Options for End usersContent Hi We usually schedule a dashboard to end user mail. Is there any options available for scheduling like FTP where end…
OBI Reports Showing ODBC Error - Session Killed - Bad PerfromanceSummary OBI Reports Showing ODBC Error - Session Killed - Bad PerfromanceContent Hi All, As we know we got upgraded to TEE taleo 15B.9.2 on Saturday IST till last Friday…
Schedule an entire dashboardSummary Schedule an entire dashboardContent Hi there, I am trying to schedule an entire dashboard containing 3 pages (1 graph & 2 tables) but I get an error message that…
Dashboard PromptsSummary Assign Dashboard Prompt to all Analysis in DashboardContent Good Morning, I am trying to create a dashboard prompt that sets the criteria for all analysis' in th…
Oracle Cloud Support - IssueSummary Oracle Cloud Support - IssueContent Hi Is there any issue with Oracle Cloud Support. I am not open log SR in Oracle Cloud Support. Please help. Regards, Ramesh
Reporting Issue with DSQ questionsSummary Getting duplicate lines of data for each DSQ added to a reportContent Hello, I am working on creating an applicant report which has the answers to 3 x disqualifi…
Very Important ** If you are intending to plan to 17 UpgradeSummary Very Important ** If you are intending to plan to 17 UpgradeContent Hi, Please check with Oracle Support before planning for upgrade to 17. Please request them t…Mahesh Kucharlapati-94856 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gunilla Runhall Taleo Enterprise
How to create a report when a Candidate Tagged and Processed across multiple Requisitions?Summary How to create a report when a Candidate Tagged and Processed across multiple Requisitions?Content Hi In OBI, How can we create a report to find the processing ti…
UDF FieldsSummary How can I expose UDF fields to use in OBI?Content Hello, I have a handful of UDF fields in Taleo (TEE) for which I need to pull into some custom reports. I can s…
Count of submissions from the past 24 hoursContent I am trying to measure the number of candidates that apply within the past 24 hours. I have tried both variables but I am not getting the complete list. I am not…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 102 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP Taleo Enterprise
Candidates "Never Been Hired"Summary Attempting to run a report of any Candidate that Has never been hiredContent Currently we have candidates that apply to multiple reqs, and i have attempted to bu…Jennifer Tanous-44292 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jennifer Tanous-44292 Taleo Enterprise
"Error 404 -- Not Found" when accessing OBISummary I sporadically get an "Error 404" when I try to access Oracle Business Intelligence. Has anyone else experienced this?Content When working in TEE (Taleo Enterpri…
Change the "from email" of an agent in OBISummary Edit the standard email address "defaultuserobi@invalidemail.com" for scheduled reportsContent Hi All, More and more clients are asking me, when implementing Tal…
Taleo UDF ReportingSummary Reporting on Taleo UDFContent Is there a report in Taleo that we can utilize to see which UDFS are currently used in reports?
Taleo 17.4 Upgrade OBI Report Performance IssuesSummary Taleo 17.4 Upgrade OBI Report Performance IssuesContent Hi We are facing facing performance issues in OBI reports post Taleo 17.4 Upgarde. Any one facing the sam…
Offer Approver NamesSummary All approvers in one column, need 1 name per column for row.Content Offer approver names are all within one column unlike the req approvers. How can I break apar…
Source historySummary Is source history for an applicant reportable OBI?Content Is it possible to report on an applicant's source history? For example, if the source on an applicant o…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 52 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Stephane Cote-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Comparing current values of fields with past values of fields in same analysisSummary Is it possible to compare current values of fields with past values of fields in same analysisContent We are trying to compare current values of fields with past…
What role do you need in Taleo to have the privilege to create and edit a Business Intelligence repoSummary What role do you need in Taleo to have the privilege to create and edit a Business Intelligence report ?Content What role do you need in Taleo to have the privil…
CSW step/status move date formula helpSummary Trying to create a CSW date move formula for each candidate ID by req. IDContent Hello, I'm trying to create a date formula for a historical step/status move by …
OBI Reporting 17.4 being Deployed but we are on 15BSummary are we impacted or does this put us in place to receive the update when we upgrade?Content Hello! I got an email from Oracle regarding a recent deployment for OB…