Discussion List
Child Data Group for HRT_EXT_PERSON_PERF_RATING_UE to include HRA_OVERALL_RATINGS_VL?Summary: Hi Our requirement is to include attributes from HRA_OVERALL_RATINGS_VL (Quarterly etc..) into existing extract w/ HRT_EXT_PERSON_PERF_RATING_UE (Annual) view e…
a way to add additional person numbers to PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE filter AND w/ SQLSummary: Hi forum: Cannnot remember SQL syntax to APPEND additional person numbers to PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE filter without using 'IN' clause so extract XML file breaks o…
With Root = Person DG or Assign DG to get Comp DG ( to get Comp DBIs from PER_EXT_CMP_FEED_PLAN_UE)Summary: Hi forum Looking to pull these DBI attributes into /add to HCM Extract where root DG = 'PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE' Or Assignment DG 'PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_UE' belo…
HCM Extract - Need help to get 'Previous' Job code / Job name SQL for VS/FFSummary: Hi I need to add these 2 columns in an HCM Extract (Assignment DG) that is sub to Person DG, Work Relationships, Work Terms hierarchy above Assignment DG Lookin…
How to enter a Supervisor via HDLSummary: How to enter a Supervisor via HDL Content (required): Hi, we would like to add a new Supervisor through HDL. I upload the file Worker.dat (see the attachment) b…Alberto Barile 176 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Catherine Abi Samra Human Capital Management
How to get the events from Fusion on Goal delete in Oracle Integration 3 ?Summary: Hi Experts Is there any adapter using which we can subscribe to HCM Goal delete event raised by Fusion i.e. on delete of a Goal. Please help me. Content (please…
Updating Salary Basis using Mass UpdateSummary Is it possible to add Salary Basis to the Mass Update screen and use Mass Update to update this value?Content Hello, We would like to use Mass Update to update t…
Loading Course / Learn Content data using HDL Course.dat / REST ApiSummary Loading Course data using HDL Course.datContent Hi Experts I am working on the uploading the Courses from LinkedIn. i have downloaded the course list and the AIC…
HCM Extract Quick Start ResourcesContent Documentation Manage HCM Extracts Office Hours HCM Integration office hours is a series of sessions with HCM product management which provides a forum to discuss…
Use Oracle Global Payroll Interface V2 and Oracle Integration Cloud to Integrate with Third Party PaSummary Implementation Guide of an ExampleContent For the customers who use Oracle HCM Cloud as the human resource management system and use the third party Payroll as t…
Utilize “UCM encryption” feature to control the access of BIP reports on UCMContent Since March 1, 2018, Oracle Fusion Applications hosted SFTP server will be deprecated, the announcement is on https://support.oracle.com (MOS Doc ID 2312867.1). …
Loading a Legacy Learning Item & Learning Record using HCM Data Loader - TIPS & WebinarIf you want to explore more on this topic, I recommend you to attend the following Cloud Adoption Webinar, delivered by one of our Customer Success Managers: Along with …Andra Volocariu-Oracle 55 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Andra Volocariu-Oracle HCM Integrations
No Report "eText" Output - Is positional formatting required (see RTF)?Summary: No Report "eText" Output - Is positional formatting required (see RTF)? Hello Experts: My eText RTF is not producing output with this data model SQL and templat…
Process to automate proper name correction?Summary: Applicants typing all UPPER or all lowercase which show up on Paychecks. Is there a way to automate proper name correction? Content (required): Applicants typin…
Extract XML - RTF with fewest BI Pub - one line with Repeating GroupSummary: Looking to get BI Pub expert advice with attached XML - is it possible to create a Repeating Group and get all or most columns on one detail line of RTF Word te…
Reverse Termination - Comments stored?Summary: Reverse Term Comments for custom report Content (required): Which HCM table stores Comments from Reverse Termination UI Version (include the version you are usi…
Automating e-IWO Inbound ProcessSummary Sample ICS integration of e-IWO inbound process to Oracle HCM Cloud Implementation GuideContent This document provides the step-by-step instructions about how to…
HCM File Transfer Automation - white paperSummary Sharing a doc on automating file transfer between HCM and UCMContent Hi I wanted to share the HCM File Transfer Automation white paper that explains how to autom…
Upcoming webinar (4/1): Cloud Native SaaS Integrations and ExtensionsContent Come learn about security best practices for Cloud Native extensions and integrations deployed on OCI. In this presentation, we’ll quickly recap the patterns and…
HCM – Product Office Hour: Technology/Integration, 18 February 2021, 9 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Product Office Hour: Technology/Integration session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posti…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 23 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle HCM Integrations
Upcoming webinar: Integrating and Extending SaaS using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)Content Next week, we'll be hosting a live webinar for Cloud Customer Connect members. Please let me know if you have any questions. Here are the details. Hope you can j…
HCM – Office Hour - Integrations, 13 January 2021, 10 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Office Hour - Integrations (January 2021) session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 42 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle HCM Integrations
Anyone have a HSDL to load Contingent Workers?Summary Anyone have a HSDL to load Contingent Workers?Content Anyone have a HSDL to load Contingent Workers? Version 20B
HSDL - What Action Code to Use?Summary HSDL - What Action Code to Use?Content We have an HSDL template created using Work Relationship Attribute. One required field is Action Code. If we are just tryi…
How to create Excel, eText templates and troubleshoot themSummary How to create Excel, eText templates and troubleshoot themContent Hi All, I have written couple of articles on how to create Excel, eText templates and troublesh…
SOAP Endpoints for a Test EnvironmentSummary Looking to figure out what the SOAP endpoints for a test environment are?Content What are the SOAP endpoints for a test environment? I have https://.us2.oraclecl…
Update data with blank value using HDLSummary Is it possible to load blank values using HDL?Content Hello Experts, Would you know if it is possible to load blank data using HDL? Eg: column XYZ value has the …
Data validator ToolContent Hello dear customers, Before to do a mass upload (Home > My clients group > Data exchange > Tasks > Import and load data), Oracle told us in a SR to test our com…Amandine C-Oracle 92 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by Vinod Viswanathan-Oracle HCM Integrations
An easier way to navigate Oracle to find HCM resources!Summary Know which Oracle HCM Cloud resources to use - and when - in a single page dashboard view!Content Check out these product specific Quick Link charts. These make …
Tips to Work with HDLSummary Tips to Work with HDLContent * Install a Good one Text Editor, i recommend: * SublimeText * UltraEdit * Configure your computer for use "|" instead of "," as del…Misael Gutiérrez-Oracle 69 views 0 comments 3 points Most recent by Misael Gutiérrez-Oracle HCM Integrations