Category 166
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Sales Order Approval Attribute" Created by" Update CapabilitySummary: We need the capability to update the attribute" Created By" During the Order Import. —— No Issue in SO Creation from Oracle UI Content (please ensure you mask a…
Manage External Interface Transformation Style & Manage Integration with Oracle Fusion DOO ?Hi Team, Could anybody help me understand what is the use of these two tasks: » Manage External Interface Transformation Style » Manage Integration with Oracle Fusion Di…
Is it possible to add Ship-to-site as a parameter for Override order line ?We have questions regarding the Override order line function, Basically, user would like to update Ship-to-site and Ship-to address. We understand that user will need to…
How to update order eff and line eff fields using fbdi?Summary: How to update order eff and line eff fields using fbdi? Do we have to give all the 6 files, or only the eff files. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Sales Order - Validation Error: Currency attribute is invalid. Value provided: USDSales Order - Validation Error Order Order validation: The value provided for the Currency attribute is invalid. Value provided: USD Line 1 Order validation: An order wa…
pre transformation rule based on customer dffSummary: Hi, we have this situation: we have the pre transformation rules based on order type to derive the billing transaction type for public sector customers, the bil…
SalesOrder Notification Business Event in OIC is not capturing AwaitShip and Backorder OM updatesWe're trying to catch Sales Order Notification Business Event from OM in OIC , when line status is gets updated to AwaitShipping or Backorder. In Fusion we've configured…
Need to change the ATP Rule in use from Supply Chain Search to Lead Time Based. Is this possible?Summary: The customer now wants to promise the items based on the product lead times. The Supply chain availability mode is in use currently. So, to switch to Lead-time …
Prevent the scheduled job "Recover Errors" from running on s.orders that have any revisions in draftSummary: The "Recover Errors" ESS Job has been scheduled to run every 30 minutes. For a certain scenario, we want the ESS job to not pick up & work on orders that have a…
User wants the value from a custom field in Customer Sites to be populated on the Shipment linesSummary: So in Oracle Fusion, we have a requirement where the user wants the value from a custom field present under Customer Sites (Receivables — Manage Customers) to b…
Item revision information for sales order linesSummary: Do you maintain item revision information on sales order lines? If so, please let me know which items apply. If not, is there a way to find out the revision inf…
Current client who has implemented Demand classes to try to reserve supply for customers/DemandSummary: Hi Current client who has implemented Demand classes to try to reserve supply for customers/Demand is asking for the below: What Verticals or types of companies…Tim Clinton 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Tim Clinton Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Is it possible to define a pause task based on certain hold condition?Hi Team, We have a requirement to define a pause task in orchestration based on hold conditions. The requirement is to pause the orchestration until the hold is released…
Is it possible to show LOV values in Header EFF Field only related to the customer entered in OM?In order header EFF Field Letter of Credit needs to show only LOV values related to particular Customer Entered in order header Customer field .Is it possible through OM…
Need API to cancel picks post pick wave and pick slip has been createdSummary: We need API to cancel picks post pick wave and pick slip has been created. This process can be done manually from the screen shared below . But Customer wants t…Anudeepa Swain 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shatagopam Raghavender-Oracle Inventory Management
Is there way to check whether Hold is released or not for Pause task to get releaseSummary: Pause task needs to be released after 30 minutes once Hold is released on the order line. I have used below logic , but pause task not validate the condition. P…
sales order approval timestampWhich table stores the sales order approval timestamp, and what column should I query to retrive it ?keerthi Prasanna-Oracle 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Order total header amount is not reflecting amount of subscription lines (recurring price)Summary: When we create sales order with one or more subscription lines with recurring price, the line amount for subscription lines (recurring sale price) does not add …
View asset number in order managementwe are creating an asset as a part of sakes order orchestration process based on item in sales order line, we can see the asset number and all other details in install b…
Sales Order Cancellation Notification Approval Process.Summary: We have requirement that when customer Cancels the SO client needs to send Email notification to Manager for getting Cancellation approval. If Manager Approvers…
Unable to see Project attributes on Sales Order UISummary: We have opt-in feature for Project already enabled but still we are unable to see it in OM UI. Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management > Project-Dri…
I have a requirement to add a sales start date to an item we have in inventory. How do we do this?We have items we have purchased that need to be received into a POS system. The POS system has asked if we can add a future sales start date to the product. In the curre…
If the Order Header Status is Closed, can we update that Sales Order using FBDI file ImportSummary: If the Order Header Status is Closed, can we update that Sales Order using FBDI file Import
Query to fetch Discount lists rule name and rule typeHi Everyone, We have a requirement to fetch Discount Lists "Rule Name" and "Rule Type" columns but unable to find joining conditions for the same. Please refer the scree…
Create Custom Infolet on Order Management DashboardSummary: Requirement to create Custom Infolet in OM dashboard Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi , I have a business requirement to create…
Is it possible to Auto Fill business units when a memo line is selected to create an InvoiceSummary: I need to make business unit fill automatically when memo line is inputted to reduce human error while selecting business unit, at the time of Invoice creation …
Price List Create CSV Ends in Debug ErrorSummary: Downloaded current copy of Price List FBDI. Input data. Click to create CSV and the process hits a debug error - Run-tie error '5'. Invalid procedure call or ar…
how to use user based currency conversion rate in oracle fusion in sales order.Summary: In my project, client wants to give the currency conversion rate and based on that input sales order price should get calculated. We are creating these orders v…
My Sales Order Header EFF is not showing in OTBISummary: I've opened multiple EFF (Extensible Flexfield Values) on Sales Order header but these are not visibile in OTBI subject areas relevant to Order Management. How …
Global Order Promising split linesSummary: Hi, We have the following customer scenario: They have a primary warehouse A and secondary warehouse B and they require the following logic from GOP: If order q…