Category 168
Discussion List
How to enable Service Activity as conditional column in pricing strategy assignmentSummary: How to enable the Service activity field available in Service Request --> Part Details under Strategy assignment matrix Content (required): Business has require…
How to restrict creation of duplicate records in a price list adjustment matrix?Summary: Currently the Price list will allow creation of duplicate records. The requirement is to restrict or validate that only single rule should be present in the pri…
The Start Date and End Date is not getting updated via ADFDI.Summary: We are trying to update the start date and end date by entering the same in adfdi file and updating it, but no changes are getting reflected. Content (please en…
How to make the Effective Dates in Price List Adjustment Matrix Mandatory ?Summary: The requirement is to have the "Start Date" Mandatory Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using,…
Pricing error:The pricing strategy was not determined for the current transactionSummary: Hello Team, We are unable to derive the pricing strategy on the sales order it throws an error and we are not able to derive any price. The error reads as "Pric…
Not able to Update charges for items using FBDI for an existing ChargeSummary: Hi We have a Requirement where Charges are created from UI and It'll be Updated Through FBDI. So While Extracting Charge ID from Backend, We are not able to fin…
Pricing at model with no rollupSummary: I have a PTO model item which has option class and options. When I create a sales order and add the model, I want the model to have a standard price irrespectiv…
EFFs are not visible on Pricing Strategies from UISummary: We have created EFFs ( Extensive flex fields ) on Pricing Strategies but EFFs are not visible from UI. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
We need to Price/Discount based on the customer CountrySummary: We need to Price/Discount based on the customer Country we got the document from Oracle and it has step to manage Algorithm and create a new function getShipToL…
Manage Pricing Strategy Assignments matrix to have Business UnitSummary: Would like to have Business Unit in the matrix in Manage Pricing Strategy Assignments page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…
Is there a way to fetch the standard cost of the item and use it as the list price on the order?Summary: Is there a way to fetch the standard cost of the item and use it as the list price on the order? Content (required): For a specific order type, we need the stan…
How to update NEW_SOURCE_CHARGE_ID in Price List Batch FBDI Load in Oracle fusion?Summary: We were using bulk FBDI Load for Price List Batch upload. In this FBDI Template, we have a mandatory column - "NEW_SOURCE_CHARGE_ID" to be filled for END INSERT…
Price as of Requested Arrival Date or Request Ship Date based on Order TypeSummary: Hello Experts We have a requirement to derive price based on Order Type & Requested Date. When the Order Type is XYZ, the price list effective date should be ba…
Pricing Module SecurityWe are creating a Read-only role for Pricing module and we were able to make everything read-only except the Pricing Algorithms and Matrix classes. Can you help us to bu…
How to disable the Delete Assignment Matrix in Manage Pricing Strategy Assignment?Summary: We would like to ask for some guidance on how we can disable the Delete Assignment Matrix in Manage Pricing Strategy Assignment. We have an incident wherein the…
how to set future pricing on BPASummary: Pricing updates continually come in on a regular basis, however some are for the future dates like 1/1/2024. We are looking for a way to add a price effective d…
Country based price listSummary: We have a requirement. That price list need to pick based on the Country. If customer is in country " Italy" = Italy price list have to pick if If customer is i…
Pricing setup for Model Items(Make Item) in Order ManagementSummary: We are unable to configure the pricing setup for the Make item and We have a price for the components of the Make item, when we try to create an order using thi…
Price based on request date and different effective dates of charges of Price listHi, I configured service mapping where under Source> OrderHeader > Line> attribute TransactionOn and PriceAsOf had View Object Attribute: RequestShipDate . I created a P…
Column mapping for EBS vs Oracle Cloud TablesSummary: Below is the EBS Table and it's respective column names with it's description, we are looking for the oracle cloud mapping of columns for the same. Please help …
Price rollup for ATO and manufactured itemsSummary: Are there any price roll-up functions in the Fusion pricing engine? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I am working on a proj…
Katakana Character validation of Price List nameSummary: Hi We have a requirement to validate full width japenease katakana characters name against half width english characters. for example - is it possible to valida…
repricing after scheduling or ReschedulingSummary: Hi All, We have requirement to reprice the order based on schedule ship date and if there are any changes to schedule ship date then order should be reprice. Co…
Configure Discount based on customer state (Customer Address)Summary: Trying to configure discount based on customer residing state (Line.ShipToLocationState). Content (required): How to configure discount based on customer state …Selvakumar Laxmanan Chinnasamy-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Harshal Tiwari-Oracle Pricing
ADFDi upload based on predefined calculation.Summary: Use Case : We have specific requirements regarding category-based pricing, particularly when changes are made to the category in combination with the STD grade.…
Manage Rate Plan - Charge Period LOV missingSummary: I attempted to generate the Rate Plan using the Manage Rate Plan UI, but the List of Values (LOV) for the Charge Period UOM field did not appear. I've configure…
Factor BillingSummary: Hi, We have a requirement in pricing. Tier details below... If usage quantity is 2000 which comes to tier 3 and calculation will be like (2000/200)*40 = 400. ca…
Is there any setup to allow entering Discount in order line EFF which gets applied as adjustment?Requirement is to enter any amount on Order line level EFF and the same amount should get applied as discount.
How to hide some of the fields on search screen using sandbox?On Manage Customer Pricing Profiles screen under order management-->Pricing. I want to hide 1) Cost to Serve 2) Customer Value 3) Customer Rating 4) Customer Size and On…
Not able to create charges for items using FBDI for an existing Price ListSummary: I am using Price List FBDI and want to Add Price List Item to existing Price List and for that Price List item Create Charge. I have attached sample FBDI. It su…