Category 172
Discussion List
How to define the default context value dependent on the selected cross-reff type?Summary: How to define the default context value dependent on the selected cross-reff type? Content (required): Hi, We have defined context sensitive segment with the na…Amel_Ahmed_Majid95-Oracle 48 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sitanshu-Oracle Product Development
Is there a way to import translations of value sets instead of writing them manually?Summary: We are entering translations of hundreds of value sets in Oracle Fusion. Is there a way to import them (maybe similarly as value sets can be imported via File I…
Get items from Product Information ManagementSummary: Need to get item information from Product Information Management via REST API. Content (required): I am trying to query items from Product Information Managemen…
Unable replace/delete attachments on an existing item using Import Maps in Product DevelopmentSummary: Trying to update/delete attachments for an existing items via import maps in Product Development. Mapping are provided as required. The Item Batch is successful…
How to check which column an eff in Product Details corresponds to in FBDI Excel?Summary: Hello, A new eff/dff has been added in Product Details section. When I import an FBDI I get an error message saying that eff needs to filled. Even though it is …
need solution for showing successful alert message using groovy scriptSummary: I have a requirement to create CCO when a button is clicked on the UI. I am able to create CCO using groovy script. Post to the operation success I need to show…
Auto populate Planner Code based on Organization at the Item-org levelSummary: Is there a way to accomplish this in Oracle? Content (required): Each item in item master is associated to 300+ inventory orgs. Each inventory org has only 1 Pl…
Agile History QuestionSummary: Audit History Content (required): In Agile, when a Change was Released with an Affected Object and no proposed new Revision, our Business users would go an down…
Limit the items a supplier user can search for and add to affected objects section of a change requeSummary: Limit the items a supplier user can search for and add to affected objects section of a change reque Content (required): Our client does not want the supplier u…Aravindkumar Shah 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Development
What optimization is done for BICC extracts in 23A patchSummary: Optimization extraction to BICC in 23A patch. Content (required): BICC is providing EFF attribute extraction before the 23A patch itself, however, the increment…Shyledher Boddu 142 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Gaurav Johri-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Change request number link not opening from supplier portalSummary: We are using change requests in product development and given the requestor as supplier contact(' Now through the Boomi process, we are …vijayakrishna 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy Kikoshima-Oracle Product Development
Product Development Item is Visible in PIMSummary: Content (required): Hello Friend I created an Item in Product Development (PD) and routed through ECO. ECO is not yet approved but I am able to see Item in PIM.…
Using BPM worklist can we send notification to group of users if approver does not approve changeSummary: Can we send a notification to a particular group of user(s) if the approver does not approve the change within the given time duration? Escalation does not work…
Purpose of "Migrate Attachment" button under Manage ConfigurationsSummary: Need to understand the purpose of "Migrate Attachment" button under Manage Configuration in product Deelopment. Content (required): Version (include the version…
Is the note 2331204.1 is latest?Summary: I was looking enable e-signatures on CO Approval , can Oracle consultants confirm if this still True? Content (required): This is expected behaviour. This funct…
Purpose of options during Multirow Attribute group creationSummary: While creating multirow in our instance I am seeing 2 options: Multiple select list of values Context (checkbox) Enable advance filter(checkbox) Content (requir…Ankit.Mahajan 83 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dave Prasad-Oracle Product Master Data Management
OTBI Report subject area to include all shared category hierarchies of an item in our ReportSummary: Need OTBI Report subject area to include shared category hierarchies of an item in our Report Content (required): We attempted to use the "Inventory - Inventory…
Disabling or End Dating a list value is nullifying values in Item PageSummary: While end dating or disabling a list value in a value set, any attribute having that value is turning blank in User Interface. Content (required): I am struggli…
Unable to update Item description using import maps without a Change orderSummary: Import maps mandatorily asking for a Change Order to update Item description even if its a new Item whic is not yet on a change order Content (required): Import…
How to query Item's History from Oracle PLM Cloud databaseSummary: I would like to know which table contains Item's history information. So, I can write a query under OTBI/Data Model to extract item based on specific history fi…
Is their any way to get related change orders for an item in PD using webservices or using SQL .Summary: I am able to get affected items from the change order webservice. Is their any way to get related change orders for an item in PD using webservices or using SQL…
Update description of item in Product DevelopmentSummary: Would want to update item description in Product Development for numerous items. Please advice. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, …Anitha Rani M 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Cornel Melinte-Support-Oracle Product Development
PLM Item Rules - InvokeGlobalFunctionSummary: Hi All, Facing couple of issues with using InvokeGlobalFunction- Issue 1: I am calling a custom Global function(getOrganizations) defined in Application Compose…Sravanthi Kollapudu-Oracle 53 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Sravanthi Kollapudu-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Sample REST body to add a new Role to Item class securitySummary: Need the REST URL and sample rest body to add a new role to item class security Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): …
we need to send the notification for NIR Completion to different people who are not part ofwork flowSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Accessing Oracle Fusion PD Module on IPADSummary: Please confirm if IPAD support Oracle Fusion Content (required): IPAD supports navigating and performing operations on: Item Pages Change pages Approvals Redlin…Ankit.Mahajan 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy Kikoshima-Oracle Product Development
Remove the upload itemsSummary: While using the import tool to upload items to PIM, we discovered that the primary UOM was set up incorrectly. Is it possible to delete the items in bulk and re…
What is mean by Open status and the password policy is enabledSummary: Am referring the PD user guide. We use every stage of approval of workflow before its released status to prompt the signature policy - what is mean by Open stat…
Inventory control- Disposition functionality for Change OrdersSummary: When an item is being replaced with another item (say Item A with Item B) in a ECO, how do we tell the system to make item B effective only when all Inventory f…
Comments for Parent ItemSummary: There is a requirement for business to enter Comments for the parent SKU in the structure tab. However, on a pending CO, the parent SKU itself does not appear o…