Category 172
Discussion List
Unable to Edit or Modify Item Structure for the Item in PIMSummary: Here the scenario is we are able to edit and Modify the quantity to the BOM and End date with User1 login, whereas we are unable to perform same actions with Us…Vijay Bhaskar Koti 56 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Bhaskar Koti Product Development
Product Development Support NotesSummary: This page has a consolidated list of Product Development support notes. It will be updated as new support notes are published, with the most recently added disp…Kathy Kikoshima-Oracle 54 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Kathy Kikoshima-Oracle Product Development
What exact privileges needed to invoke ItemServiceV2 - finditem webservice?Summary: User has "Item Inquiry" & "Item Management" privileges and user is also included in item class security with data access. But still when invoking ItemServiceV2 …
Attributes Groups and Attributes placement and spacing on Item PageSummary: We have a good amount of attributes defined in PD module on Item and would like to view the page with less scrolling, less white space, and more content. Conten…
Item Status in Inventory level is not being UpdatedSummary: We encountered several incidents regarding the item status (Partial --> Released) at Inventory Organization level is not getting updated because the item is lin…
Failed: Add Items to deletion group, from Excel VB add-in using ItemsV2 Rest api.Summary: We are working on deleting on some old absolute items, where we build a Excel VB add-in using ItemsV2 Rest API to mass upload items to a deletion group. We are …
Configure Descriptive Flex fields for Manufacturers - possible ?Summary: Configure Descriptive Flex fields for Manufacturers - possible? Content (required): Hello, I know it Is possible to Configure Descriptive Flex fields for Manufa…
Phase in phase out featureSummary: I am a planning Practicing consultant Our client wants a Product Life cycle management (PLM) feature. Business Looking for Phase-in and Phase-out functionality.…
Planning Enable itemSummary: Hi, When we are creating an item, it becomes planning enabled automatically. I think there is some configuration at the template level. Can anyone assist with t…
How to get a free/demo instance for Oracle Fusion PLM cloud?Summary: How to get a free/demo instance for Oracle Fusion PLM cloud? Content (required): Please explain the process in detail. Version (include the version you are usin…
Download item/revision/drawing attachments using POSTMAN and JavaSummary: We have a requirement where to download item/revision/drawing attachments using POSTMAN or JAVA Content (required): We have a requirement where to download item…
How to create FYI for Item Status Change Order when item status is deactiveSummary: We would like to test FYI change orders for Item Status changes to items. The FYI notification would go to the TC Value Analysis group when item status CO is se…
Is there a way to generate open ended "Where Used" report for all the items in Oracle fusion?Summary: How do I go about designing a "Where Used" report for all the items in Oracle fusion? OTBI or BI Publisher. Content (required): Version (include the version you…
Enhance Integrations of Deleted Entities Using Configured Reports -22C new featureSummary: Enhance Integrations of Deleted Entities Using Configured Reports- can you let us know based on which table in OAC,? Content (required): Enhance Integrations of…Adarsh Pai 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shyam Lakshman-Oracle Product Master Data Management
How to import lot with FBDI?Summary: Hundreds of lots need to be created for existing items. Is there a way to import them instead of entering them one by one through "Manage Lot" screen? Potential…Aydan 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
Item Rule Validation Error when we cross the 30 Characters on Item Description character limitSummary: Content (required): In our Business Requirement we are using the Item Rule Validation on Item Class to restrict the Item Description with 30 Characters only, It…
Show the Change Name in the My Changes infolet in PD OverviewSummary: Show the Change Name in the My Changes infolet in PD Overview Content (required): Customer wants to see the change name instead of description. Is this possible…
How to define the default context value dependent on the selected cross-reff type?Summary: How to define the default context value dependent on the selected cross-reff type? Content (required): Hi, We have defined context sensitive segment with the na…Amel_Ahmed_Majid95-Oracle 67 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sitanshu-Oracle Product Development
Is there a way to import translations of value sets instead of writing them manually?Summary: We are entering translations of hundreds of value sets in Oracle Fusion. Is there a way to import them (maybe similarly as value sets can be imported via File I…
Get items from Product Information ManagementSummary: Need to get item information from Product Information Management via REST API. Content (required): I am trying to query items from Product Information Managemen…
Unable replace/delete attachments on an existing item using Import Maps in Product DevelopmentSummary: Trying to update/delete attachments for an existing items via import maps in Product Development. Mapping are provided as required. The Item Batch is successful…
How to check which column an eff in Product Details corresponds to in FBDI Excel?Summary: Hello, A new eff/dff has been added in Product Details section. When I import an FBDI I get an error message saying that eff needs to filled. Even though it is …
need solution for showing successful alert message using groovy scriptSummary: I have a requirement to create CCO when a button is clicked on the UI. I am able to create CCO using groovy script. Post to the operation success I need to show…
Auto populate Planner Code based on Organization at the Item-org levelSummary: Is there a way to accomplish this in Oracle? Content (required): Each item in item master is associated to 300+ inventory orgs. Each inventory org has only 1 Pl…
Agile History QuestionSummary: Audit History Content (required): In Agile, when a Change was Released with an Affected Object and no proposed new Revision, our Business users would go an down…
Limit the items a supplier user can search for and add to affected objects section of a change requeSummary: Limit the items a supplier user can search for and add to affected objects section of a change reque Content (required): Our client does not want the supplier u…Aravindkumar Shah 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Development
What optimization is done for BICC extracts in 23A patchSummary: Optimization extraction to BICC in 23A patch. Content (required): BICC is providing EFF attribute extraction before the 23A patch itself, however, the increment…Shyledher Boddu 142 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Gaurav Johri-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Change request number link not opening from supplier portalSummary: We are using change requests in product development and given the requestor as supplier contact(' Now through the Boomi process, we are …vijayakrishna 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy Kikoshima-Oracle Product Development
Product Development Item is Visible in PIMSummary: Content (required): Hello Friend I created an Item in Product Development (PD) and routed through ECO. ECO is not yet approved but I am able to see Item in PIM.…
Using BPM worklist can we send notification to group of users if approver does not approve changeSummary: Can we send a notification to a particular group of user(s) if the approver does not approve the change within the given time duration? Escalation does not work…