Category 218
Discussion List
Does VBCS recognise PUT ORDS endpoint type?Summary: Building an edit page on a SDP table is resulting in no response items to select from. Content (required): Hi Gurus - I have created a table based on a SDP that…
Bar chart shows only limited data (for me...)Summary: Hi all, I would thank you for your support for the following: I try to show a bar chart with more than 10 records but only 8-10 are shown. Content (required): N…
Editable Table with fixed row heightSummary: Editable Table with fixed row height Content (required): Hi Team I am using Editable table in my application, I need to decrease the row height of table. How ca…Muralidharan Kanagaraj 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Filter results from a custom api built in OIC while showing in Visual Builder appHi, We have built a custom api in OIC. The api basically executes BIP report to fetch results which are in turn provided as response from the api.The response from the a…
File Type validation not working post upgrade to 2204 in ChromeSummary: Hi, We have implemented a upload functionality in our app where in the action chain we are first validating if the file type in CSV in JS. This was working befo…
Disable multiselect row in SDP based table on conditionSummary: How can we disable a below row for multi-selection so that when user selects in bulk this row would not get selected we have to restrict selection of this row. …
Apex Vs Visual BuilderHi, We are trying to take a decision on using APEX vs Visual Builder for some custom pages. Can anybody help with advantages and disadvantages of both?
Keypress event on Hyperlink-Not able to get the key valueSummary: Keypress event on Hyperlinks Content (required): When we create an action chain with keypress event on an input or button component, we are able to get $event.k…
Problem with VBCS not recognising ORDS PUT Rest API. Works in POSTMANSummary: Problem with VBCS not recognising ORDS PUT Rest API. It works fine for GET, POST and DELETE. However, PUT works in POSTMAN. Content (required): Hi Gurus - New t…
Combobox Many Input from External ValuesSummary: Copy Data from an Excel and use it as Input in a "Combobox (Many)" Content (required): Hi experts, I have a Combobox (Many) in my Web App and the user wants to …
Invalid service scope - Error while creating Service Connection in Oracle Visual BuilderSummary: Hi All, I am working on a VB app through a Workspace created in VB Studio. In this VB App, I am trying to create my first Service Connection as below- Configura…
How do we default a value in Select Single whose data is coming from REST endpoint ?Summary: We have one drop down (Select Single) in our page whose data is coming from a remote REST call. Once we select the dropdown then the data is getting loaded. We …
Need to show on the page with Pagination with 10K Records through REST API.Summary: we are fetching all the records to the client layer when we call the REST service. it's having almost 10k records. Need to show on the page with Pagination , ho…
Select single application variableSummary: fetch data from application level variable in single select Content (required): Why i am not able to fetch data from application level variable
newbie Search using search button from a tableSummary: HI Experts, I am newbie to VBCS. I am able to populate a table component with BO data on a page designer. I have placed few input text items above the table to …
VBCS mobile app - offline Persistence toolkit - Best Practices and LimitationsSummary: Hi , My client wants offline capability features similar to Mobile Field Service (MFS) on Oracle VBCS Mobile apps. Will we be able to achieve this using Oracle …
How to selectively merge VBCS code changes from workspace to main branch in visual basic studioSummary: Hi All, I am working Visual Basic Studio (VBS), learning on using the VBS Workspace & how to merge the code from local repository in Workspace and the Main Bran…
Best Practice to maintain Data for VBCSSummary: Hi Team, I have real time data available at on premise Database. We have requirement to build a webapp using VBCS to display, create and edit data available on …
Rename VBCS applicationSummary: How to rename the application such that the new name is reflected while export/updates in URL? Content (required): Hi Team, Even after renaming the app, it does…
Frozen columns not working in Oracle SaaS R13 Light ThemeSummary: I need the Frozen Table Columns property with projects with VBCS using Oracle SaaS R13 Light Theme to work. Content (required): I have been working on projects …
Question regarding the new "Switch to your own database schema" featureSummary: We are looking for a hook for some database initialization from business objects. Content (required): We are investigating on the usability of the new "Switch t…
Merge branch that had conflicts resolution aborted because of page refresh VBSSummary: I want to merge a branch to the production branch. II created a merge request and it has conflicts. I was resolving the conflicts and refreshed the browser page…
Upgrade 2204 has broken my custom App, impossible to PreviewAfter release a version only upgraded with the 2204v . I can't preview my custom APP. The same behavior is not presented in Live version without the upgrade 2204. The er…
How can i use third party JS files and load those inside my JET Custom Component?Summary: Content (required): I tried following the blog and am successful in creating a basic Web Component. (…
How to embed external supplier registration link in VBCS mobile appSummary: We need to open External supplier registration link in the mobile app. But when we try to use iframe, it gives the error: "Refused to connect". Is there any way…
Editable table in Oracle Visual Builder Cloud ServiceSummary: Hi Team, I am trying to create a editable table in Oracle visual builder cloud service. 1). created a rest endpoint to fetch records from database table. 2). cr…
Set threshold for the specific groups - Bar chartSummary: Hi Team, I am looking for the solution where i can set the threshold limit for the specific groups. Any idea or help would be appreciated. Content (required): V…
Visual Builder excel plug-in - BO Missing after importSummary: A BO within Catalog is missing after import and cannot be added to the Layout.. Content (required): Catalog fscmRestApi/resources/…
Adjust form layout spaceSummary: Hi, I am building a form I want to decrease the between spaces in text field or field can you help me to achieve this currently its looking like this : I want t…