Category 218
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Can we embed VBCS custom page in the Login Page of SaaS Fusion Instance?Summary: We have a requirement to capture the login details, along with purpose of login into an Oracle Fusion Instance into a table. So we need to add two or more field…Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh Visual Builder
How to combine 3 application into single application in vbcsSummary: Content (required): Hi All, I want to combine 3 different application into single application, is it possible to achieve in vbcs, if it is possible means, could…
List View with pre selected recordsSummary: Content (required): Hi, I am looking for a working example of list view with pre selected record. Tried to use the multi select list example from the cookbook b…
Issue after upgrade to version 2110Summary: Hi, I am having an issue in my application when deleting from an Array Data provider using the Fire Data provider Event. I am getting the below error and am not…Priya Padmanabhan-248837 111 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Priya Padmanabhan-248837 Visual Builder
Update data from oj-table to BOSummary: I am loading my oj-table through knockout data source java scripting using page.function.functionName();. There is one edit field and I need to update the same …
How to show real time push notifications in VBCS?Summary: When the data is updated in notification table in database , how to show that notification in Web Apps and Mobile Apps. Content (required): Version (include the…
Can we create 300 roles in VBCS and will it decrease performanceSummary: We have an Customer Facing application and each customer has to see only his data in a BO. BO has Customer Name. To achieve this we have to create role for each…
Field Validators are not working when updating from Postman toolSummary: We have Field Validators and it should work based on roles. When updating Business Object from Postman tool it is not checking the roles and updating the column…
WebCast - Configuring and Extending Oracle SaaS with Visual BuilderSummary: Join our upcoming VB Office Hours to learn about Configuring and Extending Oracle SaaS with Visual Builder Content (required): Oracle Visual Builder is used to …
Any references to add OAuth security (apart from user credentials) while calling BO REST API?Summary: Added REST API security (OAuth) for business object in VBCS Content (required): We need to add OAuth security while calling Business Object REST API that has ad…
How to create empty row in table using VBCSSummary: Content (required): Hi All, I implemented editable table with save button. i need to add new row (ie) when i click add button empty row added in the table and f…
Tab Close Event or Browser Close eventSummary: Hi, Is there a way to capture the event if the user accidently closes the tab in which VB app is running. Need to do some clean up job if the user closes the ta…
Cómo puedo leer toda la data de una tabla mediante un botón y enviarla en trama json a un servicioSummary: Hola a todos, Por favor necesito su apoyo con lo siguiente: Tengo una tabla en visual builder, quiero enviar la data de esa tabla de la pantalla hacia un servic…
How to preview image and pdf file within VBCS page.Summary: Preview Base64 encoded image and pdf file within VBCS page. Content (required): Hi Team, We have a requirement of previewing the base64 encoded pdf and image wi…
Unable to select desired row ADP based tableSummary: I have Adp based child table filtering out data based on row selected from master ADP table but whenever I try to select child table row it default select 1st r…
ChangeTemplate configurationSummary: How to get all available template in for my login Content (required): When i try to create a project, i could see only empty template is available, what are the…
Unable to filtering the ADP child table based on row selected in ADP parent tableSummary: I am unable to filtering the ADP child table based on row selected in ADP parent table First time when I select 1 parent row it filtered fine but next time when…
How to deselect a row in the event action chain on multiple select table in VBCS?Summary: How to deselect a row in the event action chain on multiple select table in VBCS? Content (required): We are displaying table data fetched from backend where us…
How to use Search Option for multiple values in VBCS Excel Plugin?Summary: Hi All, Please help in below request Problem 1 - I am trying to update multiple PO's to FinallyClose, But I am not able search multiple PO's in the VBCS excel P…
Select Single with Editable TableSummary: Hi, The oj-select single has the ability to display a table in the drop down using collectionTemplate. Is it possible for this table to be an editable table as …Priya Padmanabhan-248837 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Dynamic Host for API CallSummary: We are planning to use VBCS for our UI layer where we are calling dyanamic host based on the input field and get the data, modify and show in tabular format. We…
in VBCS input text or combo-box one component after delete the content it's not clearingSummary: In VBCS input text or combo-box one component after delete the content it's not clearing Content (required): in VBCS input text or combo-box one component after…
How can we update business object on closing browser windowSummary: We have use case where it is required to update business object on closing browser tab or window. Basically , we need to clear the data from the BO, when user c…
How to change defaultPage for a flow conditionally in VBCS ?Summary: Hi, We have a flow which contains 2 pages. We need to change the default page based on an application level variable. How can we achieve this ? Version (include…
Help overriding oj-table properties in redwood-overrides.css fileSummary: I am trying to override the color of the checkbox and the row font size on a multi-select table using the redwood-overrides.css file. Content (required): In the…
How to clear ADP table sortingSummary: Hi, How do we clear sorting on ADP based table Content (required): Use case 1 - I am fetching emp data in a sorted order based on id column in desc order on fet…
ADP based table sortingSummary: Hi, I have an table based on ADP. It has check boxes at the row level. User can select any row . Based on the selection we are doing some calculations. I have a…
Can we display detail records for a master record as column of type "Table" inside a table in VBCS?Summary: Trying to display a table having BOM Components, which in return have RFD detail records. Need to show the RFD detail records in a tabular format inside the alr…Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh Visual Builder
Put validation on text field from table row valueSummary: Hi I want to add validation on text field(Lot) value should compare the column(lot_serial) row data if value found in the table then Enable button(view data) el…
Application Extensions vs Visual Applications?Summary: Are applications extensions and visual applications mutually exclusive? Can you only have one or the other in your VBCS environment? Content (required): Just as…