Category 218
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Auto Default Select table 1st rowSummary: I have a requirement when data would be loaded in the table then 1st row of table would be auto selected by default. I wan to disable sorting of table I am usin…
Is it possible to upload attachment in PCS?Summary: Content (required): Hi All, I have an requirement in my project that is. is it possible to upload attachment in PCS ?. i did application with upload attachment …
Re-launching a same flow page with different parameterSummary: We are trying to build an answers solution where an answer id is passed as a parameter and it pulls the corresponding answer based on id via REST. However, if w…
Visual Builder missing from MenuSummary: Following the steps, we cannot get to Visual Builder Content (required): OCI Classic Services is missing form our menu, we cannot, therefore, get to Visual Buil…
OIC - VBCS on Prem cloudSummary: OIC - VBCS on Prem cloud Content (required):Hello - Oracle IaaS cloud has Public cloud option. But it also have Cloud at Customer-On-Prem option that addresses …
Export Mapping to SourceSummary: Use of Export Mapping to Source Content (required): What is the us of 'Export Mapping to Source' option in VB Studio? We could not find any documentation for th…
Can we show additional information below each row in oj-table?Summary: Hi, I would like to show some text under each row of oj-table. This serves as an indication visually to the user without having to hover or expand the row. Cont…Jaya Krishna Sumanth Chavali 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jaya Krishna Sumanth Chavali Visual Builder
How to uncheck/disable/deselect row selection based on condition in multiple select table in VBCS?Summary: How to uncheck/disable/deselect row selection based on condition in multiple select table in VBCS? Content (required): We are displaying a table which is gettin…
APEX to VBCSSummary:APEX 11 based application Content (required): We have APEX 11 based application. We want to move this application to modern technologies. 1>Is it preferable to m…
Load BO data for live versionSummary: Content (required): Hi Following the below link, is it possible to load (replace) bo data in live version from external source? (After locking the application).…
Run Job in VBCS BuildSummary: Hi All, I am trying to run Job in VBCS build.. but i am getting " Error: Line 16: Unexpected token = " error. Under Resource file JS I am having html5-qrcode.js…Muralidharan Kanagaraj 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
iOS distributionSummary: Hello All, We are trying to publish an enterprise app & have an apple developer program. However the app is not being pushed to app connect or test flight. Cont…
SDP with input search suggestion with limited results.Summary: The SDP with input search suggestions only fetch only 12 results. Content (required): Hi all, The SDP with input search suggestions values is limited by only 12…
Show warning message when user select table rowsSummary: I have a scnerio where I need to raise a warning alert message to the user when the user selects a table row but it should not fire for 1st table row. Version (…
Checkbox not showing Values in UI properlySummary: I am trying to display enable checkbox through Y or N flag in VBCS using oj-checkboxset and oj-option but somehow correct value is not showing in UI. I am getti…
The Basics for an Oracle Forms DeveloperHi, apologies, but I am a complete Visual Builder novice, in fact calling me a novice would be a promotion! So, I've built many applications using Oracle Forms in the pa…
Can we embed VBCS custom page in the Login Page of SaaS Fusion Instance?Summary: We have a requirement to capture the login details (login name, time of login), along with purpose of login (additional custom fields, for which issue, details …Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh Visual Builder
Select single inside FilmStripSummary: Content (required): I have select single inside FilmStrip, the select single is based on SDP, the endpoint behind this SDP has required parameter. When I config…
In the Editable Table, can we do a Insert Only option and not allow updates on existing records?Summary: Need to understand if it is possible to make an editable table similar to VBCS Cookbook, Batch Editable Table (ADP), but restrict it to allow only inserts and n…Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh Visual Builder
Can we embed VBCS custom page in the Login Page of SaaS Fusion Instance?Summary: We have a requirement to capture the login details, along with purpose of login into an Oracle Fusion Instance into a table. So we need to add two or more field…Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh Visual Builder
How to combine 3 application into single application in vbcsSummary: Content (required): Hi All, I want to combine 3 different application into single application, is it possible to achieve in vbcs, if it is possible means, could…
List View with pre selected recordsSummary: Content (required): Hi, I am looking for a working example of list view with pre selected record. Tried to use the multi select list example from the cookbook b…
Issue after upgrade to version 2110Summary: Hi, I am having an issue in my application when deleting from an Array Data provider using the Fire Data provider Event. I am getting the below error and am not…Priya Padmanabhan-248837 111 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Priya Padmanabhan-248837 Visual Builder
Update data from oj-table to BOSummary: I am loading my oj-table through knockout data source java scripting using page.function.functionName();. There is one edit field and I need to update the same …
How to show real time push notifications in VBCS?Summary: When the data is updated in notification table in database , how to show that notification in Web Apps and Mobile Apps. Content (required): Version (include the…
Can we create 300 roles in VBCS and will it decrease performanceSummary: We have an Customer Facing application and each customer has to see only his data in a BO. BO has Customer Name. To achieve this we have to create role for each…
Field Validators are not working when updating from Postman toolSummary: We have Field Validators and it should work based on roles. When updating Business Object from Postman tool it is not checking the roles and updating the column…
WebCast - Configuring and Extending Oracle SaaS with Visual BuilderSummary: Join our upcoming VB Office Hours to learn about Configuring and Extending Oracle SaaS with Visual Builder Content (required): Oracle Visual Builder is used to …
Any references to add OAuth security (apart from user credentials) while calling BO REST API?Summary: Added REST API security (OAuth) for business object in VBCS Content (required): We need to add OAuth security while calling Business Object REST API that has ad…
How to create empty row in table using VBCSSummary: Content (required): Hi All, I implemented editable table with save button. i need to add new row (ie) when i click add button empty row added in the table and f…