Category 335
Discussion List
Oracle expense 3 party payment status update xmlSummary: We are using 3rd party payment in expense and to update back payment status in expense we are using oracle seeded xml format and loading it in UCM and then runn…
Expense Digital Assistant not respondingHi Team, We have enabled expense digital assistant for expense in our ERP instance. While accessing the expense skill any option - it gives an error as "Sorry, there's a…
BPM rules to evaluate the manager type in Expenses WorkflowSummary: How to write BPM rules to evaluate the manager type and route it to supervisor if LINE_NAMAGER type exists if not route it to the approval groups. Currently the…
Notification prefix is not coming to the employee when delegate creates the expense reportWhen a delegate creates an expense report - at first stage it is going for approval of employee. Once employee approves it, it routes to manager approval based on the co…
"employee liability account"Summary: Does the "employee liability account" account the same as the one in Payables, in the supplier part (when the employee is created as a supplier)? Exactly what i…
Clearing unsubmitted corporate card transactions and marking as "personal spend"Summary: If an employee doesn’t submit their centrally-settled corporate card transactions into an expense report after a certain number of days, we would like to recove…
Remove old corporate card transactionsSummary: We have a number of old corporate card transactions (centrally-settled programme) from pre-2023 which were never submitted by the employees and in lots of cases…
Is it possible to have a % audit of expenses go to audit before Manager approval?Summary: Currently we have employee expenses going for line manager based on HR hierarchy approval before audit. The audit is configured at 5%, we would prefer to have a…
In Expense locations field user want to see City and countrySummary: While entering/creating Expense report, in expense location field need to select both city and country Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Question Regarding Receipt validation box when managing expense reportsWe received a question from our P2P department. The department has recently been added to the approval workflow for expense reports. In addition to approving expense rep…
Claim not referred to Expense audit when claimant is on the Expense Audit ListSummary: Claimant was placed on audit list for high number of expense claims in a month. The first two claims were sent to audit for review. The 3rd claim was not sent. …
Credit card loaded negative transaction in expense as reversalSummary: How to manage the credit card reversal transactions, which as loaded with negative amount. As part of expense report creation t is showing negative amount where…
Is a descriptive flexfield available on Travel Authorization in Fusion Expenses?Summary: How to configure DFF for Travel Authorization Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The table "EXM_SPEND_AUTHORIZATIONS" which is assoc…
EXPENSES | Policy Violation occurs when splitting an expense across multiple employees.Summary: When raising an expense and creating an expense item for a meal that has a spending limitation, we are experiencing a policy violation for the daily rate when t…
All Data Fields Captured and Stored in Fusion Expenses Mobile AppHi, We are not sure if Fusion Expense App have the fields we needed for GDPR assessment and cannot find related reference documents. We want to know all the data fields …
Need to know the background task in BPM triggering the below FYI NotificationSummary: Can you please let me know the BPM task that is responsible for this payment notification to employee in expenses which task is triggering this FYI notification…
expense on their behalf have to approve it when I charge it as a delegate?Summary: Does the person to whom I am charging an expense on their behalf have to approve it when I charge it as a delegate? It should be approved as if it had been uplo…
Can delegate create the expenses in spreadsheet for an employeeSummary: is it possible to create the expenses in a spreadsheet for an employee by a delegate ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (i…
Expense Invoice AmountSummary: Hi Employee has applied the expenses from expenses module and expense is approved, expense report is routed AP and created invoice in payables module, now expen…
How to identify AP invoice against PCARD T&EWe have 2 T&E expenses, which are currently available in AP interface and their status is null. In exm_Expense_reports table it is showing as status as PAID. We want to …
Can Cost Center Manager and Financial Steward Approvals be Added to Spend Auth Approval Workflow?Summary: Our organization would like to explore the option of adding cost center manager and financial steward approvals after the supervisor approval in the spend autho…
Expense Report shows failed status in transaction console but pending manager for userSummary: The user submitted an expense report which failed due to missing BPM rules and the same is reflected on the transaction console . But the user still sees the st…
Can we change the mobile fusion app to be full screen and adapt to different phone layoutSummary: Nowadays, phone came with various sizes and layout, as oracle is selling mobile app, it has been noticed that the fusion mobile expense screen is not full scree…
how to add help icon for tooltipsSummary: Hi, I create a tooltips for the project number field as below in the expense page: Path: Setup and Maintenance> Setup: Project Financial Management> Search Task…
The travel and Expenses page is not opening by defaultSummary: The travel and Expenses page is not opening by default, but opens in the Approval page. It changed after 24A Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
This policy can work together with policy rates defined in any expense category except entertainmentSummary: As per oracle note, If you need to capture only the number of attendees above a designated expense amount: Select the option Capture number of attendees for exp…
How to setup expense approvals by using multiple manager typesSummary: we have requirement where employee the has multiple managers, how to setup the BPM approvals based on specific manager type as shown below. Content (required): …
doesn't display the expense account combination at the item level of an expense reportSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Is GetThere the only Tool that Integrates with Oracle Expense?Summary: We started using GetThere over a year ago and our users do not like the tool, specifically the phone app. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Cash advance and spend authorizeSummary: Cash advance and spend authorize isn't appear in UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, i…