Category 475
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I try to deploy new instance of Ampere.Flex but since 2 days still there is no variant available.I terminated my previous instances but nothings changed. I can't set new instance and can't modify shape of running instance. My location is Frankfurt - Germany. Anybody…
[RESOLVED] Capacity question for the Amsterdam regionUpdate. Just needed to wait around 8 days for new capacity Hello. Im using Oracle Cloud since August 2021 and I never had to wait so long. 02 Feb 2022 i decided to chang…
I can't start my instanceHello, I can't start my instance what should I do Unable to start instance: Instance…
Having issues getting Nginx to work on my Ubuntu serverI'm having difficulties running my Nginx server on my Ubuntu cloud instance. Here is a quick rundown, I have installed Nginx properly, edited my settings in the sites en…
Issue with starting my VMHello, I m using an always free VM but I got this issue "Unable to start instance: Instance" and I have very important data within this VM. I want to know will I be able…
Updating Oracle Cloud Compute Instance to Java 17I have been looking for a way to upgrade my cloud compute instance java version to 17 but can't seem to find a way to update this. Any suggestions?
Can't provision, can't change region, can't delete the account and start overSo I registered today after many, many, many attempts but i selected a region (Milan) that seems to have no ARM resources, I tried to subscribe a new region without luck…
How to shutdown Linux compute instance that makes oracle cloud thinks that it shutted down?I am having a ARM based 2 OCPU and 12 GigB of RAM Oracle Linux 8.0 compute instance in my Oracle Cloud account. When I issue "shutdown now" command in this linux machine…
Can't run microk8s on Oracle Linux amperesudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.21/stable error: cannot perform the following tasks: - Run install hook of "microk8s" snap if present (run hook "install…
Unable to start instanceI had an free trial account created on 15th July and never went above the said limits in using the free allowed resources, on 23rd October 2021 the ARM instance are stop…
slow disk write speedI'm using Always free and I've created a compute instance with the VM.Standard.A1.Flex shape, and had ubuntu installed. I chose almost all default options. This disk is …
Ampere instance disabledI created an instance yesterday and now it says "Unable to start instance: Instance…
Please update to the new version of OpenSSH on Oracle Linux 7.9I found that my server was "lucky" to be on shodan. In the "Vulnerabilities" section, we are facing two security vulnerabilities related to OpenSSH, CVE-2018-15919 and C…
Is the serial console broken for ARM A1 Flex VMs?Serial console does not seem to work for ARM A1 Flex VMs, but it does work for AMD VMs. Cloud Shell does not show any output. Tried it from another host via ssh and same…
unable to start: is disabled and will not accept any action requests. Please contact customer supporSince yesterday I'm getting the error in the title and the instance is stopped. How could I reenable it again, or get to know why it's disabled?
Always free instance changed status to STOP months laterHi Officer: Today I found out that my always free ARM instance got STOPPED automatically without any manual action from me, and when I try to restart (by clicking "start…
What is the build type of ARM Compute using Oracle Linux 7.9?I'm compiling PHP on ARM Compute using Oracle Linux 7.9. At the configure step, I get the error message: configure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one …