Category 52-2
Discussion List
SWPCS: How data will be populated in Skill assessment dashboard as there are no seeded extract?Summary: How data will be populated in Skill assessment dashboard as there are no seeded extract? Content (required): If you see the below screenshot: for seeded Skills …
Doubt about question exam (1Z0-1046-22)Summary: As an implementation consultant, you have been assigned the task of configuring Person Name Format within Workforce Information. Which two configurations can be…Maria Luiza Siqueira 176 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Luiza Siqueira Human Capital Management
Limit privilege access for Employment history page.Summary: Hello, Privileges give us access to one or more sections or fields. Is there any way where we can limit privileges to one or only a few sections or field access…Deepak9 147 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Alerts Composer - Event Alert Not showing upSummary: Alerts Composer - Event Alert Not showing up Content (required): Hi All, Greetings! When we navigate to Tools --> Alert Composer, we reach the Alerts page and w…
How to Import Descriptive FlexfieldSummary: Procedure for importing descriptive flexfields. Content (required): The guidance on provides the file format needed to import descriptive flexfi…Craig Roch 1984 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Craig Roch 1984 Human Capital Management
Restrict hire an employee on back date.Summary: Hi Team, HR wants all people don't have an access to hire an employee on backdate. Requirement - XYZ role don't have an access to hire an employee on backdate b…
Seniority Dates in 23BSummary: Hello, Currently we are in 23A using V2 and It co-exists with V1. Based on our business requirement we would like to continue to use V1. 1. The SQL query determ…Vinitha 81 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Mass closure of pending HCM workflow transactions (approval transactions)Summary: Mass closure of pending HCM workflow transactions (approval transactions) Content (required): Hi Team, Greetings! Is there a way to perform Mass closure of pend…Parag Hiremath 68 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Bianca Lei Villareal Human Capital Management
EL Expression: Employee should be able to Edit even if they have Manager RoleSummary: We need to accommodate a requirement in Personal Details > Family and Emergency Contacts Page wherein in ESS, all employees should be able to edit while in MSS …Bianca Lei Villareal 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bianca Lei Villareal Human Capital Management
Quarterly test scripts/plans?Summary: I feel like this would be the place, but I am not finding any example test scripts or plans. Would anyone know where I can find some good examples? I'm still le…Jessica D 101 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - HCM-Oracle Human Capital Management
Country Change.Summary: Hi Expert, Could we able to change the country for an employee. Thank you! Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code …
Legal Employer Drop Down Blank Adding New PersonSummary: I recently removed the Application Implementation Consultant role from all users and it also removed some of my HCM access to add a new person. We have a custom…
Advanced Search filters customizationSummary: Add filters in Advanced Search Content (required): Add filters in Advanced Search for employment info and other Version (include the version you are using, if a…
Oracle should not allow to attach duplicate mail ID for new hire.Summary: Hi, While hiring a new person, if we are trying to enter a duplicate mail ID which is already present in the system, Oracle should not allow. How to activate su…Vanuganga Swain 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Claudiu Postolache-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
How do I retrieve a link from an application page created through page integration?Summary: My team has a page we've created through page integration where we display a report to the end user. We now need to share the link to the page with a different …
Updated Pay Grades on Position but report is not refreshing with new valuesSummary: We loaded new pay grades with new effective dates to our positions. The Position Grade report reflects the correct data but the Position Report that was deliver…THawkins_LGI 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Claudiu Postolache-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to restrict Workforce structure data as per LEsSummary: We have two groups - Group 1 - LE1, LE2 & LE3 Group 2 - LE4, LE5 & LE6 Requirement - We have to restrict data in such a way that Work Structure data for group 1…
What are the correct processes of Global Transfer , what norms and correct steps to followSummary: What are the correct processes of Global Transfer . Content (required): What are the correct processes of Global Transfer , what norms and correct steps to foll…
Home Address Validation for employeeSummary: Home Address Validation for employee Content (required): Hi Team, Greetings! We are currently observing the issue with the employee being able to leave the UI a…
privileges to view all subject areas in Reports and Analytics pageSummary: Content (required): Hello all, We are currently trying to enable the possibility of some users to view Reports and Analytics task and create their own reports a…Maria Xydopoulou 231 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management
Approval should go to external application.Summary: Hi Everyone!. We have got a requirement where transaction should be initiated from Fusion but the approval should be to triggered to Oracle Primavera with all t…ShawShankk 51 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to disable suggestions on all fields in Oracle HCM?Summary: Is it possible to disable suggestions on all fields in Oracle HCM? We find that the suggestions are unfriendly and do not offer as much flexibility as simply us…Luke.Findex 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Directory Advanced search primary Email viewSummary: Hi Folks, In Directory Advanced search page, we have to make Work Mobile Phone", "Work Home Phone" and "Work Email" visible and home email should not be visible…Sowmiya Velusamy 71 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Managers unable to see Direct Report Names to add Document Of RecordSummary: Manager are able to see their directs under My Team> My Team, but for the same workers they are not able to view on Document of Record Page Content (required): …
Feasibility check of deep links in custom page entriesHi Team, Can we get deep links for the new page entries which are added newly in HCM? e.g., Let's say I have added User Guides under the "Me" section. Can we provide a d…
Is it possible to remove the Item Description from a dropdown list in performance evaluation?Summary: We are trying to figure out how to remove the column "Description" from a dropdown list when a user adds a competency in a performance evaluation. Content: By u…
Seniority date Screen fieldsSummary: Oracle has delivered below items for seniority date EFF_ST_DATE, SENIORITY_ADJUST_COMMENT, SENIORITY_ADJUST_IN_DAYS, SENIORITY_ADJUST_IN_HOURS In fast formula, …
Is there a way to extract all the approval rules across all the process types from BPM Console?Summary: Is there a way to extract all the approval rules across all the process types from BPM Console? Content (required): Hi Team, Greetings! Is there a way to extrac…
Remove Access to Person Management from HR Specialist RoleSummary: Hi All, Is it possible to remove or hide Person Management from a HR Specialist role without personalization. We have removed Person Management Duty role and ma…
Configuration Sample: Employment - Adding More Values to the Client LOV in Oracle HCM - Questions Hi, referring to …Giuseppe Casalino 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management