Category 52-2
Discussion List
Connections Feature - About me and Profile SpinningSummary: Hello, We are trying to enable the Connections feature. After enabling all the necessary configurations, an employee can now access connections tile, search for…Balaji Badrinarayanan 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Balaji Badrinarayanan Human Capital Management
Hide Cancel Work Relationship button from Pending Workers TransactionSummary: Content (required): Hello, I am trying to hide the 'Cancel Work Relationship' from the Pending Workers Transaction by using Page Composer. However, I only find …
HDL to upload Candidate AddressSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, please, could you share the HDL file to upload candidate addresses with sample values? Thanks in advance for your time! Kind …
How to find info on worker's address if it was deleted by an HR: address details, who deleted & whenSummary: How to find info on worker's address if an HR deletes it? Is there a way to identify information like who deleted it and when; any table that can give this info…
Additional Assignment Info ErrorSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone, I am currently experiencing an error when I using the "Additional Assignment Info" and "Change Assignment" tasks. I would li…
Unable to find DEPENDENT_FLAG field from PER_CONTACT_RELSHIPS_F in the Family and Emergency contactSummary: Unable to find DEPENDENT_FLAG field from PER_CONTACT_RELSHIPS_F in the Family and Emergency contact Content (required): We are trying to identify the field DEPE…Dinesh Nagaraj 61 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Create flex fields in Responsive UISummary: Hello Everyone ! I need assistance to creating a DFF in responsive UI in "employment details" section (attached picture) and "assignment" section via employment…
Is there a way to transform the dropdown list of a CTA button into a simple button?Hi, we have a case were there is only one action in the CTA button "Action" (Skills and Qualifications section). We would like to know if there's a way to "extract" the …Giuseppe Casalino 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to assign default HR Manager to employees based on the legal entitySummary: How to assign default HR Manager to employees based on the legal entity Content (required): How to assign default HR Manager to employees based on the legal ent…Manjunath Palled 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Palled Human Capital Management
Display daylight saving time on "My Public Info"Summary: Client wants that the time displayed on "My Public Info" for employees reflect the daylight saving time whereas right now it is showing up as general UTC time. …Pravesh Jain 91 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Core HR: Server Exception during PPR - Document Record page for New Hired EmployeeSummary: Hello, Our client has hired a new employee on the system. When trying to upload documents for the employee, client is facing the following error in the screensh…
Why we are getting error while adding the date role mapping for the job roleSummary: Error encountered while creating data role for the job role: This role doesn't have access to any data that's secured by security profiles. (PER-1531351) You ca…
Want to know lookup code:Summary: Hi Team, Need your help to know the lookup code for "Race" and Gender. Thank you! Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable)…
AZA: Defaulting Expense Account in Assignment ScreenSummary: Hi Team, Customer wants to default the expense account in the assignment screen for all the new hires, can this be achievable. Does anyone had similar kind of r…
How to change default Person Landing PageSummary: We are in need to default Person Landing page to 'Person Infromation' tab instead of 'Extra Information' tab to which it is currently defaulted. Content (requir…
Automatic account disabling for inactive employeesSummary: Guidance for automatic disabling of accounts for employees that show up on the inactive user report Content (required): We are currently running inactive user a…Chris-GDI-Oracle 175 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
UDT under Person security profile custom criteriaHi Team, Our previous version custom criteria used hard coded value for 'ATTRIBUTE20'. But, we need to have the dynamic values. So, I am trying to use UDT contains perso…
Should end dated addresses by HR disappear from the worker self service view after the end date?Summary: What is the expected view of addresses through worker self service when an HR end-dates a worker's address? Is it supposed to be hidden by delivered behavior af…
How to access Oracle Web Content ServerSummary: Content (required): Hello experts, do you know how can I access the Oracle Web Content server? Should I change the environment link? Thanks in advance for your …
Add Ethnicity Sub-GroupSummary: We are trying to add ethnicity sub-group on top of the standard 6 categories from EEO, for example for Asian, we'll add Japanese, Korean etc. Since Oracle doesn…PeteL 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Questions/ Questionnaire Templates/ QuestionnairesSummary: While the steps to be followed regarding the creation of questionnaires are quite simple and intuitive and there are also plenty of resources on this community,…
Is it possible to have a larger view of the values of a dropdown list?Summary: Whenever a person clicks on the arrow that opens a dropdown list, he can only see 10 values. Content (required): Is it possible to show more than 10 values whe…Giuseppe Casalino 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Casalino Human Capital Management
FYI notifications should be sent based on AOR when we load pending workers to fusion via PostmanSummary: Hi Team, Could someone kindly help me to understand the below requirement feasibility "FYI notifications should be sent based on AOR when we load pending worker…Subhashini Devarala-Oracle 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Mairina Human Capital Management
Issue on Employment Contracts during a Edit Contract extensionsSummary: Hi everyone, we are currently having a problem whenever we try to edit a person's contract from Contract Extensions. The issue is whatever value we try to put i…Marlon Castillo Maliglig 34 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Marlon Castillo Maliglig Human Capital Management
Phone number is a free text and will allow entering any value. Is it possible to put validations?Summary: Phone number is a free text and will allow entering any value or punctuation. so can put some validation in the phone number field. Please see the below example…Subhashini Devarala-Oracle 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Subhashini Devarala-Oracle Human Capital Management
perform calculations on Document records DFFsSummary: Is there a way to perform calculations or derivable segments in document records DFFs based on the other segments. the calculations could be the difference betw…Ravi Tilekar 61 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohamed Faramawy dev.-Oracle Human Capital Management
Male and Female Retirement age?Summary: I have a requirement that, the retirement age for a female is different than the retirement for males Content (required): I have a requirement that; the retirem…Hussein.Mahmoud-Oracle 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hussein.Mahmoud-Oracle Human Capital Management
BPM Archive DateSummary: Hello, hoping to understand what drives the archiving date in BPM? Content (required): Hello, hoping to understand what drives the archiving date in BPM? Versio…
New joiner email notificationSummary: Dear All, Would like to know if the Oracle Fusion able to send an email notification for new joiner to all employees with following details: 1) Employee Picture…
How can we set up division field on asignment person informationSummary: we would like to have the opportunity to select division as the same way we select business unit when creating a new employee Content (required): Version (inclu…