Category 52
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How to Correct Legal Entity Effective Start Date to 01/01/1951 and Keep Effective End Date Blank?Hello Oracle Experts, I need help correcting the Effective Start Date of a Legal Entity in Oracle Fusion HCM. The current details for XYZ Ltd. are: Effective Start Date:…AbhishekDeshmukh 5 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
Unable to edit the description in the attachment of a requisition in RedwoodSummary: @Somya Saxena-Oracle Can you please help us with the below issue, We are unable to edit the description on the new attachment for a requisition in Redwood Conte…
Redwood Page for V2 Termination and ResignationSummary: We are currently on V2 version of the Termination and Resignation Pages as we only have one active work relationship for an employee at a time. Looking to move …
Non worker not managed by HR privileges impact on licenseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 1-If we created a user as non worker not managed by HR with no roles would this user be considere…
Enable person number field in global transfer processSummary: Enable person number field in global transfer process Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have a requirement to update person …
Not able to find redwood version of the pagesSummary: Hi Team,We are turning on all the redwood pages but found that for many pages the redwood counter part not available. we also referred the attached profile opti…Ram Sugandhi 4 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
Promote and Change Position unable to hide Associated profiles sectionContent: In the 'Promote and Change Position' flow, it is not possible to hide the 'Associated profiles' section in VB. We do not use associated profiles, therefore this…
In which table comments from Document of Record page are availableSummary: I need to fetch comments from Document of record page in my BI report. I already used comments column from HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD table but it is giving blank d…
Promote and Change Position how to hide Additional position infoSummary: In the 'Promote and Change Position' flow we have hidden the PositionsDFF. However, the 'Additional position info' section is still displayed in the 'Info to In…
Why does back button in journey task page not work as expected?Summary According to the document referenced below - when user has access to the journey, then after navigating to journey task page from a link in the task notification…
HSDL for Manager Mass uploadSummary: HSDL for Manager Mass upload Content (required): Does HSDL option work for mass manager upload /update for both -employees & pending workers (including change t…
Adding text in redwood pagesSummary: We need to add a Text on Redwood pages, My Client Group»Pending Worker. In the pending worker page we need to add a text for the User to choose a right option. …Jayasri Chaganti_ 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
Issue with Loading Local Name List of Values for Employee Hiring in Redwood PagesSummary: While hiring an employee, the Local Name List of Values does not appear as expected when trying to add the employee's local name also when adding salary we are …Tareq Yousef 55 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Roaa.Lotfy-Oraclee-Oracle Human Capital Management
Position change not showing the proposed value in Approval pageSummary: The new Software Engineer job has the job location 85: 55 - Software Engineer, and this needs to appear in the request. Proposed value not visible. Can anyone s…Sumathi Sivaraj-Oracle 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Sumathi Sivaraj-Oracle Human Capital Management
Valid Grade from Position is not always properly reflected in the assignment grade LOV.Summary: For each position, we have associated one or more valid grades. In Redwood UI this is not always properly reflected in the assignment grade LOV. Content: In var…
Document of Records - additional fields are visible which does not exists on document type setupSummary: Hi Team, We are seeing some additional fields on DOR page for each employee which does not exists on the "Document Type" setup page and we do not have any DFFs …
Redwood: skills and qualification field marked as required not able to editHi, Under skills and qualification we marked field 'Membership Start Date' under Business title section as required, visible and editable, but even that we are not able …
For a Pre hire task, Employee getting error while adding bank details.Summary: Employee who are in pre hire stage trying to add in Bank details but getting error : "You must provide a value for the Branch Number attribute." Content (please…
23C - SHIFTS AND WORK PATTERNS FOR WORKFORCE SCHEDULINGHi, I'm looking for some clarity on this feature in the 23C release notes: Currently we assign Work Schedules to users via the Work Schedule Assignments quick action. Th…
What access does the mentioned privilege provides to?I want to understand the functionality and navigation in fusion cloud for the below privilege which was released in 25A Oracle Quarterly Release Patch. Run HR Processes …
Can't change position details in Promote and Change positionSummary: Hello, I tried to test the Promote and change position Quick action, but I can't edit position information in the Position details section None of the field are…
The BI publisher throws a critical errorWhen we are running a custom payroll flow which is calling a BI publisher Report, the BI publisher throws a critical error Getting below error for that job run - Error g…Suyash Manjrekar 24 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Suyash Manjrekar Human Capital Management
Promote vs Promote and Change PositionSummary: Advantages and disadvantages of having two processes: 'Promote' vs 'Promote and Change Position'. Content: The 'Promote' flow has less sections because there ar…
Compensation Info page service failed errorSummary: We are getting the below error after opening the Compensation Info page in Visual builder studio. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Issue with some users unable to access Redwood Page - Index IssueSummary: We observed an Issue where certain Users were unable to access Redwood Page which was enabled in our environment. They would continue to see Responsive Page eve…
Can we modify the list of values for Education Level as per Legal Entity?Summary: Can we modify the list of values for Education Level as per Legal Entity? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we modify the list …
Is there a way to trigger touchpoints cards automatically to employees on anniversary and Birthday?Summary: We have a requirement to trigger the touchpoints cards to employee on employees birthday and anniversary. Is there a way, I see nudges can be triggered only to …
Query to get all unassigned Positions and delete themCan any guide me is it possible to identify all Positions which are not assigned and delete them. As we identified more positions are created and most of them are not ut…
Error when trying to add family and emergency contacts to the journey.I am performing a test on the journey I am creating, and when testing the activity of adding a contact, this error appears on the screen. Important information: the user…
Which privilege provides access to "Team Activity Center" under "My Team" Group?Summary: We have a business requirement where Line Manager should access "Team Activity Center" under "My Team" Group with custom role. Is there a specific privilege in …Sathyamoorthy R 492 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Challa Ramya-Oracle Human Capital Management