Category 63
Discussion List
Core HR and Taleo not synching despite running the Export ChangeSummary: In core Hr, there we have deactivated many workforce structure objects such as Location, Legal Employer, Positions, etc. We have run the Export Changed Oracle T…
Has anyone used language translator in TSS?Summary: Has anyone used language translator in TSS? I didn't see any category for Taleo Social Sourcing product so I've created it here if anyone has expertise. We have…
Xref Integration issuesSummary: Am getting errors on an xref integration: "Unable to Process" whenever a service is requested. Wondering if anyone has a successful integration from Taleo to xr…Graeme White 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bill Sherbon-Support-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Ideas on diversity integration. Changes in CoreHR diversity fields should flow to TaleoSummary: The objective is changes in core hr of the person's diversity details like should flow to taleo. Can some one share some tips? from hcm extract to tcc custom sc…
____ has a private scope. It's not part of the official offering. Error in TCCSummary: Has anyone experienced the tcc error " (field name) has a a private scope. It's not part of the official offering." Can someone share more insights / inputs on …
Has Anyone Successfully used TCC to Launch a TEE Transitions Pre-Hire Process?Summary: Trying to launch a user created Pre-Hire Process in TEE Transitions using TCC Content (required): Have been unable to locate any documentation to guide the set …
Web Services C# Code ExamplesSummary: The Enterprise Web Services User Guide documentation references code examples in a section of the Appendix which does not exist. Content (required): The Web Ser…StephenRushing 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Bill Sherbon-Support-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Unix server issuesSummary: Looking for list of issues with unix server for TCC integrations Content (required): Hi, If anyone using/used Unix server for TCC, can you please list out the i…
Add conditions to date format in TCCHi Experts, I've requirement that the Current Job to be "Yes" if there is not an end date for the job. or in other words, if the field "ProfileInformation,Experiences,En…
Ping Error - Web Services are currently disabledHas anyone received the following ping error when trying to access the TCC client and know how to resolve it? An error occurred while trying to access the Taleo product.…
TCC ConcatenateHi Experts, I've a requirement to concatenate the below fields: TP-String PhoneType-H1/W1/HM (For this i have composed a complex proj) Candidate Number-Field It should a…
Taleo Enterprise Edition QuerySummary: We are converting from Taleo Enterprise Edition. Can someone help me with the supporting criteria/query of the following selection sets? I need to understand wh…
How do I find my system's XML Feed code?Summary: I'm trying to have a new job board scrap my jobs but it needs my XML feed to successfully do so. Content (required): Where do I find my XML feed code? Version (…
Encountered an error when importing the Requisition TemplatesSummary: The job codes are provisioned from We encountered an error when importing requisition templates to update the template's fields such as user group, CSW and one …
Complex Projection combining part of two fieldsSummary: I am currently extracting attached files information from transitions. I would like to create as a part of my extract a new field by combining two fields. Conte…
Error handling in TCCSummary: We are using TCC for integration between Fusion and TCC. The following approach we took for the integration. Created BIP reports in fusion which is scheduled. T…
Unable to create employee's user in Taleo Rec. due conflict with existing candidate idSummary: Unable to create employee's user in Taleo Rec. due conflict with existing candidate id Content (required): We are unable to create employee's user due conflict …
Will it cause an issue or error if I manually add business units in Taleo?Summary: Will it cause an integration issue or error if I manually add business units in Taleo? There are only few business units that needs to be added in Taleo. When a…
Fusion Taleo Integration - Legal EmployerSummary: Is the Legal EMployer Code in Taleo - system generated, once you run the schedule process of 'Export Changed Oracle Taleo REcruiting Cloud Service Data" Content…
Is it possible to have more than 1 active background check passport service in Taleo?Summary: We have a potential need to have 2 different vendors for our background services and curious to know if this is possible to have more than 1 background check pa…
FOr Fusion Taleo Integration, what should be the first object to export?Summary: FOr Fusion Taleo Integration, what should be the first object to export? Is it Legal employer (entity) or business unit? Content (required): Version (include th…
New Custom Role in Fission, do I need to create an equivalent usertype?Summary: A New Custom Role in Fusion was created. Is there a need to create equivalent user type in taleo? example: Old security role: Per_Employee_Abstract_Custom . Thi…
New Custom Role in Fission, do I need to create an equivalent usertype?Summary: A New Custom Role in Fusion was created. Is there a need to create equivalent user type in taleo? example: Old security role: Per_Employee_Abstract_Custom . Thi…
How to Import user defined seletion list elements in Onboarding Using TCCSummary: Hello Content (required): Hello, Experts, I am trying to user defined selection list elements but getitng the error " access denied ("…
Help with EEO Gender - Entity Transition ProcessSummary: Hi, I'm very new to working with TCC and I need help with pulling EEO gender and updating the value for our HR system. Content (required): I'm trying to pull th…
TCC scriptHi Experts, I've a requirement related to the dependency of one field result that should apply to the different field. For example: If a person select "Yes" for "InputVa…
Upcoming webinar: Integrating and Extending SaaS using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)Content Next week, we'll be hosting a live webinar for Cloud Customer Connect members. Please let me know if you have any questions. Here are the details. Hope you can j…
TCC Export for Latest Education details of candidateSummary TCC Export for Latest Education details of candidateContent Hi Team, i have one requirement to export the latest education details(Only Latest Education details …
Self-taught TCC users: What was your approach to learning Taleo TCC?Summary Many TCC users are self-taught. What are some of the resources available for TCC beginners? What was your process for learning the system and understanding it's …
Agent Referral with TCCContent Hi all, Is it possible to create and refer the candidate for a requisition by an agent in a single TCC Script.?(Operation-Merge and refer candidate by Agent) I a…Saadh Abi Vakas-44596 34 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Saadh Abi Vakas-44596 Taleo Enterprise