Category 691
Discussion List
Difference between reassign and transfer service requestSummary: Hi community, I'm struggling to understand what the difference is for the manager and agent between using the Assigned To through the Help Desk Request Details …
How can HD Agents create an SR for non employeesSummary: Client needs an option to create Help Desk SR's for non employees. Client will receive calls form community or parents of students, these would be all non emplo…
Unable to delete Attribute when creating Action Plan ActionSummary: Unable to delete Attribute when creating Action Plan Action Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When I create an Action in Manage Act…
Escalate Case Action no longer workingSummary: Escalate Case Action no longer working Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I previously created a Escalate to Case Smart Action but n…
Milestone by category - calendar not appearingSummary: I have an availability calendar configured but we are only seeing numbers in the calendar. Please see screenshot attached. Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Is there a way to automatically trigger a Action Plan based on the case type selected?Summary: Is there a way to automatically trigger a Action Plan based on the case type selected? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a…
Is there a way to create a Date field with a start and end date in Application Composer?Summary: Is there a way to create a Date field with a start and end date in Application Composer? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want t…
Can we default the Channel type to 'None' in SR spotlight page when Agent responds to userSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement where when an Agent tries to respond to user in Redwood page, the channel is set to 'Web' by default and the Agent has to toggle i…
Full list of values not showing in custom fieldSummary: My client has created a subcategory custom field in HR HelpDesk, this is to keep the list that shows to the employee succinct and when it's triaged by the agent…
how to transfer tickets in bulk if an agent is on leaveSummary: Hello Experts, We have a requirement to bulk transfer tickets when an agent is on leave. i know we can do one by one but our requirement is to do in bulk Does H…
MS Teams integration user/team not popuilSummary: In HR Helpdesk (redwood experience) I'm trying start a conversation via a MS Teams Collaboration Channel. The Channel & Tenant are selectable, but When I need t…
Table for Manage Service Assignment RuleSummary: Do anyone know what is the table to store the condition for internal service request assignment rule? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Default Response Channel - HRHDWe are trying to remove the None response channels when replying in HRHD. Currently, the agent can select None/Email/Web and update the service request. Is there any way…
How to enable CTI / IVR Integration in Next Gen Helpdesk ?We would like to know about the pre-requisites and related work to enable Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) in HR helpdesk to aut…
How I can disable the knowlegement article recomendations on Service RedwoodSummary: We need to disable the recomendation Knowlegement on Service application Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include…
How to Convert Helpdesk ticket to Case?Summary: Could someone please assist me in converting a Helpdesk ticket to a Case? Kindly provide the necessary documents and outline the steps involved. I greatly appre…
Search Filter : My subordinates are members of Queue Not workingSummary: Hello Everyone , We have 2 setups in the application one reporting manager and another is Queue. Below is the structure : Manager : A Under A we have 2 Subordin…
Restriction of roles through Help Desk category management.It is required to restrict roles by managing categories. A copy of the Next Gen Human Resource Help Desk Administrator role was made for data security policy configurati…
Customize the category LOV API call made in HR Helpdesk 'My Help' page - Redwood HR HelpdeskSummary: Hi Experts We have made a change in Redwood HR Helpdesk manage categories page and added an additional field. We now need to customize the category LOV API call…
HR Helpdesk - Audit HistorySummary: Hi All I have a quick question about HR Helpdesk Audit History. Currently the system will only allows the agents to view a maximum of 30days audit history on an…
Case Management: Multiple cases open after adding an action or action planSummary: Multiple cases open after I add an action or action plan. The number of new cases that auto open depends on how many actions there are. Is this the expected beh…
How do you translate a knowledge article?Summary: I am unable to translate knowledge articles and unsure why. I see it is possible on Oracle Help Center but, I do not have the "Translate" dropdown under actions…
Agents unable to see help desk request in queue when they are added to queue using import managementWe have a requirement to add agents to queues and the count is high. I used the import functionality as described in and the agents were added to the queues without any …
Unable to add user to the support portal.Currently we are facing an issue in adding users to Oracle support portal. Is there any detailed description on how to add a user to the support account. I am being adde…
Looking for a particular Help Desk Cloud Customer Connect event?The Help Desk team wants to thank all of you who attended our live events in 2024 (and 2023!). If you have a topic you'd like for us to consider in 2025, please let us k…
HR Helpdesk Agents cannot see the all the tickets assigned to their queue other team membersSummary: Hello Experts, We have done the configuration of HR Helpdesk Nextgen (23A) where HR Queue is mapped to Resource Team and there are many resources in the Team. A…
An attachments error occurred:??ATTACH-0207.When going to Help Desk and Help Desk Requests, upon opening an SR and trying to download an attachment the following error appears; An attachments error occurred:??ATTA…
Closed email/ bell notification is not workingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I created a groovy script I can use to notify the primary contact for when the request is closed …
How to hide the 'Do you still need help?' region below knowledge articlesSummary: We would like to hide the 'Do you still need help?' region that is displayed below knowledge articles which are access by the employee using My Help. We have lo…