Category 82-2
Discussion List
25B Fusion Middleware Upgrade to 14CSummary: 25B Fusion Middleware Upgrade to 14C Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! This question is about identifying the i…Parag Hiremath 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andrada-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
Any issues observed with OIC3 update to release 25.02.1?Summary: Any issues observed with OIC3 update to release 25.02.1? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! This question is mor…
Information regarding Adobe Sign Integration with OracleWe are Opting for Adobe Sign Integration, we need your help with the information as below: 1. What are the Prerequisite for Adobe Sign Integration with Oracle Cloud HCM.…BHAVANA SINGH 30 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Massimo D.-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Inbound Interface Delivery Type Deprecation in HCM ExtractsSummary: From 25A onwards, Inbound Interface Delivery Type option is deprecated and removed from HCM Extracts. For that oracle provided Data Loader Interface Delivery op…
Enhance Multi-Record Regions with Inline EditingSummary: The current functionality for multi-record regions forces users to edit one record at a time. This process becomes cumbersome and time-consuming when dealing wi…Controlcard 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Does anyone have done the custom integration with background vendorsWe are doing BGV with 3rd party background vendors, candidates are doing BGV form filling and upload of required docs in HCM as well as background vendors website, so we…Venkateswarlu Kothapuli 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Chinmayee.Vishnubhatla Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Does Transformation FF Support PGP encrypted Files ??Summary: we are trying to understand if we can consume the Encrypted files to process through Transformation FF
I can't see the embedded application task in the journeyHi, I'm trying to add embedded application task to a journey and the option of the "Embedded task" is not there. I was looking the version of the environment is 24D. how…Adi Klein- Oracle-Oracle 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Journeys
Benefits Integration Partners ListSummary: Does Oracle HCM have built in or pre-defined integrations with 3rd party Benefits platforms? Our provider might be compatible with one of the provided connector…
How can I make a field Select Many?Summary: I'm working on an App Extension in Oracle HCM Cloud, and I need to change the field type of several fields, including "Dets SQs Access," from "Input Text" to "S…
SUI Tax code and Worked State code not populating on the seeded ADP Workforce now ExtractSummary: The Seeded Extract populates the SUI tax code with "No Value" and null value for Worked State code. I have created the Tax withholding Calculation card for the …Balaji Badrinarayanan 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Balaji Badrinarayanan Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Line Manager not getting assigned when Pending Worker is created through REST APIHi All We have enabled the position hierarchy and when a pending worker is created through REST API, Line Manager is not getting allocated immediately until the process …
Issue with User entitiesSummary: Hi Team, We are using the PER_EXT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_UE. Added a filter to fetch work email. But for some employees it is retrieving the home email instead of work…
Does an ATP network glitch prevent records from being loaded to SaaS?Interfaces: Connection between Kronos(UKG) and Fusion (Time and Labor) Summary: There were 10 time files loaded for 15th PP. 1 file got processed completely without any …
Integration of Adobe signeer with Fusion HCM BIP reportWe have developed the following action plan to generate a contract letter in PDF format using BIP Reports, which will be provided to employees or pending workers through…harichandank44 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
How to connect for Microsoft Active Directory in integration without using azure adaptorHow to send information from Oracle HCM to Microsoft Active Directory in integration without using azure active directory adaptor and how can I configure that Api's in i…Sowmya Mallikarjuna 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Anjali Chugh-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Absence and Payroll info reconciliation not generating outputSummary: Absence and Payroll info reconciliation is new extract report delivered by Oracle in 22B but when we are submitting this extract, we don't find any output file …
Expose a customer BI publisher report using REST APISummary: How I can expose output from a custom built BI publisher report to a 3rd party using a REST API Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, …Nirmal 154 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Get_value_set not working as expected after 22B upgradeSummary: Get_value_set not returning values when null values passed in the table value set paramters. Content (required): We have a table value set based on parameters. …
How to call a flow from within a flow ?Hi Team, I have a requirement to generate 2 different HDL files using 1 single flow. The parent flow uses the UCM# as a parameter which is generated over content server …
22A Upgrade issues-DelaySummary: We are experiencing multiple major issues while attempting to test 22A. Login /sign out issues, performance, notification ect. Are others experieincing issues a…
Real time trigger on fusion HCM record creation or updateSummary: We are trying to send new information (creation of new record or update on existing) to third party tool IN REAL TIME. Is it possible to send trigger to OIC upo…
How to get the Log file of 'Load data from file'Summary: To get the log files of 'Load Data from file' Content (required): We are using Load Data From File web service to push data into HCM. We are also using an FF to…