Spotlight on Effective Dating
The effective dating feature in SuitePeople allows you to make changes in the employee record that are effective on past, current or future date.
Did you know that you can easily view the Employee record based on as of date? [LIST=1]
[*]As an Administrator, go to Lists > Employees > Employees
[*]Click on View on the specific Employee you wish to review
[*]Under Actions > select View as of Date
[*]Select the date that you want to view the employee record. Click OK.
[/LIST][ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tEffective Date.PNG Views:\t1 Size:\t7.5 KB ID:\t432722","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"432722","data-size":"full","title":"Effective Date.PNG"}[/ATTACH]