Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Mass Updates: Using "is" in Criteria do not work?
I have a basic Saved Mass Update that changes the Supervisor from one Director to another when the Supervisor is out of town for awhile
Basic Criteria: (Where Employee(x) is actual name of employee)
Name/ID is EmployeeName1 Or
Name/ID is EmployeeName2 Or
Name/ID is EmployeeName3 Or
Name/ID is EmployeeName4
Since Ver11 the results return "No Search Results Match Your Criteria. "
Testing different ways, it seems you cannot "is" in the Criteria Filter anymore. You have to change them all to "contains". ( I have Name/ID 12 times)
If the Name/ID Filter popped up like the Account or Location ones do so that you click all the names want instead of typing out all the names that would be great!!