"OnOrder Items' returning strange numbers
I have been trying to determine why item fields are returning convoluted data, and am wondering if anyone has ever seen this.
For example:
Inventory item ABC- reorder point=19, On hand= 29, Qty Comitted=1, Qty available = 28. The Qty on Order = -29.
There are no open (unreceived) purchase orders for this item. Although, I have found that this item (as well as a whole slew of others with the same problem) may tie back to one PO from arch, but that PO doesn't seem to have issues that I can find (and I looked- a lot).
Case #593385
As a workaround, I tried to recreate a report that would pull ths information manually, so it could be manually typed into the 'Order Items' form. However, I cannot seem to pull true value for 'Qty Ordered', it keeps going back to the field in the inventory record, that I know is wrong.