Marginal Commissions not calculating corrrectly/Overpaying
I have an individual commission schedule using
Marginal and Amount.
It should calculate commission based on a fixed amount (Not Sales amount). It is based on a fixed amount that is pre defined.
Commission is paid out quarterly if Sales Rep meets the quota (has to be more than 50%), they will be paid the (difference in %) multiply the fixed amount.
Setting up the marginal schedule seem to be overpaying the commission
Eg: Amount is 10000
Qtr 2 (Sales rep meets 51% of the quota, they get 51% of 10000)= $5100
Qtr 3 (Sales rep meets 55% of the quota, they will get 55-51% of (10000)=400
Qtr 4 (Sales rep meets 80% of the quota, they will get 80-55% of (10000)=2500