Seeing eye-to-eye with your manager on your performance
The annual performance review is a standard process right now. At the majority of companies, employees will do their self-review and then the manager will take a look (or maybe they won't) and fill in a review of you as well.
I would like to challenge this, and ask: Why is this the case?
We've heard many different responses, such as that by having the employee fill in a review first, their manager can get a sense of where they think they are. Moreover, the self-review gives the employee a voice on how they think they performance, and this voice will be taken into consideration against the manager's review when determining compensation changes. There are a number of other reasons that we've heard as well; however, in the end, all of the different responses have suggested that the employee and their manager need two separate forms because they will have different things to say. Because the employee and their manager do not see eye-to-eye.