Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Partials on work order
Scenario: I have a 300 piece work order that I have issued all material for, I want to enter completions in stages as it makes the work more manageable. I want to complete 100 now, 100 in a few hours, and then the last 100 at the end of the day. If I go and make a work order completion now for 100 parts, the value of those completed parts is the total value of all of the issued components, not just 1/3. Then subsequent completions have no component value, only labor.
Is there any way to split this evenly, so I can do partials? There are many cases where I need to produce a large number of one part but then complete partials throughout the day to maintain accuracy, but not sure it's possible with the way Netsuite handles this. My current work around is to split my work orders and issue batches of 100 and complete the whole quantities of those. This doesn't allow for much flexibility and requires a great deal more of planning.