Has anyone noticed facets as parameters broken in SCS 2021.2.2?
Hello suitecommerce users. Has anyone on suitecommerce standard noticed that facets as url parameters is broken, I'm guessing since the 2021.2.x update or last summit 3.2.0 update (we're using summit theme)?
If you have facets as paramters and add them, you can't clear them. Most visible in the price range slider when you adjust min and max, it duplicates applied facets and clearing all will remove all but one. Have to reload or change category to clear.
We're working around it by disabling facets as parameters on all but pricing (and just accepting it broken while waiting for a fix).
I've noticed several other public SCS sites out there have the same problem (won't post publicly which ones unless asked by netsuite) and sites that don't have that problem are on SCA version older than 2021.2.0 or on a different theme (netsuite bridge reference site seems to work).