createdfrom field - is it a line or transaction property?
I see that many transactions in Netsuite web application show "Created from" field on the transaction level. For example, I see that this Invoice was created from #SO31.
I am working with ODBC Netsuite2.com schema and when I research the tables, I see there's a "createdfrom" field but it is in the transactionline table, not in the transaction table.
First I thought, maybe there is a "createdfrom" field in some other table, but when I search for it in the OA_COLUMNS, only 3 tables show up, but only "transactionLine" is relevant (see below).
So my question is - why in Netsuite Web this field is shown on the transaction level, not in the lines subform? How does it behave in the situations there are several different createdfrom documents for different lines? Or maybe there's another createdfrom field in the