Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
"Each line must have a non-null value. Zero is permitted." Advanced Intercompany JE Import Error
I have received this error and have not been able to resolve by following any of the steps outlined in SuiteAnswers article 101242.
The primary currency for the header subsidiary is CAD, but the currency of the entry is USD.
Currency, Subsidiary, Account, Department & Location are all mapped to Internal ID. Posting Period is defaulted in the mapping. Subsidiary 21 is Canada, 1 is USA.
I have been able to recreate this entry in the UI in Sandbox, but have not been able to import via CSV.
I suspect that the issue is related to the Gross Amount, but no change I've made has resulted in a successful import. I've tried setting the Gross amount as 100 for all 4 lines, 127.13 for all 4 line, and a combo of 100 & 127.13 per whatever the exchange rate is.